
DxD: The Raven Ruin Lion King of Annihilation

Join Corvinus ''Corvus'' Bael and his Peerage of Future Legends as they fight, fuck, and make a Name for themselves....It's gonna be one hell of a ride that's for damn sure

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Fuck My Young Life

(Bael Clan Castle, Bael Clan Territory, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD / Draconic Deus Universe)


(Corvinus Bael POV)


Fuck My Young Life...That thought reverberated through Corvus Bael's head frequently. Magdaran hadn't lied about how shit growing up under Lord Bael could be. But in his Case, Magdaran had it way easier than Corvus himself because while he may have taken over Sairaorg's body he wasn't without Power of Destruction. That said it was much weaker than Rias Gremory and Significantly Weaker than Sirzechs. Now despite the unfair comparison his Father placed on him, Corvinus had been taking strides to improve.

Corvinus focused on Compression to maximize his Destructive Power. He could Compress his PoD into Bullets or Melee Weapons.

Still wasn't enough for his father though...

''Corvinus.'' That voice.

Halting his training and taking the offered towel from a maid servant he cleaned the sweat from his body. Once down he turned to regard his father.

''Your Control is better.'' Oh boy, he was trying wasn't he? That old Tough Dad trying to be better shit.

''It is.'' His response seemed to let the air out if his father's tires so to speak but his father pressed on nevertheless.

''You are still a long way from surpassing The Gremory Girl. But you've made progress.'' And he ruined it.

''Whatever.'' Says Corvinus, as he struggles to keep the irritation off of his face before walking off.


(POV Change: Orion Bael)


Well that hadn't worked.

Orion had been trying to change. Corvinus had been his prized child, but the frequent accolades afforded to Rias Gremory and Sirzechs Gremory warped his perception. All because of a Power that belonged to him and his family. It wasn't fair to place that weight on Corvinus, but even so what else could he do? Corvinus had miniscule Levels of Control and only Average Power of Destruction Capacity.

Orion had looked down on his Son's interest in Touki and Senjutsu, believing it wasteful of time and energy better spent on increasing his Power of Destruction. Yet Corvinus surprised him because he used the two to condition his body into a Perfect container for his Power of Destruction which consequently allowed his Power of Destruction to grow stronger.

But despite his efforts to amend his mistake, his son showed distinct lacking interest...

Maybe Zekram would know what to do?


(POV Change: Corvinus Bael)


Escaping his father, Corvinus approached his meditation Peak. He'd climb it balance on a board cross-legged and then meditate gathering his Senjutsu or and his Touki free of any and all possible distractions. When he descended he'd fight his subordinates; Dragons under Bova Tannin, Bova had chosen to become his Retainer when he bested the young dragon some months back.

Granted Bova wasn't half as strong as he was back then. But it was Corvinus Training in Touki and Senjutsu which allowed him to get one up on the Dragon. The Youngest Son of Tannin proceeded to pledge himself to Corvinus's service. And Corvinus hoped to eventually Reincarnate Bova as a Pawn. He'd already mapped out most of who he wanted in his Peerage, Kuisha, Kuroka, Lavinia, and Georg most definitely. Having Absolute Demise a d Dimension Lost would significantly effect the outcome of several key battles in the future.

Kuroka's Senjutsu and Youjutsu would be an invaluable resource when he made a play for Sephiroth Graal and Kuisha was more than just eye candy. her Power of Hole would be critical in his future rating game performances and wartime affairs.

Corvinus wanted to make a Play for the Satan Seats, specifically either Leviathan or Asmodeus as those two piqued his interest the most. Alternatively he would settle for The Great King Faction Head Position provided He was able to clean house just a little bit.

But that could wait a little bit longer....


Descending from his Peak, Corvinus flew down and flexed his stiff body so as to not pull anything too quickly.

He was ready to fight....


Cutting it there folks. I've tried a bunch of stuff but it's just too little interest to catch the eye. Next Chapter As promised is gonna be Misla and Rias. Chapter after that Regulus and Kuisha followed by Georg and Jeanne.

But before I Give you the next Chapter please vote for the Talkn Ancestry Poll in my latest DC/YJ Story. And of course but most certainly far from least, the poll in my Pokémon Story.

Now before I go ahead start signing off let me acknowledge this is why shorter than I would have liked it to have been but baby steps yeah?

Alright then...

See you Later, You Beautiful Great King Devil Bastards!