
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 41: Oh! He's gonna ravaged me first!

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Rias pouted, which made me want to give her a peck on the cheek. "I had a strong desire to ascend to my Peerage. A chess match between Sona and I that lasted for twelve hours ended with me victorious."

The displeased expression that Sona had on her face made me giggle, and I shook my head. "I have merely stated that I am not willing to participate at this time because of the potential outcomes. If you can persuade me that being a demon is more worthwhile than being a human with draconic qualities, then I will support your proposal once I have resolved this problem and if you are able to do so. Ever since I found out about my abilities, I've been aware of the fact that I want to be powerful enough to safeguard my capacity for enjoyment. I am aware that I am being juvenile and selfish, but the well-being of my mother and I are the two things that are most important to me." At best, it's only half the truth, but I'm confident that they'll buy into it.

Sona nodded with understanding. "We devils are beings driven by our lust and our aspiration. I can understand your want to keep your loved ones safe while also ensuring that you never miss an opportunity to have a good time without their safety being compromised, and I can respect that. If you join Rias' peerage, you will technically become her servant. While the majority of devils do treat their peerage like slaves, Rias will be an exception to this rule "

I could tell that they were irritated because I saw all four of them twitch, and I was certain that they were thinking about a certain Phoenix.

Is Riser more annoying in this adaptation than he was in the light novels?

"Our families have been raised with the belief that we have a responsibility to treat our peers as if they were members of our own family. As a devil, there are some rules you will need to obey and tasks you will need to complete, but other than that, you are free to do whatever you please."

Rias continued. "The 'benefits' significantly outweigh the 'cons' in this situation. You will have a vulnerability to light in your demon form, whether it be light magic, the day, or holy relics. You will have lower inhibitions, a tougher body depending on the piece that is used to reincarnate you, increased stamina, an increased power growth rate, night vision, the ability to fly, and since you already have the ability to use magic power, it will simply be enhanced. Other than that, becoming a devil isn't necessarily going to be a bad thing for you."

I gave the four of them a lustful look as I laughed in a slightly perverted manner, drinking in their literally sinful bodies displayed in sexy school uniforms. I could not help but chuckle in this manner.

"Alright. You had me when you mentioned that I would have fewer inhibitions and more stamina. I'll join once I've finished dealing with the Fallen Angels on my own to prevent a conflict from breaking out." Knowing what I was saying with that statement, I couldn't help but laugh as Rias, Sona, and Tsubaki turned bright red and wriggled in evident excitement.

The naughty little coquette Akeno, on the other hand, flirtatiously licked her lips before winking seductively at me. "It brings to mind that I have a date with two beautiful women, and it would be impolite to keep them waiting."

Sona's cheeks were still red, but she looked at me with a questioning expression. "I was under the impression that you were going to change your wicked ways."

I gave a little shake of the head and rose up, collecting my bag and putting it on my shoulders as I did so. "I had previously stated that I was going to quit being so open about it. Being a pervert behind closed doors or in my head is not a problem for me in any way. Take, for instance," I gave them a sly grin in response.

"I am aware of the thoughts that you four currently have about me. I am aware that what I am thinking about you is probably more sexually suggestive than what you are thinking about yourself, and I am also aware that it does not bother me in the least."

At that very moment, every single one of their faces became bright crimson, including Akeno's, and I laughed once more.

I gave a little shake of the head, turned around, and started making my way towards the exit. The barrier seemed to dissolve as it reached out and grabbed the doorknob before turning its attention to them with what appeared to be a seductive smile.

"In point of fact, it makes me eagerly anticipate becoming a demon so that we can all take advantage of the advantages that come with it. Do you feel the same way?"

After making the announcement, I quietly left the room. After the door had been shut, I could hear Akeno groaning in need before she murmured something. "When he transforms into a devil, you can bet that I'll be fucking him. I claim you for myself, you three. You are free to have him once he has finished ravaging me."

"After you, it'll be me!" Rias said.

"Rias, that's just not right! I want him too!" That was Sona all right.

"Akeno, if you don't mind me asking, would you mind giving me first dibs?" And the winner of that round was Tsubaki.

I gave a snort of amusement before stuffing my hands deep into my pockets.

I was the one in charge.


As always if you Want to read ahead visit my part(e)on.
