
DxD: The Illusion Killer

A certain boy reincarnates into the world of DxD, the anime world where gods and demons exist. The boy didn't awaken any cheats or powers of any sorts. he couldn't control minds or shoot fireballs out of his fingertips. He was just a plain normal human. However, that didn't mean he was totally helpless. He still possessed a special right hand that was full of mysteries. However, it was more of a curse that ate away his luck. ************************ (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) (Link) patreon.com/user?u=43059593 For those who want to support the author and receive a few extra chapters early. ************************ (D)(I)(S)(C)(O)(R)(D) (Link) https://discord.com/invite/4zqxmAX9ry *************************

ImmortalDoctor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


On top the rooftop of Kouh Academy, there was an eerie silence.

Two people were staring at each other amidst the silence. A boy and a girl. One had black hair and the other had white.

The two were naturally sitting on seperate branches but that didn't stop them from staring at each other. It was as if one of them had stratched something of great importance from the other party.

For the boy, he had lost his favourite sitting spot so it was understandable that he would be upset.

The mood between them was awkward and if someone entered the rooftop right now, the situation will become even more awkward.

The boy was tapping on his phone with his fingers while the girl was munching on a bag of cookies. However, the girl was seriously staring at him as if she was trying to burrow a hole through his forehead.

Naturally, this made the boy uncomfortable but he didn't voice out his complaints.

...She reminds me of a cat. Kamijou thought.

Moody and hate intruders trespassing on their territory. Not to mention, they were also cute. Kamijou promised in his heart that if anybody finds out that he was a cat lover, he would unleash thousand pain of death on that person to silence them.

Even so,

(I can't help but feel this Loli is familiar but I have never met her before though. Why do I think I'm forgetting something really important here? Is she a character of DxD? Damnit, if my memories weren't blurry, I wouldn't be having this problem.)

Instead of blaming his memories, he felt he should blame whether made him reincarnate into this bloody world.

While thinking that his current situation was really awkward, his phone suddenly rang. Because of that, he lost focus and blinked once.

The girl infront of him nodded her head for some reason. She didn't show any emotion yet he could sense the smug look in her eyes as if she won something.

Why is she acting like that? Is she a house cat or what? Kamijou thought. The more he stayed with this girl, the more he started to believe she was secretly a cat.

He answered the phone while narrowing his eyes at the girl. Soon, he heard the voice of Saji from the other end.

"What is it, Saji? And again, if it's money you want, I won't give you any."

"Goddamn Kamijou! Why do you always think I want to ask for money?!!"

"I mean you used to ask me for money. Please Kamijou help me with this. Kamijou help me with this, I want it feed my pet even though I do not have one."

Kamijou explained while mimicking the voice of Saji.

"Alright, alright, I get it okay. Geez, where are you anyways?"

"Why are you asking?"

"I don't know maybe it is because a certain Kamijou promised me he would play football with me."

"Hey! Don't bring strange things into the setting."

"Says the guy who started it."

Kamijou sighed. If he argued with this guy, he would stay like this until lunch break is over.

"Alright I get it. Something happened so I could not make it."

"Huh? What happened?"

"Nothing really but I need to ask you something?"

"And no, if you want to ask for money, I won't give you any."

You bastard! Kamijou thought as his forehead twitched.

"Listen okay, which is age required to enroll in Kuoh academy as a first year?"

"Eh?" Saji sounded shocked on the receiver.

"You will have to be up to fifteen if you want to enroll as a first year although there are a few exceptions."

"I see, in other words, kids are not allowed, right?"

"Obviously! But wait, why are you asking this?"

"Well, there is a child eating cookies on the rooftop. I think someone lost their child here and she is wearing our school uniform."

The girl crushed the cookie she was about to eat and gave Kamijou a look. Apparently, she was the kind of girl that didn't mind being called 'cute' but hated when someone calls her 'small' or a 'child'.

"Kamijou... can you describe this girl you are talking about?"

Saji suddenly sounded serious for some reason. In order to describe the girl, Kamijou gave the Loli a good look over.

"Hm? Hm… hm… hm. Well, she has white hair, golden eyes, and an undeveloped body of a toddler. Also, she likes to eat cookies and behaves like a cat. But why are you..."


Before he could speak, Saji hurriedly ended the call.

Huh? Why did he cut the call? Kamijou thought in confusion. Unknowningly to him, a change was happening in the atmosphere.

If Kamijou could sense magic or any form of supernatural energy, he would have noticed that a deadly aura was erupting from the girl who he just deemed as a child. But as it turns out his right hand was a huge tsundere and hated the presence of any other supernatural power.

In the next moment, the door to the rooftop opened wide and Saji sprinted out from the door.

"Kamijou, you traitor! You abandoned your comrade so you could go on a date with a gal. Shame on you!!"

"Shut up, Idiot! From your reaction, I assume you know this girl."

