
DxD : The Lost Immortal

NO HAREM ! World : High School of DxD Little Crossover : Oshi No Ko, Kengan Ashura... (if you want others, suggest me) Main Heroine : Hoshino Ai Shandor, the immortal younger brother of the legendary pirate Shanks, wanders the supernatural world, forever young and forever alone. His existence, granted by the mystical powers of his best friend, Trafalgar D. Law's Ope Ope no Mi, is both a gift and a curse. Haunted by the echoes of a forgotten era, Shandor grapples with the weight of loss. All his dear friends, including Law, have succumbed to the relentless march of time, leaving him in alcohol depression. Pirates, Marines, Government, Devil Fruits, Haki... All of that is the past, he is the only remaining one of a far era. Maybe he will find happiness ? No reincarnation, Isekai etc. MC is 20 physically, really OP (In the top 10, but not the strongest one) Not a serious fic so it might not be totally correct about some things (so lets say its a slight AU)

Bananuts · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 : Conference & Ai's Thoughts


An imposing conference room in the depths of Hell, adorned with complex demonic motifs and a large round table at the center. The leaders and important figures of the Three Factions - the Demons, the Angels, and the Fallen - have gathered for a conference in response to Azazel's call, the first since the Great War treaty. The atmosphere is tense, with everyone aware of the meeting's significance.

Azazel, the charismatic leader of the Fallen organization Grigori, takes his place at the head of the table. He is a handsome man in his twenties, with black hair and a blonde streak. He addresses the participants, with each faction seated on either side.

Clearing his throat, Azazel begins to speak. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed representatives of the Three Factions, I thank you for being present at this crucial conference. Today, we will discuss a emerging threat in our domains. A threat that could disrupt the fragile balance we have painstakingly rebuilt after the Great War." The people in attendance regard him skeptically, not entirely convinced by his words.

Sirzechs Lucifer, the most powerful Devil of his time, also known as Lucifer, raises his hand to speak. He is a handsome man who appears to be in his early twenties, with crimson shoulder-length hair and blue eyes.

"Yes, Sirzechs Lucifer, I'm listening," Azazel addresses the current Lucifer.

"Thank you, Azazel. I understand that the threat you're referring to is about the Red King, Shandor, isn't it ?" This name sends shivers and concerns among the people present in the room. This existence seems to have left a deep mark on some individuals.

"Exactly, Sirzechs. Shandor, an exceptionally powerful human, has become a major concern for all of us. His exploits during the Great War have made history, but he remains unpredictable and potentially dangerous." Azazel has a serious look on his face as he talks about him. Even though he has shared a drink with him in the past, it does not mean that they are allies. A proverb says that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

To say that Azazel is afraid of such a being would not be wrong. He is the greatest anomaly he could ever encounter; even his creator didn't give him such chills. Recently, he even killed one of his executives for provoking him.

Michael, a noble Archangel and the leader of the Angels, radiating serenity, cautiously intervenes. He has the appearance of a beautiful, effeminate man with long blond hair and green eyes.

"The Angels share your concerns, Azazel. Shandor has demonstrated abilities far surpassing those of a mere human. We must closely examine this threat and take measures to contain his growing influence. But I suggest avoiding direct conflict with him; it could quickly turn into a disaster." Michael always prefers peace over war; he did not want to trigger a crisis that could disrupt his faction.

No one here underestimates such a man. Human or not, this person possesses the power of an army of a million men; the Great War is the witness. One man alone stopping a war...

Azazel agrees, "I agree with you, Michael. Shandor poses a significant challenge to the Three Factions. We must be prepared to act, both to protect our interests and to preserve the fragile peace we have established after the Great War."

As the discussion continues, proposals emerge to monitor Shandor's movements, strengthen faction defenses, and explore strategic alliances to face this common threat.

Azazel speaks again, "Ladies and gentlemen, we stand at a decisive turning point. The threat of Shandor cannot be taken lightly. We must remain united and act cautiously to prevent any further chaos. Peace is the safest option, but if we have to go to war, we will."

The leaders of the Three Factions nod in agreement, aware of the magnitude of the situation. Kobabiel's death did not go unnoticed; the factions feared that one of their own might suffer the same fate.

"We must prepare for all possible scenarios, coordinate our forces, and remain vigilant against the threat of Shandor. Only by working together can we hope to preserve our world from his destructive ambitions." Azazel concludes the conversation, and a paper can be seen in the middle of the table. It is a treaty, not for peace but an agreement among the three factions.

The treaty stipulates that if one of the three factions is directly attacked by the Red King, Shandor, the other two factions must also align themselves and declare war on this individual.

