
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 50: Naughty Mom! [R-18+]

Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon. On 20 patron I will mass realise of 10 chapters here and on patr-eon.




She became visibly conflicted as she noticed the forbidden lust beginning to shine in her eyes and her face became more flushed as she became aware of my muscles.

When she opted to continue to fight a losing war, I found it amusing. She almost whimpered as she tried to scowl, but the effect was ruined by her voice and the way that she bit her lower lip. "S-stop doing that," she tried to scowl.

I pushed my crotch even further forward into her buttocks, but I pretended not to look down at her while I pretended to search for a cereal box that didn't exist. "Hm? What are you doing?"

She trembled with what appeared to be glee as my dick jerked directly in her crack in the behind.

When I realised that she was losing the battle, lust was showing in her eyes as she flushed, and I couldn't help but smirk.

She mumbled something under her breath before grabbing the edge of the counter and purposefully beginning to grind on my crotch as quickly and as forcefully as she could.

"Fuck it," she said as she did so. Hana began to squeal with glee as soon as her pussy was stimulated, and her squeals could be heard all across the room.

I started imitating her movements while my dick twitched like crazy, fully aware that I was about to engage in an act that was virtually incestuous.

I won't lie and say that it wasn't one of my primary dreams when I was still physically present on earth.

My younger sister was very attractive, and she often teased me by pressing herself against me while wearing skimpy clothes and making sexual comments.

My mother was the same way, but she was more subtle because my father was around. My cousins, who were also quite attractive and beautiful, never missed an occasion to get me excited; in fact, they were the ones who showed me how to kiss for the first time.

In the end, I regretted that I hadn't acted on the lust I had for them before I passed away, but there was nothing I could do about it now, so I concentrated on the mother of the body that I was possessing at the time.

My hands came down on her wide hips as she was twerking, and I grabbed her firmly. She visibly trembled before moaning as I began to press my dick even more firmly on her ass.

Eventually, I was able to get my dick off of her ass. She continued to moan as she pushed herself upwards, at which point her silky back came into contact with my firm chest.

Her right arm slithered around my head and looped around the back of her neck. After releasing her left hip with my left hand, I aimed my right hand to capture as much of her left tit as I could.

It felt as soft and pressing as it appeared, and I found myself wondering, somewhat aimlessly, how it had never sagged.

Hana moaned, and then she moved her head to look at me, and her eyes were partially closed as she scowled at me.

She had a hot face and her eyes were filled with incestuous lust towards me as she growled seductively, "You are a dirty boy."

I gave her an evil smirk in response. I said to her, "And you are my naughty mom," as I gave her breast a rough squeeze and made her moan deeply in her throat before she pushed her mouth into mine.

"And you are my naughty mom," I said back to her. As we continued to grind on each other, our tongues touched and twisted around each other in a circle as we did so.

During the hot incestuous kiss that we were sharing, she moaned into my mouth as we both swapped our saliva.

As the French kiss came to an end, she redirected her gaze to mine and gazed upon me with a glittering hunger.

"You have been quite the naughty boy. It's time to dish out some discipline "She stated it with a sensual tone before squatting down in front of me, her shorts pressing against her crotch as she started rubbing my dick against the fabric of my shorts.

I made a low grunting sound and grinned up at her. "I am willingly subjecting myself to the penalty."

She smiled up at me before she pulled my shorts down, and I let out a sigh of relief as my dick sprung forward and hit my mother's cheek. She then pulled my shorts down.

When she saw my powerful cock, her eyes widened, her nipples became even harder, and she began to pant even more.

I noticed all of these things as she looked at my cock. She made a shaky attempt to reach for it and moaned in want when she discovered that her warm palm was unable to completely encircle my girth.

She gave me a passionate glare before looking up at me. "Your height is quite a bit higher than that of your father."

When she said that and the way that she said it, my dick twitched in her hand, but I couldn't think more into it as she shoved my dick into her mouth, with half of my dick disappearing into her oral cavity as her mouth was forced open wide so that she could swallow my cock.

I couldn't think more into it because she shoved my dick into her mouth.

As she began to bob her head, I couldn't help but groan with pleasure as her lush and tender lips applied amazing pressure to the surface of my flesh pole, while her tongue licked and massaged the surface of my flesh pole.

I leaned my head back and tucked some of her brown hair behind my ear so it wouldn't be in the way. I responded, "Fuck yeah, mom, keep doing that," as she used one of her hands to gently stimulate what she couldn't swallow with twisting motions, and as she used the other hand to cup and massage my balls gently.

"Fuck yeah, mom, keep doing that," I said as she used one of her hands to softly stimulate what she couldn't swallow with twisting motions.

After a few minutes, I looked down at her, only to almost lose control when I saw that she was looking up at me with a stupid and sexy look on her face while she gagged on my cock.

I had been looking down at her for a few minutes. The situation at hand and the sensations coming from my dick eventually overwhelmed me, and I began to empty my first load of that day into my mother's throat.

She eagerly received it, if the way she shuddered and eagerly swallowed my semen while she tried to milk me dry with her mouth was any indication, and I began to empty my first load of that day into her throat.

As I finished having an orgasmic experience with her, she removed my cock from the constraints of her mouth, at which point I seized her and forced her to sit on the counter.

As she looked at me, she let out a squeaky giggle and licked her lips. Then she locked her eyes on me. I didn't mind the taste of my own semen on her lips as I kissed her and broke the lip-lock with a grin.

I kissed her. "You are the most amazing mother. Allow me to repay you for your kindness."

She opened her legs wide, and I put her thighs on my shoulders. I felt her shudder as I took a deep whiff of the sweet scent of her moist nether regions before I ripped off her cotton shorts.

I laughed at her eager look and her even more eager nod. She moaned as I looked up at her from between her legs, and then she quickly removed her upper clothing, which allowed me to see her enormous chest. She then began to massage it, and as she did so, she pinched her nipples. I looked up at her and she moaned.

"Appreciate you providing the dinner."


Next 3 Chapters will be:

Chapter 51: mommy: Issei same!

Chapter 52: Yuuma!

Chapter 53: Mommy Slut!

As always if you Want to read ahead visit my part(e)on.
