
DxD: The Fight For Freedom

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ZBjyhdt3 Update Schedule: 1 Ch/week- ten days Most fanfic characters in DxD either have cheats, systems, special backgrounds, or know the plot for their SMOOTH plan. This story doesn't have ANY of that convenient plot. Well.... You can read other stories if you don't like this story. This story only has the OG MC with different thinking. What happens if Issei has a very cautious, grounded, but decisive mindset? What happens if you take off the anime and boob logic out of the window with simple common sense? What if... What if Issei never wished to be a Harem King? All of these what-ifs make this story born. . . A True Dragon of Domination who fought for his survival and freedom. "Heh...In the end, we all become who we are by the results of our choice. If this is my ending, then I can only accept it." This story is AU. (P.S. The general will follow the OG story. Although, the content WILL be different with different MC .) (P.S.S There's no reincarnation, transmigration, system, regression, nor knowing the plot for the MC. His special cheat is only himself and Boosted Gear, Period.) (P.S.S. I'm a complete beginner who writes fanfic for fun and scratching the itch on my brain resulting in this fanfic. forgive me if there's an obvious plot hole, grammar mistakes, or nonsensical logic.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 12: The Guardian Angel of Black

"...." - A character's dialogue

(....) - A character's thoughts

{....} - Issei communicating with Ddraig in mind

{....} - Ddraig speaking in Issei's mind

[....] - Ddraig speaking openly to his surrounding

(...)- Ddraig's thought.


Fallen Angel is what people called, "Half-assed" in the supernatural community. Even though they are created as messengers of peace and love, they fall into depravity. Of course, this excludes the ones who are born naturally though.

All of them still cling to some habits during their angel days, but they also have their debauchery quirks after becoming fallen angels.

That's why, most Fallen habitually used old abandoned churches as their home base for one area. In a way, it's paying homage to their creator while debasing it for their 'corrupted' plan.

At this one abandoned church at Kuoh Town, was used for the so-called "Sheep who lost their way" without permission.

"...Hey Ray, why are you wearing that bitchy face all the time recently? What, having a period?"

"Mittelt, for the love of decency, please don't be a fucking brat to YOUR boss."

"Yeah, yeah, miss prim and proper Kala 'Mommy'. "

A petite blond-haired girl wearing a black frilly gothic dress grumbled unsatisfactorily to her conversational partner, while her 'opposite' just sighed resignedly at her bratty response.

Kalawarner, a buxom blue-haired lady who is quite tall compared to the average female's height couldn't help but look exasperatedly at her frustrating colleagues. If Mittelt's appearance is cute and the personification of a "she-devil", Kalawarner is the seductive woman with her long hair covering one of her alluring eyes while wearing a one-piece coat.

Both of them have contrasting traits, but actually, they are quite close in private too. Sometimes, all of those annoying quirks can be endearing after both risked their lives for each other during the Great War.

---Well, still annoying though.

(....She's not wrong.)

Outwardly, Kala scolds her partner for having decency, but inwardly she agrees with Mittelt. These days, Raynare, their boss constantly wears a grumpy face more than usual. While not as extreme as Mittelt saying "Having a period" (She's not THAT suicidal), it was true that their leader is experiencing a constant bad mood almost all of the time.

As if saying so, the said woman, Raynare who wore the black battle dress just like Issei saw her last week looked at them briefly with narrowed eyes. Moreover, her way of expressing "I am super angry and nobody could stop me", by folding her hands below her chest is quite striking.

Looking at her current state, Kala and Mittelt winced a bit. Usually, she snapped at them with sarcastic words filled with thorns. Now though? She just stared at them menacingly, her sharp eyes glinting.

It was seriously scary, no joking about it.

"...Uhhh...leader, can I ask why you are angry? If I'm at fault, I apologize beforehand."

Kalawarner was the first one who raised her hands in surrender. Whatever it is, she does not want to get the brunt of her 'royal' ire. Heck, she'll even offer Mittelt as her punching bag if needed.

Her words are quite meek for a "prideful' fallen angel. The lolita even looks at her with contempt openly like she's the most miserable person in the entire world. Kalawarner noticed it, and she swore inwardly to smack that fucking rascal HARD later.

As for Raynare, she only stares at Kala's tearful face for a moment. Then, as if she found it funny, she snorted in amusement, letting out a wry smile.

"It's fine. Sorry girls. I'm...having a bad moment, so to speak."

Both of them blink repeatedly at her uncharacteristic admission. This is someone who could headbutt their Supreme General Governor openly in an official meeting. 

And that same person is apologizing first?

"Okay, spill it out. What the hell's wrong with you? I'm getting goosebumps hearing you saying 'sorry' ."

"....While not extreme like that stupid brat, I agree. Is there something concerning you, leader?"

