
DxD: The Raven Ruin Lion King of Annihilation

Join Corvinus ''Corvus'' Bael and his Peerage of Future Legends as they fight, fuck, and make a Name for themselves....It's gonna be one hell of a ride that's for damn sure

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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Defined Story Arc's and Other Auxiliary Information

So before I do anything I want to provide you my lovely readers a clearly defined List of the current planned Arcs to clear up any future bullshit. Or at least as clear as I can make it, I'll be doing it for my Pokémon Story too.


The first part of the Story will have prelude of about roughly five maybe six chapters set on building an idea of the characters and their relationships. Now just a heads up, a lot of exposition will be present as these chapters serve to explain shit before I have to.

Now Chapter one will focus on Corvinus and his father, Chapter two will involve Misla, and Rias.

Not sure on the last few, but Chapter three WILL focus on Regulus Nemea and Kuisha Abaddon.

Now As you probably discerned with Cuhullin, Ravel Phenex is something of a Waifu for me. So she will be his wife as it is a recurring theme for many Bael writers but the differences will be both subtle and noticeable in both character and setting.

The most prominent example of this is gonna be in the first chapter. I haven't written 3 hundred plus words and it's pretty obvious already. Anyhow This is a Harem fic, but not one big orgy free-for-all. Also in the Prelude Corvinus has no Servants.


As for the List of currently planned Arcs, I've got four not counting the Prelude currently in mind. I'll update it as required:


Arc 1: The King of Lions Arc

Arc 2: The Raven Ruin Prince of Annihilation Arc

Arc 3: The Strongest Youth Arc

Arc 4: The Strongest Heir Arc


Now then, I just one last thing to say:

Until the First Chapter you Beautiful Bael Bastards