
DxD: The Illusion Killer

A certain boy reincarnates into the world of DxD, the anime world where gods and demons exist. The boy didn't awaken any cheats or powers of any sorts. he couldn't control minds or shoot fireballs out of his fingertips. He was just a plain normal human. However, that didn't mean he was totally helpless. He still possessed a special right hand that was full of mysteries. However, it was more of a curse that ate away his luck. ************************ (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) (Link) patreon.com/user?u=43059593 For those who want to support the author and receive a few extra chapters early. ************************ (D)(I)(S)(C)(O)(R)(D) (Link) https://discord.com/invite/4zqxmAX9ry *************************

ImmortalClown · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Number One Public Enemy

Tuesday passed and Wednesday arrived.

The entire day was completely uneventful much to Kamijou's surprise.

...Something is not right.

Kamijou thought, seriously.

On his way to school, he didn't forget his lunch box, lose his money, get involved in any unpleasant accidents and the birds were rather generous as well. Simply put, he hadn't experienced any kind of misfortune for the entire day. Anyone else would be happy about that but Kamijou found that fact alone rather suspicious.

...Could it be that I've finally become lucky?

As that happy thought emerged, he immediately rejected it just as it came. He was so unlucky to the point it could be called a running gag yet that same running gag just happened to have mysteriously stopped. Yeah right, he was not buying it. He didn't believe that he just randomly became lucky. If that was the case, it would seem the world was coming to an end.

(Wait a minute, don't me it's one of those days where I get a few moment of rest before something big happens, right?)

At that sense of bad omen, Kamijou shivered. It is currently lunch break but this was his seventh time running around the corridor.

What was the purpose behind that action? As it turns out, he had ran into a very troublesome situation. Kamijou turned his head. A wild koneko was sneakily following him.

After leaving the classroom with his wrapped lunch box, he discovered her hiding at the corner. It was not that hard to spot her since she didn't know how to hide. But that wasn't the problem. The problem started when she started following him where ever he went. Of course, he knew what she was after.

(She is obviously waiting for me to go to the rooftop so she can pounce on my lunch box. This time, I made something really nice and I just want to enjoy it in peace even if it's selfish. And I will be damned if I settled for those tasteless cookies!!!!)

So the situation was this: Koneko was after his lunch box and Kamijou didn't want to give it up so their current situation was the result. It was that simple.

His plan was to walk around aimlessly so that Koneko would tire out and go away. But Kamijou deeply underestimated her determination for his lunch. No matter how many times he walked around, this girl will follow him as if she would follow him into the deepest depths of hell. It was only at times like this did Kamijou remember she was a devil.

(Please, go away. I just want to enjoy my lunch in peace.)

Kamijou pleaded inwardly with tears in his eyes.

There was no need for Koneko to go this far. But as it turns out, Kamijou happened to be a very good cook so his food was very delicious. When Koneko tasted his food for the first time, she became so obsessed that she couldn't help wanting more. It's like someone starting drugs for the first time. Once that intoxicating feeling is born, it was almost impossible to get rid of it. That was called addiction.

(That delicious lunch, I have to get it.)

Konoke thought as she stared at the back of the depressed Kamijou.

"Ara-Ara, Koneko. What are you doing here?"


Startled, Koneko jumped as she heard a voice behind her.

When she turned, she saw a familiar face. Black hair, violet eyes and a devilish figure that could seduce any man. The girl had her long hair tied into a ponytail and wore a charming smile which shocked all the boys. The embodiment of the Ideal Japanese woman, Akeno Himejima.

"Oh my. Don't tell me you're chasing a boy, Koneko?"

Akeno seemed surprised. She saw Koneko moving here and there so she got curious. But it turns out the little Koneko was following around a boy, what a rare sight.

"C'mon, C'mon, tell me about it. You don't have to be shy."

She didn't get a response. Koneko was just staring at the lunch box in Kamijou's hand but Akeno misunderstood the intent of her gaze. Simply put, it was a misunderstanding.

While thinking she won't this change slip by, Akeno walked over to Kamijou.

"No way."

"Is that one of the Academy's Great Ladies?"

"Damn, she's so hot."

Murmors erupted from the boys and girls as they saw Akeno walking in the hallway. Hearing the commotion, Kamijou suddenly had a sense of premonition.

"Hello, excuse me. Can I.. Ahh!"

As Akeno called out, she tripped on a paper and fell forward. By the time Kamijou turned around, it was already too late. Before he could even process what was happening, Akeno fell on top of him and both of them uncontrollably collapsed on the floor.


The hallway became very quiet.

It was not because Akeno had collapsed on top of Kamijou but the strange position they were currently in.

...Argh, my head! What happened?

When he felt the presence of a heavy weight pressing down on him, Kamijou moved his left hand and grabbed something.


(Hmm, what's this? It feels so soft and heavy. My hand can't fully contain it.)

He moved his left hand so he could get a sense of what he was holding. He was enjoying what he was holding. But when he heard a lovely moan, he had to change his entire thought process.

....Wait, wait, hold on, don't tell me..?

The strange weight that was pressing down on him was not a object but a person. From the sound of that moan, he assumed the person resting on top of him was a girl. Then wait, if the person resting down on him was a girl then what he was holding was....

In order to confirm his line of thinking, he slowly raised his head. Sure enough, there was a very pretty girl resting on top on him. Not only that, his left hand was firmly grabbing her right breast.

