
DXD: The Harem King's Honeymoons

Issei's done it; he's married his eight brides, and has become a harem king. But what comes next? Perhaps the greatest challenge of his life; honeymoon season. He must prove his love to each of his wives by taking them all out on romantic honeymoons one at a time. Wish him luck.

N_Smith · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Issei feels

I knew I couldn't go through with it, so instead, I chose-hic, chose to believe in you. I asked, no, I hic-begged you not to let Vidar take me away.

And you-hic said you wouldn't. Remember that?"

"I sure do," he replies, smiling.

"Hmm-hmm," she says, coyly. "Remember what I did next?"

"You kissed me," he replies, blushing.

"My first kiss," she says. "And what a kiss it was.


Issei feels a change in the atmosphere. Instead of patrons judging them, most are now listening to Rossweisse's story with open minds.

Some are genuinely touched, and some are moved to tears. Even the staff members seem too distracted to continue their work.

Rossweisse leans over the table, and puckers her lips.

"Hey, Issei, wanna kiss again?" she asks.

"Huh?" he asks.

Naturally, he's too flustered to kiss his drunk wife in front of so many strangers.

"Wait, Rossweisse," he pleads.

His pleas fall on deaf ears as she leans even further over the table. What's worse, the closer she leans to him, the closer her hair gets to the fiery grill.

"Um, uh," says Issei, worried.

Then he points to something behind her.

"Hey, look over there," he says. "It's your master, Bryhildr!"

"Ay!" she yelps.

She stands at attention, eyes wide and face pale; Issei just scared the booze right out of her.

"Br-Bryhildr," she stutters, frozen in place. "G-Glad to see you.


Then she turns around, only to see a random family entering the restaurant.

"Huh?" she asks.

"Gotcha," teases Issei.

Her face comically turns red with humiliation, and she sits back down.

"Issei!" she scolds. "First the awful memory, now you're playing dirty tricks.


"Sorry, honey, but I had no choice," he chuckles.

A moment passes, and Rossweisse begins giggling herself. The two lovers have a good, heartfelt laugh as the blonde waitress approaches them.

"Anything else for you two?" she asks.

"Check, please," replies Rossweisse.

"Already?" asks Issei. "What about dessert?"

She hilariously slams her hands on the table again and stands up, startling Issei and the waitress.

"Issei!" she belts.

"Y-Yes?" he asks.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten?" she asks.

"Huh?" he asks before putting it together. "Oh, right! Right.

Hehe, my bad. "

She calms down and smiles at him.

"Let's go," she says.


Day becomes night in the realm of Asgard.

In the corner of Valhalla, Issei, Rossweisse and a pegasus stand on the main lawn inside of the Thor Stadium.

A replica of the Yggdrasil world tree stands in the center of the lawn, and floating islands used as footholds for rating game participants scatter the air. The audience bleachers and press boxes are all empty; it's just the three of them in the stadium.

While the winged horse grazes in the grass, the two lovers stroll across the arena, reminiscing; walking and talking.

"Hard to believe it was just a few months ago we were last here," says Rossweisse.

"Yeah," says Issei. "We faced Vidar's team during the preliminary round of the Azazel Cup.

You fought like such a badass. "

"Yes, well, that was all thanks to Rias," she says.

"Rias?" he asks.

"Sure," she replies. "I mean, it was her idea to trade me to your team in the first place.

Because of that, I became much stronger. "

"Oh, yeah, guess that's true," he says.

"And while I didn't ask to be traded, I wasn't against the idea either," she says. "I would've been content as Rias' servant, but she insisted I'd get stronger under your leadership.

And she was right. "

She stops walking, bringing him to a stop as well. They hold hands and face each other.

"Issei, I'm really happy," she says. "Happy that Rias supported me, and even happier that you accepted me.

I'm grateful to the both of you. "

"I'm grateful too, Rossweisse," he says. "Grateful to Rias for giving you to me, and grateful to you yourself for joining my team.


"Hmm-hmm," she says. "Guess Akeno's not the only one we should be thanking.


"Guess not," he agrees.

. .


The moment gets the better of them, and they lean into kiss.

But just before their lips connect, everything around them darkens as the sun dips beyond the horizon.

"Oh, no," she says.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

She sprints toward the pegasus, leaving him confused in the dust.

"Hurry, Issei," she says.

"For what?" he asks.

"Damn that tiny brain of yours," she says, mounting the horse. "We still have a promise to keep.


The lightbulb in Issei's head finally lights up.

"Oh, shit, that's right," he says.

Just as he runs for the horse, Rossweisse kicks his hide and he begins to canter. He runs straight for Issei, flapping his wings along the way.

"Hey, uh, what're you doing?" he asks, comically.

"This is what you get for forgetting," she teases.

The pegasus gallops at Issei, and he flees for his life.

"Oh, shit!" he yells.

The pegasus dips his head under Issei's legs, lifts him up, and flips him over. Issei screams, grabs the first thing he can, and lands behind Rossweisse.

"Ay!" she squeals.

Issei finds himself grabbing her breasts from behind.

"Huh? Oh, hell yeah," he says, giving them a good grope.

"Gah! Issei, not now," she says.

The pegasus kicks off into the air, and flies into the sky.


Later, Issei and Rossweisse ride the pegasus through the starlit sky.

"So?" she asks.

"I remember, I remember," he pleads. "That big tree back there was the fake Yggdrasil tree.

After we won the game against Vidar, we promised we'd go see the real one together. "

She smiles, relieved it's all coming back to him.

"And see it, we will," she says.

Just then, he rests his chin on her shoulder, and wraps his arms around her belly; her massive breasts dip onto his forearms. Even though he's aroused, it's not why he's holding her.

"I-Issei?" she asks, flustered.

"You know what else I remember?" he asks.

"W-What?" she asks.

"You accepting my proposal," he replies, blushing.

Rossweisse's cheeks shade into a cherry hue, and she bundles herself closer to him, enjoying his embrace.

"Y-Yes," she says. "Though that was rather embarrassing.