One is abrasive while another is gentle in asking their inquiries. Although, the feelings behind their words are the same. It was a genuine care for Raynare's wellbeing.

Looking at her old friends, her heart is filled with warmth. Most of the time, they quarrel with each other for stupid things. But when things go down, they support each other's backs without being asked.

She's truly blessed, isn't she?

Sighing melancholically, she faces them both with a tender smile. Both of them were quite shocked seeing her like this, seemingly soft and gentle. Mittelt even thinks she's hallucinating badly after drinking too much yesterday.

Although, that was just a split moment. After hearing their last member announcing his arrival from the communication magic, she wears her game face instantly. The other two are a bit dazed by her constant change, but they also change gears looking at her focused expression.

Their playtime was done. Now is the time for work.

As if it was decided beforehand, Dohnaseek, the last member of this squad appeared in a glowing magical circle on the ground in perfect timing.

With this, all four are finally gathered for the meeting.

"Leader, I'm back."

"Good work, Seek. Any troubles?"

"None, I was able to arrive safely with no interruptions."

Nodding in understanding, she ordered them to sit on the chairs. After all, this is going to be a very long and sobering talk for the rest of their long night.

When they were seated properly, Raynare took a few deep breaths to prepare herself mentally. What she's going to say is going to be groundbreaking on so many levels that it's not even funny.

"...First, Dohnaseek is going to explain his findings about the mission I gave him this morning. It'll help the talk later on."

Receiving it as a signal for his turn, the man nods silently and opens his mouth to explain his result succinctly. The more he spoke though, the more Kalawaner and Mittelt changed their expressions throughout the explanation.


"Goddamn, that kiddo is the Sekiryuutei? What kind of devilish luck does the Gremory have?"

It was surprising, to say the least. They never thought this seemingly small town gathered many high-profile people in all kinds of manners. Not only two heiresses of devils, them the six-winged, and now Issei as the current Red Dragon of Domination.

Moreover, that said dragon boy had fallen into the devil's hands. Complicated doesn't cover their current feeling. The one whom they were assigned to kill got saved and poached by their archenemy. Most of all, the said personnel this time could go big.

But that's not what concerned them most. While it's an important point, it has already passed. No, what's peculiar is their boss' actions on this job.

Mittelt is the first one who spoke her opinion. Since this is work time, her posture is more formal than usual, raising her hand to speak her piece.

"Hey, boss? I don't mean to slander you but...aren't you...you know, sloppy?"

Even if It was quite disrespectful, the blond-haired Lolita couldn't help but feel that way. After all, this is THE Raynare they are talking about. While not a super agent who won't fail the given work, her rate of success is always 9 out of 10 for centuries. 

This mission is not considered to be 1 out of 10, hell no. Because it was supposed to be just a simple job.


Kalawarner called out to her in a warning tone but said girl just shrugged her shoulders. She knows she's out of line a little bit, but what's crucial needs to be said. That doesn't mean she doesn't trust her superior though. As proof, her words are filled with confusion and curiosity, instead of accusation.

The blue-haired woman has the same opinion but keeps it to herself. Fieldwork is always filled with uncertainties and surprise factors. Most of all, this is the Gremory and Sitri's groundfield. It's not hard to imagine there are hiccups along the operation.

As if understanding both opinions, Raynare only raises her hand and waves it sideways, showing her not being offended by them. If she was in their position, she would feel the same too.

"It's fine, I get it. Only a fool leaves the kid's body fully knowing there's going to be a thief who takes it."

She was...nonchalant about it. So much so that all three of them feel incredulous about her criticizing herself for making a beginner mistake.

The black-haired angel knows how stupid she had done at that time too. The smart thing to do is to either burn his body to oblivion or bring it to her base for further purposes if needed.

But she didn't do so. Rather, she doesn't want to.

Raynare confesses her inner feelings in a whispered voice filled with remorse. 

"....I want to let him live."


All three of them had differing reactions but astonishment was commonly shown in their expression. Kalawarner even feels she just got bonked on her head by a sledgehammer after hearing THAT of all things by her leader.

"Wh-Whoa, whoa!? Time! Time out!!"

Standing up from her seat abruptly, Mittelt flailed her hands around in a comedic manner. Although it was kind of cute, her flustered face reflected her shock hearing that comment from Raynare.

Pointing her trembling finger to her Boss who looks downward, she speaks albeit hesitantly.

"...We are...assigned here to...' finish' him right?"

A nod.

"...And you did it?"

Slightly delayed than usual, Raynare nods her head again. If Mittelt is not imagining it, her boss looks aggrieved for doing so. While curious about her reaction, she continues her question.

"So...uh...You let him get taken by those 'bats'?"

A nod.

"Even knowing he'll be their...' slave'?"


This time, there was a sound of gnashing teeth quite loudly for the other three to hear it. Other than that, she didn't show any other excessive reaction other than another nod.