"Oh my. I didn't think you'll be so bold♪"

Akeno spoke with a lovely voice. But Kamijou ignored her at the moment. He noticed the glares of the students around. Before long, another commotion erupted.

"Did he just..."

"Oh my god..."




"Damnit! It was supposed to be me, not him. I'M SO JEALOUS!!!"

The boys started throwing curses while some of them had tears in eyes and cursed at the unfairness of life. The girls, on the other hand, started calling him a pervert. Their reactions was not unexpected. He had just grabbed the breast of the one of the most popular girls in the entire school.

...Not good!

If it continued like this, he will be deemed by a creep or a pervert. As someone that had always experienced nothing but misfortune, the last thing he wanted was for the school to deem him in the same category as the pervert trio.


Ryuji Kamijou crawled away from Akeno at the speed of sound, bowed down to the ground with both his hands straight forward like it was a part of some kind of joke, and shouted "I'M SO SOORRYYY!!!" before head-butted the floor with all his might.

(Hold on, am I truly in the wrong here? I mean she was the one that fell ontop on me so why an I apologizing?)

He threw that thought as he remembered this was a female dominated school. The discrimination boys faced in this school was deep. In order to get out of this situation, he had no choice but to bow down and apologize with all his heart.

"Hey! Why are you apologizing? I'm the one at wrong here so please raise your hand from the floor."

Fortunately for him, Akeno was not the unreasonable type.

"Also, why did you slam your head on the ground? Are you trying to get an headache?"

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry."


It seems as though Kamijou didn't hear her. He was just repeating the same thing as if he was a parrot.

"I'm sorry."

Akeno sighed.

...Oh right! I was going to ask him if he knew Koneko.

Because of the incident, she had completely forgotten her objective. Before she could voice it out though, Koneko had already approached Kamijou.

"You're not a pervert. You are a good boy."

Says the cute Koneko. Kamijou raised his head and his heart was instantly filled with joy. But when he remembered she was after his lunch box, his line of thinking changed. It changed once again when he remembered Koneko's personality from the novel.

(That's right. She's not the type to lie just to get a lunch box. If she said I'm not a pervert then she must really mean it from her heart.)

When he came to that conclusion, his heart was cleared of any doubts he had about her.

"You want my lunch box, yes? It's alright, I will give it to you. But it won't be for free though."

"I understand."

"Not.. for.. free." Akeno mumbled.

"Good, get ready. I'm not going to go easy on you."

Koneko nodded her head.

(Hold on just a second, what does he mean by that? Is he doing something to Koneko?!)

Akeno frowned as her mind started wondering to places it shouldn't. But her worries were nothing. When she heard Kamijou's next words, she quickly realised that.

"How many slices of bread have you eaten this morning?"


Koneko replied without delay.

"Damn, what are you, a glutton? Anyways, how many cookies have you in your life?"

This time, Koneko didn't answer immediately. She had to use her brain to its full potential. However, counting the total number she has eaten in her life would be the same as counting all the trees in the world. But he didn't ask her to give him a specific number though.

"More than 1000."

"Very good, here's your reward for being a good girl." He handed Koneko his lunch box. "My name is Ryuji Kamijou by the way, what's yours."

"Toujou Koneko."

(Eh? What's happening?)

Akeno was baffled. Looking at Koneko's happy expression, she was glad she was able to get a friend. But she was still troubled. She was feeling unease.

She glanced down. Her source of unease laid in Kamijou's right hand. She didn't know why but just being near that hand was enough to send shivers all over her body as if cold water was being poured over her. It was a strange feeling to be honest.

(Wait, he said his name was Ryuji Kamijou. He is the one Sona talked about.)

Who would have thought Koneko has already met him? If she was not focused on his lunch, she would have realised that fact.

Akeno looked at Kamijou very carefully. Sona said she didn't sense any energy from him. A human without any energy. If someone from the supernatural world heard that, they would have laughed. However, it was not a joke.

Due to specialising in energy sensing, Akeno could say for a fact that this boy before didn't possess any magic energy whatsoever.

(How is this possible? Is this because of a sacred gear? No, that's not right. Even sacred gears release energy. Maybe it's something different, I'm not sure. Even so, I need to report to Rias.)

"It was nice knowing you all, but I really need to go. So bye!"

Leaving those words behind, Kamijou turned tail and bursted out into a mad sprint.

Koneko and Akeno were puzzled. Why did he run away? They thought.

However, what they failed to notice was the hostile gazes of the boys around. Maybe they had not acted since Kamijou was in a middle of a conservation but now he had run away, that deadlock was broken.


"GET HIM!!!"


In no time, the hallway was filled with an angry mob of boys shouting and chasing after a certain boy. That boy had committed a great sin that they could not forgive. He had laid his hands on their goddess. For that, he must be punished. They were going to pass judgement on the boy known as Ryuji Kamijou.

(Just my rotten luck, I knew something was off today.)

Kamijou clicked his tongue. Sure, he managed to grab a girl's breast even if it was accidental. It was something he never knew would happen but what was the point IF HE MADE ALL THE BOYS IN THIS SCHOOL HIS ENEMY?!!

"Ahh! Shit! Shit! God damn it! This is just too much misfortune!!"

Even as he realized his cries sounded rather strange, Kamijou Ryuji showed no sign of stopping his tremendous flight.

Kamijou brought that day to an end with the taste of misfortune.