
DxD: The Illusion Killer

A certain boy reincarnates into the world of DxD, the anime world where gods and demons exist. The boy didn't awaken any cheats or powers of any sorts. he couldn't control minds or shoot fireballs out of his fingertips. He was just a plain normal human. However, that didn't mean he was totally helpless. He still possessed a special right hand that was full of mysteries. However, it was more of a curse that ate away his luck. ************************ (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) (Link) patreon.com/user?u=43059593 For those who want to support the author and receive a few extra chapters early. ************************ (D)(I)(S)(C)(O)(R)(D) (Link) https://discord.com/invite/4zqxmAX9ry *************************

ImmortalClown · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


After punching the fallen angel with all his might, Kamijou freed Asia. At some point, she must fallen unconscious due to the ritual so Kamijou was carrying her like a princess.

"Wow. You actually managed to beat that fallen angel."

Saji looked at Kamijou and then at the unconscious Raynare who was laying on the floor.

"I was lucky. That's all."

"Are you really starting that? You really kick ass."

Kamijou smiled even though he knew it was a lie. If he hadn't come here with Saji and Koneko, he wouldn't have been able to defeat the enemy. Not only that, if Raynare are a little bit smart, she noticed his weakness and exploited it.

After all, he was injured and his body wasn't at its peak condition so it wasn't a lie when he said he was lucky.

"So Kamijou, what's with that power of yours?"


"You know, that power you used to defeat that Fallen Angel's Spear of Light. Is it a sacred gear?"

"You can say something like that."

"Oh, what does it do?"

"It's a secret."

"C'mon, that's not fair. Don't leave me hanging like this?"

Kamijou laughed.

"Alright, I will tell you sometime later later. Okay?"

Saji looked like he has faced some great injustice. After all, Kamijou knew his ability but the same couldn't be said for him. There was no reason to not tell Saji about Imagine Breaker. However, that was a lie.

There was absolutely no reason to tell Saji about the power to defeat the miracles of God. If Saji explosed the true nature of Imagine Breaker to an outside party like devils, things will become very troublesome quickly.

'Sorry Saji, but I can't tell you about that.'

Kamijou thought and shook his head. Weren't secrets supposed to be kept hidden?

"As I thought, you were able to safely defeat the enemy."


When Kamijou turned around to find the source of that voice, he saw Rias approaching him while wavering her crimson hair.

"Rias? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to check up on you."

"Check up?"

"Yes, that's right. We just finished dealing with the other fallen angels so we came to check the situation here."

This time, it was Akeno that answered. At this moment, Kamijou finally realised the situation.

"So you already knew?"

"Not really. We've already acknowledged the situation and were planning on eliminating the fallen angels. We didn't know you would know you would attack their hideout. But it seems everything worked out in the end."

"I see."

Kamijou nodded his head in response to Rias' words.

In truth, he already expected the devils to take action against the fallen angels. He first suspected it when Koneko arrived to help. Indeed, it turned out his suspicions was correct.

"Hmm, Who is that girl you're carrying, Ryuji-kun?"

Akeno was looking at Asia who was soundly sleeping in Kamijou's grasps.

"She is a friend of mine. She was kidnapped by the fallen angels."

"Ah! I see. So you came here to save her?"

Kamijou nodded and responded.

"Yeah. That's right."

"Oh my, what a lucky girl. I'm so jealous~"

"Damnit, I'm so jealous."

Despite Saji and Akeno saying the same thing, the meaning behind their words were completely different.

Meanwhile, Kamijou noticed Rias had a troubled expression.

"Is something wrong?"

"The Church belongs to God and his followers. In case where devils or an outsider attacks the church, assassins are usually sent to eliminate them for revenge or pay back."


"I know what you are thinking but that won't happen in this scenario."


"Well, this Church was originally abandoned. For that reason, a certain group of fallen angels took it as their stronghold and we just happened to have a fight in a place like that. A small fight between devils and fallen angels. It happens everytime so a war will not erupt because of this incident."

"I see."

Since the church was abandoned and it wasn't the main group of the Fallen Angels, a potential war between two factions was avoided.

"I've brought it."

Koneko spoke as she dragged the wing of the unconscious Raynare. Did she just refer to her as it? Kamijou thought.

"Thank you, Koneko."

"Um, Rias? What are you going to do to her?"

"I just want to talk to her for a bit, that's all. Do you want to stay and hear what she has to say for herself? After all, this girl tried to kill you."

Rias asked politely but Kamijou just shook his head.

"No, I don't want to get involved. I only came here to save this girl. Now that is done, I have no business staying here any longer."

Kamijou already knew the fate of Raynare. Even if he asked Rias to spare her, she wouldn't listen. After all, this was a business between devils and fallen angels so he didn't want to interfere.


Kamijou suddenly remembered something.

"Rias. You came through the church, right?"

"Yes. I used a magic circle to come here. It was my first time transporting to a church, so I was nervous. Why do you ask?"

"There was a priest we left there. He has white hair, and was dressed in clerical clothing. Did you see him when you came down here?"

"Hmm, not really. The place was empty when we came."

Hearing her response, Kamijou frowned his brows.

If Freed was not in the sanctuary then that must mean he had escaped while they were fighting.

'That doesn't make sense though. How did he escape?

Considering the state they left him in, there was no way he will be able to walk much less escape. Was there a third party backing him up?

Kamijou then realised something. Why did Freed tell them the location of the ritual site? Wasn't it his job to stop the intruders from getting there? Even if he was crazy, there was no way he would have told the enemy that information.

'It's obviously the work of a third party. Is those guys responsible for that incident? I can't be sure. Yes, it's likely them. Damn, if only my memories was foggy...'

He sighed. There was nothing he could do about it.

"Well, I will be leaving now."

"Okay, see you later then."

Rias watched while Akeno waved at Kamijou and Saji who were leaving the place. But before they could, Rias called out.

"Oh Saji, you might want to stay behind."

"Huh? Why?"

Saji looked at Rias. However, Rias just smiled.

"Sona wants to speak with you after this."

"Speak with me?"

"Well, you did enter an enemy territory without her permission so you are going to face punishment."

"... Punishment?"

Saji looked as if he did not understand. Next, Akeno spoke with a smile

"Ara Ara. Bad servants must be punished."

"Wait... Hold on now... If I'm getting punished then what about Koneko?"

"Nothing is going to happen. I mean we already knew she was going to come here so why are we going to punish her?"

"No way. That isn't fair, right?"

"Don't worry too much. Since everything turned out well, you just get 100 empowered spanks."

"Kamijou, help me out he....huh?"

Saji turned to Kamijou for help but when he did, he noticed the bastard carrying the nun was rushing towards the exit. In other words, Kamijou left him behind to face the consequence alone.

"You... Why you little... KAAMMMIIIJJJOOUUU!!!"

The day ended with Saji getting a taste of misfortune.


End of Volume 1.


Looks like we finally reached the end of the first volume. Thank you all for your support my dear readers.

The next arc is the Riser Arc. If you have any suggestions of the plot of the arc, you can drop a comment in the comment box.

Will Rias win against Riser? Will Kamijou save Rias if she fails? How the hell will Kamijou enter the underworld? What effects will Imagine Breaker have in the underworld?

Better yet, you can join my discord.

Discord Link: https://discord.com/invite/4zqxmAX9ry

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Patreon Link: patreon.com/user?u=43059593