
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 66: Church! [R-18+]

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More power stones = more faster chapters


Rias enthusiastically nodded her head yes, but she did so with a questioning expression on her face as she pondered the identity of the fourth girl. It was common knowledge among the students at the school that I, Aika, Miko, and Mina were fucking each other on a regular basis, so Rias assumed that the fourth girl must be Miko. Matsuda and Motohama had been giving me grief about it, but I was simply able to ignore them.

Sona's face became more flushed, and for a brief moment she averted her gaze. Before she nodded in an almost submissive manner, she gave me a sidelong glance, bit her lower lip, and massaged her thighs together in a manner that was more covert than what Rias had done.

I gave them a kind smile. "Nice. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, and I'll be sure to let you know how everything ends out. Be sure that you have completed all of your tasks well before 7:00 PM, as that is the time that I want to start the fireworks display."

After receiving a nod from them, I waved goodbye and descended the ladder, heading in the direction of the hospital. When I came, I saw Aika with her head stuffed in between the nurses' cunts, and one of the nurses was making out passionately with Miko as the other nurse sucked heavily on her enormous breasts while Mina suckled like a baby who was desperate for milk.

When I shoved my dick roughly into Aika's pussy and began to ram it in and out of her with animalistic enthusiasm, the nurse screeched her orgasm. I shrugged and removed my clothes before walking behind Aika, where I rubbed my dick on her ass to lube it and get it hard, which prompted a moan from Aika that turned into a muffled scream of ecstasy from Aika.

I needed something to do for the next four hours, and what better way to pass the time than by having intense sex in a hospital bed?


When I had ensured that my power was under control and that the girls were incapacitated and coated in my sperm, I made my way towards the church. I did this while ensuring that my power was under control so that I could maintain the element of surprise until I wanted to disclose who I was.

As I got there, I opened up all of my senses, and I couldn't help but chuckle when I detected precisely 43 separate presences within the church; however, three of them were noticeably more powerful than the others.

Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner were unmistakably the three individuals in question. The other individuals were the priests who, for some reason, had been present in the canon, and it appeared as though they were also present here.

Because I didn't want to inflict unimaginable harm to the physical world, I placed the palm of my hand on the wall of the church, channelled my mana into it, and then continued to channel it all the way through the building. When I was certain that I had it in my grasp, I flashed a grin. "ID Create: Nothing There." In a typical situation, I would have made a Zombie ID in order to make the most of the ability offered by the Cloak, which I was already wearing; but, I decided to take a more hands-on approach to this situation instead.

When I felt the transition between the normal world and the parallel world, along with the church and all of those that were inside of it, I shot into the air with a powerful psychokinetic leap, and when I was on the apex of my jump, I grinned and activated Draconic Fire Aura.

When I was on the apex of my jump, I activated Draconic Fire Aura. My body was consumed in gold and crimson flames, and I started to fall in the direction of the church as the flames carried me there.

By combining psychokinesis and gravity, I was able to quicken my descent until I became a crimson and gold streak.

[With the assistance of gravity, Psychokinesis, and the Draconic Fire Aura, an entirely new ability has been developed. What do you think would be a good name for it?]

Just before I crashed into the church, I couldn't help but crack a grin when I saw three dark blurs dart out of the building.

"Draco Meteor!"

The result was instantaneous since the second that I crashed with the earth, everything was devoured in flames in a spreading inferno of heat and brimstone. When I was kneeling, the earth began to severely shake, and my position became the epicentre of the earthquake.

When I watched and heard the so-called "Corrupted Holy Priests" shrieking and howling in anguish as they were burned by my flames, I couldn't help but laugh. That was music to my ears, and I allowed myself to take pleasure in the feeling of power that it bestowed upon me.

The moment was ended when all of the priests were eliminated, and I instantly got my head back in the game (Hah!). I was able to shoot myself back into their midst using psychokinesis as smoke began to emanate from my flames that were still increasing.

I took a peek at the ground and enjoyed the crater that I had produced, which was a kilometre wide, and I gave myself a pat on the head for opting to have this fight in one of my IDs. When I initially battled Raynare, I had to exercise extreme caution, but in order for my strategy to be successful, I had to let go of my inhibitions.

After that, I cocked an eyebrow in the direction of my rivals and grinned at them. I hoped that with the smoke partially covering my vision, my eyes had the same effect as the eyes of Dragonslayers, which were round and glowed a frightening red.

Raynare and her friend weren't doing too much better, as shown by the fact that they were gazing at me in dread.

Kalawarner was gazing around hesitantly and frightened, and perspiration was already covering her perfectly sinful figure. Mittelt was looking at the wreckage with amazement and apprehension, while Kalawarner was looking around warily and fearfully.

Kalawarner was a tall and voluptuous woman who had dark blue hair that was so long that it overshadowed her right eye. Her hair was the same colour as her hair. Her outfit included a violet top that resembled a trench coat and had a broad collar, a miniskirt that matched the top, and black heeled shoes.

The top of her trench coat was open at the chest, so it was possible to see her breasts as well as her impossible-looking cleavage. In addition to that, she had a gold necklace draped around her neck.

On the other side, Mittelt was a young lady with light-colored hair that was braided into two bunches and blue eyes. She was dressed in a Gothic Lolita outfit, which included a black Lolita dress with white frills, a giant black bow on the front of the garment, and a green gem implanted on the collar, along with white thigh-high socks and black shoes. In addition to that, she fastened a sizable bow in her hair that was black.

I made use of the Observe skill on them.


Here is the 1st chapter 4 more to come, 1 chapter will come after every 1 hour for next 4 hour


Next Chapter will be:

Chapter 67: Mittelt & Kalawarner!!

As always if you Want to read ahead visit my part(e)on.
