
DxD: The Illusion Killer

A certain boy reincarnates into the world of DxD, the anime world where gods and demons exist. The boy didn't awaken any cheats or powers of any sorts. he couldn't control minds or shoot fireballs out of his fingertips. He was just a plain normal human. However, that didn't mean he was totally helpless. He still possessed a special right hand that was full of mysteries. However, it was more of a curse that ate away his luck. ************************ (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) (Link) patreon.com/user?u=43059593 For those who want to support the author and receive a few extra chapters early. ************************ (D)(I)(S)(C)(O)(R)(D) (Link) https://discord.com/invite/4zqxmAX9ry *************************

ImmortalClown · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


"Ouch! That hurts God damnit!"

"Hey! Hold still!"

"Argghh! Fuck!"

"There! That should do it."

After Saji finished wrapping the bondage over Kamijou's wounds, he sat on the couch opposite Kamijou.

That's right. After the nun left with that crazy bastard, Kamijou called Saji to come to his aid and this was how they found themselves inside Kamijou's residence.

Saji continuously tapped on the table as if he was annoyed.

"Now then."

After an eerie moment of silence, Saji finally began to speak.


Saji could not hold himself back and spat out question after questions. Kamijou sighed. He was already expecting this kind of reaction from Saji.

Even so, he found himself unable to answer. He didn't want to involve Saji in his matters. He wanted to solve the situation with his own hands without involving others. That was the kind of man Kamijou has always been.

But that was no longer possible. The situation was different. The opponents were different. The opponents were not alley thugs that could be defeated with a strong right hock.

The opponents were beings from the occult. Beings that are able to use magic and supernatural powers that could only exist in a fantasy manga.

There was no way to defeat the enemy on his own. He was weak. He couldn't do anything on his own. He felt that fact through the most painful way possible. Therefore,

"Alright. I will tell you."

His mouth began to move. He had made his decision.

"It started when..."

Kamijou started to explain everything without leaving anything out. How he first met Asia, her situation and how he lost to that crazy priest while trying to protect her.

It was a sad story. Really. The bitter taste of defeat still lingered in Kamijou's lips. Even so, he continued to talk.

At the end of the story, Saji nodded his head and wore an understanding expression.

"I see. That's the current situation."

"Yeah. That's right."

"Really now. To think you would get involved in this whole mess."

"To be honest, I think I was already involved a long time ago."

What Kamijou meant by this was when he went on that date with Raynare, the fallen angel that tried to kill him. After that day, he found himself getting involved with the supernatural world one way or another much to his misfortune.

Of course, he couldn't tell Saji that or else they will be having an entire different conservation.

"Anyways, who the hell was that priest?"

"Well, how do I explain this?" Saji scratched the back of his head and asked. "But first, tell me how much you know about the supernatural?"

"Rias and Sona explained everything I guess."

"Ah! So that's why they called you that time. I didn't think they would send you a love call too. Tell me, what did you say?"

"Is that important right now? I declined their offer though."

Saji sighed.

"Well, that was no surprise there. What a Kamijou move. In the end, you are indeed Kamijou."

"Hey now, what's that supposed to mean?! Forget it. Get to the point."

In the next moment, Saji cleared his throat and began to explain.

"Just like how devils exists, there are also special humans that fight them. They are called 'Exorcists'. There are two types of exorcists."

Kamijou listened to what Saji was telling him. If he wanted to defeat the enemy, he needed to know everything about the enemy.

"The first are the exorcists who receive the blessing from God to perform exorcism. This group of exorcist borrows its power from God and angels to eliminate devils. And there is the other one. Stray Exorcists."


What a familiar word. Kamijou thought he had heard that word from somewhere but couldn't remember the exact details.

"Exorcists that had gone rogue. Priests that have gone away from the path of righteousness and began to enjoy the act of killing. They are usually kicked out of the church without exception or punished when found guilty."

"By punished, you mean killed?"

"From what I heard from Sona, yes. But there are a few lucky fellows that managed to survive. That priest that shot you was probably one of those stray priests."

"I see. So those lucky few who survives goes to the fallen angels."

"You knew?"

"Just a wild guess."

It was not a wild guess to be exact. Just like how the devils lost most of their numbers in the previous war, the fallen angels were in the same boat. Meaning, they would obviously want to replenish their lost numbers using servants.

Fallen angels hate devils and exorcists wanted to eliminate devils. They both have the same objective so it's obvious the exiled exorcists will go the fallen angels. Sadly enough, Asia turned out to be one of those exiled priests who went to the fallen angels.