Why such resolutions for one person ? Well, these three factions, in particular, have not yet digested the Great War. In addition to stopping the war, this man caused heavy losses. Animosity towards him was a common point among the people present here.

After some negotiations and discussions, the non-aggression pact was finally signed, and everyone went back to their respective domains.

Azazel remained lost in his thoughts, believing that he had made the right choice. Even though he is very powerful, he is still human. During the Great War, everyone was weakened, but now ? Can he really face three factions by himself, including Sirzechs Lucifer...?


*Yawns* "Someone talking about me ? I bet Azazel was cursing me." Shandor chuckled in his mind while sipping from a bottle of sake, his intuition always proving right.

"I feel like sleeping..." He finally crashed onto his bed, literally falling into a deep slumber.

To think that this man was feared by the supernatural world...



I went to the theater set, where I had to rehearse for the play I was starring in. It was a romantic comedy, and I played the lead female role. I enjoyed this kind of play, it allowed me to have fun and make people laugh.

I took acting classes at the Lala Lai Theatrical Company, a theater troupe that trained actors and actresses for stage and film. It was a prestigious troupe that had produced many stars. I was proud to be a part of it, even though I had to work hard to establish myself.

Upon arriving at the set, I greeted the other members of the troupe, all of whom were older than me. They were kind to me, but I could sense a mixture of admiration and envy in their eyes. After all, I am Hoshino Ai~! Japan's best idol~! I also had a natural talent for acting.

I made my way to my dressing room, where I changed and put on makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was beautiful, I was talented, I was loved. I was perfect.

But I was also lonely.

Because someone was missing.

Someone I hadn't seen in two weeks.

Someone who would respond to my messages, even though it was mostly me who was forcing by spamming him.

Someone named Shandor.

I sighed, shaking my head. I didn't have time to think about that. Right now, I had to succeed in my theater play. But I couldn't help but think about it. He made me too curious ! I didn't know why.

What made him so special to me ?

He already knew I was a liar, but even with that, he didn't seem to care. I believed the lie I had built, that he was someone I quite liked even though I didn't know him well enough. Friendship ? Love ? I didn't even know what those meant. Maybe I talked to him for my ego ? He is so indifferent to me, and it vexes me !

Even though he's older than me, I just have to wait to grow up hehe~!

Pushing these thoughts out of my head, I put on my cheerful and carefree facade again. I plastered my fake and radiant smile back on.

I stepped out of my dressing room and made my way to the stage, where the director was waiting for me. His name was Toshirou Kindaichi, one of the co-founders of Lala Lai Theatrical Company, and he was one of people who recruited me into the troupe.

He was a strict and demanding man, but he recognized the potential in actors.

"Oh, Ai, you're here !" he said upon seeing me. "Are you ready for rehearsal ?" He had his usual serious expression.

"Yes, Kindaichi-sensei !" I replied with false enthusiasm.

"Very well ! Let's get started ! Do you know your lines by heart ?"

"Yes, Kindaichi-sensei ! I reviewed them last night !" In truth, that was a lie. I already knew the lines from the moment they were given to me.

"Perfect ! Then show me what you can do !" He had a demanding tone, but I was used to it.

I nodded and positioned myself on the stage. I looked around and saw the other actors preparing to play their roles. Among them was the one playing the male lead, and my partner in the play.

His name was Hikaru Kamiki, a charismatic young actor. He was only 14 years old, a year younger than me. He was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. There were black stars in them. He had a captivating smile and a piercing gaze. He was handsome, talented, and loved. He was perfect.

He had helped me perfect my acting, my art of lying. He was also very kind to me, friendly. Honestly, he had all the qualities to be the perfect man. Without him, I wouldn't have achieved what I have.

He, too, was different.

Because he didn't treat me like an idol, like an object for others' entertainment.

He gave me compliments, he encouraged me to be better.

He wasn't trying to flirt with me, but I could see that he had an interest in me.

I appreciate him.

I find him sincere, direct, smiling, so kind. Maybe it was just me who thought that, maybe it was just a lie.

He said what he thought while clearly trying to please me.

He challenged me, not being impressed by my status or talent.

He was one of the few who knew my fake smile.

But he wasn't Him.

He wasn't Shandor.

Shandor, the guy I met almost a month ago, just on a street.

Shandor, the guy who intrigued me, attracted me, fascinated me.

Shandor, the guy who made me feel something new, something strong, something dangerous.

Shandor, the guy who literally ignored me, even though I'm an idol.

Shandor, the guy who sometimes haunted my thoughts, my desires.

Shandor, the guy I wanted to see again, talk to, and simply enjoy.

Shandor, the guy I might be in love with.