
DxD: The Plunder System

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Curious Folks

Telepathy scared Kento. He did not want someone uninvited inside his head and definitely did not want anyone to read his mind.

'*It is difficult to maintain a telepathic connection with beings who possess supernatural abilities as their minds are protected by their powers.*'

This calmed Kento a little but somewhere in his heart he still had the worry that she said that after reading his mind.

'*I do not have much time… so listen.'* Inari said. '*After the reapers appeared in my shrine, the Shinto gods were furious. However, Hades came forward with the explanation that those reapers were doing all that on their own without his consent.*'

Kento still couldn't get the memory of them asking for some spear out of his mind.

'*Hades compensated the Shinto faction with something precious so we did not pursue the matter further.*'

Kento was amused at the fact that even gods could be bought off.

'*However, the reason I contacted you is to let you know that the other gods of the Shinto faction have come to know about how you helped me.*'

Kento still couldn't wrap his head around why Inari made this such a big deal. He knew that she was a goddess that was kind but him defeating those reapers was something that Inari could have done with the flick of her wrist.

But he still thought it was her kindness.

'*Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, was quite pleased and so were the other gods and goddesses.*' She said. '*And because of this, Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the storm god who is also Amaterasu's brother… Wants to meet you.*'

He already figured that much from the quest, but he had a weird feeling about the whole situation.

'*Do not worry. I gave you my blessing so no god will harm you.*' She explained. *'If they try, it will be going against me and no god wants to ruin their relationship with another god.*'

Kento took a deep breath and finally asked. "When do I meet him?"


After the whole incident with the fallen criminals, the situation among the fallen and devil factions was rather tough.

The devils outright blamed the fallen leaders stating it was them plotting a war. However, the fallen leaders denied it immediately and stated that it was all done by those fallens without consulting any superior.

'Oh Raynare… You stupid child.' 

A man sighed as he leaned on his chair. 

The man was rather handsome, appearing to be in his thirties with black hair, golden bangs and a black goatee.

"Lord Azazel." 

He heard a woman call. 

"The test results that you asked for are here."

Azazel was one of the earliest angels to fall from heaven. And after the fall, while Lucifer established the devil race, Azazel formed a faction with the fallens. 

His power, leadership and charisma led others to follow him and he established himself as the Governer-General of the fallen angels.

"Thank you, sweetheart. You can keep them on the table." He said to the woman.

The documents were about the recent incident and the deaths of the fallens. And while he did not care that much about their deaths, it will still sad to lose members of his faction. 

Keeping the documents on the table, the woman exited the room. Leaving Azazel on his own. 

Starting at the stash of paper for a while, he finally decided to go through them.

He already figured the reason why they committed such a crime, but there was something else that he wanted to know.

'Let's see…'

Rias had already burnt the bodies after their death, however there were still pieces of their feathers and other things that Azazel could recover.

And when he saw the feathers, he noticed something interesting.

"I knew it…"

The feathers that he found were burnt. 

Not by fire, but by an element that he knew very well.

Azazel was a researcher, he had ways to differentiate a fallen feather from another. He could tell who the feather belonged to just like a human could be identified by a strand of their hair.


The feather was burnt by the light element. And while he knew it was possible to misfire, Dohnaseek's feather was burnt in a way that proved that the attack was intentional.

'Raynare or the girls would not have attacked Dohnaseek.' Azazel knew that. 'And the piece of clothing that we found of the rogue priest was also burnt. By light as well.'

This did not make him worried or angry, but instead amused.

It made him interested.

'The did say that the heiresses had some help.' He recalled. 'Looks like the devils found someone interesting. Enough to make me give them a visit.'

Unaware that he was noticed by one of the most influential person out there, Kento was enjoying his meal.

"How has school been lately?" His mother asked as Kento enjoyed the sukiyaki that she made.

"Pretty good." He answered. "Met quite a few good people."

This made his mother happy. 

"As long as you are happy and making friends." She smiled. "Your mother cannot ask for anything more."

This gave him an idea.

"Is it alright if I bring a friend or two over sometimes?"

Kento asked as he took the biggest piece of meat from the hotpot.

What he didn't see was the massive smile that bloomed on his mother's face.

"Of course." She said. "Why do you even ask? You can bring your friends anytime you want."

Kento had planned to invite Saji over to thank him for covering for the times when he had to rush out. 

Saji was handling Kento's part of the disciplinary work as well and while Kento felt bad, he just didn't have the time to work much.

'Now I feel like agreeing to join the student council.'

"Is the friend you are inviting a girl?"

At his mother's question, Kento looked at her. "No, it's a friend from the student council."

This made his mother a little disappointed. "I see." She sighed. "You know. When your father first confessed to me, he did not take me out to any restaurant for a date. Instead he took me home to meet his parents."

Kento paused. "Wasn't that a bit too early for that?"

His mother chuckled. "Or so I thought." She said. "But he explained that loving someone was not a crime and not something to hide. So, he brought me home to meet his parents. He said that even if it did not work between us, it was alright."

"But it did." Kento smiled and his mother nodded.

"So, I want you to bring your girlfriend home and not take her to a restaurant for the first date." She said. "I would like that."

This made Kento laugh. He knew that his mother was a very kind and sweet woman.

So, he answered exactly what she wanted to hear. "Will do so, mom."

And besides, nothing could beat a mother's cooking. 


[[A/N: Read 25 Chapters ahead on Pat reon: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

Double chapter energy babyyyy]]