
DxD: The Illusion Killer

A certain boy reincarnates into the world of DxD, the anime world where gods and demons exist. The boy didn't awaken any cheats or powers of any sorts. he couldn't control minds or shoot fireballs out of his fingertips. He was just a plain normal human. However, that didn't mean he was totally helpless. He still possessed a special right hand that was full of mysteries. However, it was more of a curse that ate away his luck. ************************ (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) (Link) patreon.com/user?u=43059593 For those who want to support the author and receive a few extra chapters early. ************************ (D)(I)(S)(C)(O)(R)(D) (Link) https://discord.com/invite/4zqxmAX9ry *************************

ImmortalClown · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Strange Occurances (2)

Kamijou silently waited for the police to arrive. He didn't know how much time had passed but he just stared blinkly into the night sky.

Soon, he had the sound of sirens approaching and red lights approaching his direction. Ah, it seems they have finally arrived.

They must have thought the murder must have been committed by a serial killer because a black vehicle pulled up and around 6 soldiers got out. They wore black helmets and bulletproof vests made of special material. They were also armed with automatic rifles in their hands. Their equipment seemed to boast that they were putting priority on capturing the criminal rather than on protecting the civilians.

"...Hey! Hey, you! Over there!"

As Kamijou watched the soldiers, one of them had called out to him. At first, he was confused. He had only called but they did not know what he looked like. But he immediately his line of thinking was foolish. After all, he was the only one here so it was obvious they will call him first.

"Are you the one that called in?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I see." The officer looked at Kamijou. "Is that the house? Do you mind explaining what you saw in there."

How should I put it? Kamijou closed his eyes.

The image of the corpse subconsciously emerged in the dark corners of his mind.

"You see, I work as a food delivery man. I was told to deliver an order at this house but when I arrived, nobody answered. So I noticed the front door was unlocked and entered inside. As I did, I saw the person was dead."

Kamijou felt irritated. Maybe it was because of that horrific sight he just witnessed or it was his voice was surprisingly calm. He didn't know what made him to feel that way but he thought it was unpleasant.

"The person had several cuts on his body as if someone had slashed at him with something sharp like a knife of sorts."

He felt an unpleasant feeling swelling up within him as he spoke those words. At some point, he was already clenching his fists without knowing.

He clicked his tongue.

"The person was nailed to the wall in a way in order to form a cross and his stomach was gushed out. I don't know what kind of sick bastard."

"That's enough."

As if reading Kamijou was able to explode, the officer stopped him and shook his head.

"You made the right choice. And becausee of that, we are here."

"But I ran away."

"There is no shame in running away. Although it has not been announced but there have been multiple reports of strange deaths around this parts. We suspect there is a serial killer on the loose."

"Serial Killer?"

Kamijou cocked his head to the side. Was something like that really going on?

"Yes, that's right. If you had stayed behind, you would have survived the same fate or even worse. Ugh... I don't want to think about it. We will take it from here but.."

The officer looked at the house and then Kamijou.

"We normally bring the person who discovered the crime scene along with us, but what will you do? Will you like to come with us? We won't force you."

"No. If possible, I wouldn't want to go back there."

The officer nodded his head in understanding and entered the house to carry out the investigation. Kamijou was left outside, alone.

He looked up at the night sky. Even on a cold night like this, the stars shone ever so beautifully.

Part 3

An boring morning came for Kamijou. He skipped school today and was sitting on a bench at the park.

He really wasn't feeling it today. It couldn't be helped. If anyone saw what he did Yesterday, they would have probably felt the same way.

For the first time in his life, he came across a corpse. Not just any corpse but one that had been brutally murdered.

It was supposed to an ordinary night he would just deliver pizza to clients so how did it reach such a development? He wondered.

It had been on his mind for the entire day. Even if he attended school, he was sure he was not going to pay attention in class.

Serial Killer? Strange murders? He thought it was odd. The officer had told him about a serial killer being on the loose yet it was not publicly announced.

It was strange. Wasn't it a norm to announce such an event so as to prevent any unnecessary losses of innocent lives? A serial killer was roaming free and yet the public was not aware.