Saji continued to speak.

"But they are a rather dangerous bunch. It will be advisable that you don't get involved with them."

"That's not possible. I need to save that girl."

"Are you an idiot?! Just look at yourself. You almost got done in by a single priest and you are now talking about fighting numerous fallen angels?! Forget about saving that nun, you're going to get killed before you even reach her!"

In response to Saji's words, Kamijou bit his lower lips in frustration.

He knew he was powerless. His right hand had failed to save him. It was the painful truth. It was so frustrating. The most logical choice was not to get involved. However,

"Even so, I have to save her."

Kamijou was a very kind of stubborn person. There was no way he was going to abandon that sister. After all, he made a promise.

"I lack strength. That I already know." Kamijou glanced at his right hand and continued. "But I can't bring myself to abandon that sister. That's why Saji please help me."

He asked for help. It was not expected. Despite possessing a special right hand l, he couldn't take down a group of exorcists and fallen angels by himself.

Saji wore a complicated look. In truth, it was unreasonable to ask him for help. The times were different now. Saji was a devil from Sona peerage so any action he would take will reflect on her peerage as well.

It will be more logical if he just went to Sona and Rias for help. But he wasn't what how they would handle the situation. There was a possibility that they would refuse to get involved in the church matters.

The other reason he didn't go directly to them was because he didn't want to become indebted to the devils. That was the last thing he wanted.

It was iconic. He didn't want to be indebted to devils but he was asking for help from Saji who was also a devil. It couldn't be helped. Saji was his best friend while those other two were strangers.

It was much easier to ask for help from someone you knew personally rather than a complete stranger. Well, they were not complete strangers but it didn't mean they were friends either.

"Please Saji, help me save Asia."

Saji sighed. It seems like he has finally made his decision.

"Alright, alright, I hear you. You don't have to look at me with those eyes."


"Of course I will help. What kind of question is that? After all, what are best friends for, right?"

"Thank you."

Saji smiled at him. It seems Kamijou was worried for nothing. But there was one problem.

"I don't think we will be enough. From your condition, I don't think you will be any good. I think I should tell Sona about this."

"Just to clarify, you are a devil, right? Just how strong are you?"

"Oh, so you want to know? Well, if I must say I'm rather strong myself."

From the way he was talking so proudly, one would think he was very strong. Although Kamijou doubted that was the case but he still had to be sure.

"Is that so? Which chess piece did they reincarnate you as?"

"A pawn. Four pawns to be exact."

Kamijou's expression suddenly crumbled. He thought Saji will be reincarnated as a higher piece but a lowly pawn. He didn't consider the fact that he was reincarnated using four pawns.

It wasn't like the value of pawns were high to begin with. Four Pawns won't have higher value than a Queen. This was just the rule of chess. After all, the devil reincarnation system was based on chess pieces.

Kamijou sighed.

"It seems we have to tell Rias or Sona after all."

"Hey now, what's with that resign..."

".....I'm going as well."

"I know, you already said...??"

Kamijou and Saji stopped speaking. When they turned their head, they saw a girl with a small build looking at them.

"The hell!"

"What the fuc... I mean, Koneko-chan? What are you doing here."

"I came to help."

"I'm not talking about that. I'm asking how you entered my house."

"I followed."

It was then Kamijou realised something scary. Koneko has been following him all this time.

"Wait, you followed then that means..."

Was it possible that...

"No. It's not that." Koneko shook her head. "I heard Saji talking on the phone and followed."

"Ah, so that's how it is."

Kamijou's heart felt at ease. He was glad to know that Koneko didn't watch when he was almost killed by that priest. From her expression, he couldn't tell if she was lying but he still believed her words.

"You said you wanted to help. But won't Rias be mad if you acted without her permission?"

"It's fine. I want to help."


Kamijou started becoming emotional upon witnessing her kindness. At this moment, he subconsciously thought she was really cute. It was a very shameless thought.

"You guys, I'm really touched. Thank you."

With this, it should be possible. It was possible to save Asia from total destruction.

"Now then, let's go and save that girlfriend of yours."

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"Hehe... Tell me though, is she cute?"

"Shut up, idiot!"

Saji had to ruin the touching moment for no reason. It was expected. He has always been like this.

Like this, the three of them left the house and headed towards the Church.


Somebody is going to get an ass-whopping in the next chapter.

Can you guys guess who will be that unfortunate character?

Join my discord. My discord link is in the synopsis.