Kamijou pointed at the girl behind him. When Saji looked at her, he seemed puzzled.

"What? You don't know Koneko?"


"Toujou Koneko, she's a first year and rather popular among the boys. She's popular amongst the girls as well and is treated as a mascot just because she is cute. How don't you know about her? Do you live under a rock or something, huh?"

Truth to told, Kamijou stopped listening to Saji a while ago. He wore a surprised look on his face. However, it was not because he didn't know about Koneko, rather he knew about Koneko but just simply forgot.

(No wonder she felt so familiar. How could I forget about her? I mean she is one of the main characters yet I just forgot about her. It's not like she has a huge presence compared to Rias, Sona or that sadist (Akeno). Even so, I should really pay attention to this things.)

Thankfully, as he remembered her name, memories and information about the girl know as Koneko Toujou started flooding into his head.

It was then.

Ding! Ding!

The school bell rang, signalling the end of lunch break.

...So it's that time, huh?

Before he left for his classroom, Kamijou walked over to Koneko who was mumbling something he could not hear and picked up the bag she dropped some time ago.

"Hey! Don't throw stuff on the ground and I'm sorry about calling you a kid. It was just a big misunderstanding, okay?"

He flashed a bright smile as he handed over her bag of cookies. If he knew Koneko was planning to punch him with all her might a minute ago, he would have been frightened.

Ignoring the girl's complicated look, Kamijou grabbed Saji and dragged him back to their classroom.


After the end of the lunch break, everybody was seated in their classrooms.

Ryuji Kamijou was the same. However, he found himself unable to think straight so he was not paying attention to whatsoever gibberish his teacher was speaking. Do not be mistaken, he was not the unserious type. In fact, he was one of the top grade students in his class.

"Now then, we are going to talk about..."

Kamijou tried hard to listen to the math teacher. He really did but his mind betrayed him. It was not his fault. Being struck in a hot classroom with no air conditioning for hours will turn even the smartest man into a vegetable. He would rather fight a group of ninjas then be struck in this classroom for the entire day.

Not only that, his stomach was growling at him. Demanding Food! Desiring to be filled with lots of delicious food. Not eating for the entire day really did have a huge effect on him mentally and physically.

"Okay class, now that you have understood the subject, we are going to have a long quiz, okay?"

The moment those words left the teacher's lips, the entire class went into a uproar. How could he just bring a quiz out of nowhere? However, their complaints went on deaf ears as the teacher flashed the cruel smile of a salary worker.

Only when the teacher started sharing the question and answer sheets did Kamijou notice something was wrong. Huh? What's going on? Kamijou thought in confusion.

When he saw the teacher sharing the question sheets, he was immediately filled with a sense of dread. I will be damned! Kamijou cursed inwardly and starting flipping his notebook pages.

He was positioned at the back end of the classroom and the teacher was still on the first row. So it would take him seven steps before he reached him.

So Kamijou started to read and flip the pages madly. There was no way he was going to read everything. If he had a photo reflective memory, his already miserable life would have been much easier.

Flip, Flip, Flip!

The teacher finished with the first row and entered the second row.

Flip! Flip!

The teacher entered the third now. Five more steps.

Flip, Flip, Flip!

The teacher came closer.

Flip, Flip, Flip!

The teacher came closer and closer to the panicking Kamijou. At this point, Ryuji Kamijou became aggressive in his reading.

Flip, Flip, Flip! Flip, Flip, Flip! Flip, Flip, Flip! Flip, Flip, Flip!

"Now Kamijou, put away your books and bring out your writing materials."

"Damnit! Such misfortune!"

Kamijou cursed inwardly as he removed the book.

When the question sheet was placed on his table, he thought he was really unfortunate.

The school bell rang. School hours has come to a close.

Students eagerly packed their belongings and flooded through the school gate. Among those crowd of students, there was the sight of grumbling Kamijou walking out of the school gate.

To say he had a bad day would be an understatement. He forgot the groceries yesterday so he came to school empty, the school store was closed and the cafeteria was crowded so he couldn't get food, and not to mention his math teacher gave a surprise quiz out of nowhere. The worst part about all this was that his daily life followed the same pattern.

Some days were better than most and some were just very bad.

(Ugh... At least, school is finally over. I will buy the groceries and make dinner when I get back. If I'm lucky enough, then I would get everything with problems.)

If he could reach his house without any events, then he would be happy. But it seems the world loved to kick him when he was down.

"H-hello... E-excuse me. Excuse me."

The summer heat had done Kamijou in and he just stared at the sky while walking. He thought about how the kendo girls were expressing their love for Issei with their shinai and finally realised a voice was calling him.

He turned around to see what was going on. When he did so, he cursed inwardly. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GIRL DOING HERE!! Kamijou thought and immediately became agitated.

The girl before him was definitely not supposed to arrive this easily. Not just that, she was not supposed to approach him in the first place. At the end of the day, he thought he was really unlucky.