That was definitely odd. It was as if someone had manually brainwash them to make such a decision. If he was a normal person, he wouldn't think much of it but Kamijou was the kind of person that was aware about the strange things that was present in the shadows.

...Devils. Were they responsible for this?

He was not wrong to think as such but he immediately shoved that thought away. He didn't think devils were responsible for this murder.

Devils grant the wishes of humans in exchange of a significant price. Devil could be refer to as business agents. Humans make wishes and because of their greed, they would want to make more wishes.

Obviously, the Devils were the ones profiting here. They grow stronger by granting the wishes of humans so humans were important to them. It will be strange for them to start killing off their potential clients.

In other words, that murder was done by an outside party. The angels valued peace more than anything so it couldn't be them. That leaves only the fallen angels.

Fallen Angels: Beings who have fallen from grace. It was said that the Fallens and the Devils were at odds with each other. It makes sense if they were the ones whokilled the devil's clients. To sum it up, the murder yesterday was definitely their hand work and it seemed they were rather passionate about it too.

Kamijou clicked his tongue.

"If they want to kill each other, that's fine with me but don't involve other people into their own mess, God damnit!"

He didn't know what evil that person had done in order to be killed in such a manner. Maybe, just maybe he might have been the most cruel and wicked bastard in the world that deserved to die. But even so, that person didn't deserve to killed in such a manner.

Kamijou wondered what will happen if someone he knew or related to was killed just like that person and nailed to the wall in order to pass a message.

He clicked his tongue again and bared his canines.

The term 'Occult' oozed into his mind.

The very thought that two supernatural beings were at war and killed off a bystander in order to send a message made him feel like his blood vessels were about to burst.

His mind then drifted to the blond nun he met the other day. She was a naive girl that gave off the aura of kindness yet she was afflicted with the fallen angels. But she didn't join them because of their own will, she joined because she had nowhere else to go.

Kamijou closed his eyes.

The sister went by the Asia and she used to work at the church until she was chased out because she healed an injured devil. She was cast aside after it was determined she was of no more use.

He felt irritated just by recalling that information.

The Church was stated to follow the teachings of God yet they commit terrible crimes behind the scenes and treat heretics like pieces of garbage. He is not saying they are no genuine believers and followers of God but why is that most of them use their authority to commit crimes and spread misfortune instead of helping others.

The Church, they were not good at all. Devils, Fallen Angels and even the Angels were no good. It may seem strange why he included the angels since they didn't do anything. But the problem was because they didn't do anything, they were no better than those who commit the crimes.

Humans get killed by the hands of the supernatural yet they never take anything against it. Why? Are they a bunch of sadists that enjoy people getting ripped apart? They were supposed to be good guys, were they not?"

But what right did he have to judge them? He was just as bad as they were? After all, he did leave that nun in the hands of the fallen angels despite knowing her circumstances.

After going through those somewhat poetic thoughts, Kamijou finally realized something. The reason why he was so mad. It was because he had failed to help the damsel suffering in silence. There was no excuse for his actions. Instead of thinking of a way to help her, he only considered the consequences of helping her.

...Is this how far you have fallen, huh?

He was supposed to have the power to slay even gods and demons yet he trembled in fear when it was time to act.

"Damn it."

He clicked his tongue. With how things are weighing on his mind, he wished he had stopped the sister from going into that church.

If only he had taken her hand and ran away, he wouldn't be feeling like shit. The fact he let that girl to slip away from his hands left him with nothing but regret.


His stomach made an unpleasant noise. Ah, I forgot. Kamijou had just remembered he had not eaten since morning.

He had been thinking about alot of things the whole time.

He sighed.

"If only I had a way to grow stronger, I wouldn't be having this problem. After all, power solves everything."

Kamijou stood up from the bench. If he wanted to solve his problems, then sitting around and complaining won't do him any good.

As he was about to leave, he had no choice but to stop in his tracks.

He noticed the colour golden in the distance. When he looked closer, he noticed it was a blond girl wearing white clothing. The clothing looked a long dress that reached her ankles and she was wearing a hood over her head.

...Golden hair and White clothing. Wait, could it be...

When he thought that, the girl looked towards his direction and noticed him. Both parties looked rather shocked.



What beautiful twist of fate was this?