Hearing all of the answers given, Mittelt looked at Raynare strangely as if she was truly seeing her for the first time.

"...Okay, I'm officially confused. Boss, you need to give me context here. Otherwise, I'm going to label you as bipolar lady from now on."


"What!? I'm sure you thought about it after hearing about her actions! What do you call it other than 'bipolar' !? A two-faced bitch!?"



Witnessing their low-level bickering exasperatedly, Dohnaseek, the lone man in this group only rubs his temple tiredly. They are the so-called spear of Grigori and are feared by the other forces of the Supernatural. Looking at them like this though, sometimes he wondered morosely why he got assigned to a squad equivalent to a mental asylum.

Gazing at the lone man beside her sympathetically, Raynare pats his shoulder silently as a sign of support. She knew exactly how he feels right now. When talking to her pervert boss, Raynare wanted to bash her head to the floor, wishing to end this insanity.

Well, their stupid 'dad' won't let them. Fucking slavedriver, she cusses hatefully in her mind.

Backing her mind to track, she cleared her throat quite loudly for these two idiots to stop their 'fights'. While it's nice to see it for stress relief, now is not the time nor the place for it.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. As amusing as this is, I need you ladies to stop your flirting."


---Both of you. 

Their lines are even synching perfectly, word to word.

"Want to me rip those pretty little mouths? My hands have been kind of itchy since this morning."

Smiling prettily while closing her eyes, she 'asked' both of them nicely. The blue and blond pair feel their face getting pale immediately, hearing that terror statement. Almost a second later, Mittelt and Kalawarner shook their hands with stiff smiles on their faces, as if their fight a moment ago was an illusion.

They do not want to get beaten by her of all people! 

" "Best Friends." "

"Good, sit down quietly." 

" " YES MA'AM!" "

"Now, I'm going to defend myself before getting labeled as mentally unstable."

Ah, she's taking a grudge, isn't she? With anime tears pouring out in her mind, Mittelt was half-resigned being subjected to her 'punishment' later on. Knowing his partner's thoughts, Kalawarner covered her snickers with her hands. Serves her right. That's why you need to be polite to your boss.

Shaking her head bemusedly at her silly subordinates, she explained her contradicting reasons toward Issei.

"Actually, I didn't want to kill him. Originally, I just wanted to seal his memories about me and sacred gear, Booster Gear or not."

That was...unexpectedly kind of her. Disregarding her action of disobeying direct orders from the top, they all look at her confusedly but do not show contempt for it. The trio are fallen angels, but that doesn't mean they like murdering innocent kids.

They are not heartless monsters.

Just, It's very uncharacteristic of Raynare to try to let the mundane boy live blissfully, away from the supernatural. Mittelt even snorted openly, as if telling that her boss, of all people showing mercy, was ridiculous.

"What? You have feelings for the kid? That why you become moody these few days?"

She expected some snapping remarks or another death glare given by her boss. The Raynare Mittelt knew would never involve personal feelings to their job, after all.

---What she didn't expect was Raynare getting a pink face while fiddling with her long hair in a shy manner. If she didn't know her personally, she'd describe her current state just like a girl who found love for the first time.

Moreover, she didn't deny her sarcastic words either!

"...Holy shit, seriously!!?"

Seeing her acting like a bashful maiden, dumbfounded doesn't express her shock. She was completely bamboozled by this unexpected reason out of the blue. Even Kalawarner and Dohnaseek look at their leader disbelievingly.

Their leader has been 'compromised' because of a kid whose age is less than the twenties.

This was a woman who could punch their Supreme General in the chin, who made a pass to her. While their Governor is a known pervert, not even Mittelt would dare to be that disrespectful to him.

And now, that kind of woman has a "crush" on her target!?

"...Damn, now I want to meet the kid. Kudos to him."

Mittelt nodded approvingly to the guy who never met. Someone who could tame their boss is legitimately incredible. If possible, she wants to give the boy a high-five for achieving the impossible. Although---

"Heh, what a cradle robber."


Hearing those accursed words, Raynare feels like she got gut-punched metaphorically. After all, she has a semblance of awareness of how ridiculous this is. A millennium-old 'girl' falls in love with a kid who hasn't experienced adulthood.

No matter how shameless she is, Raynare couldn't refute Mittelt's amusedly spoken words. She's even grateful they didn't tease her for being a cougar.

A wry smile appeared on Kalawarner and Dohnaseek's faces. Looking at her confident boss being this meek was quite a strange feeling for them. To be honest, both of them didn't care much for the years gap. The human world may be a big problem for it but couples with big age differences until decades or even centuries are not that rare in the Supernatural world.

But---if so, what she had done was full of inconsistency.

"Ahh...hold on a sec. Then why did you...' finish' him?"

As if that sentence was the signal, all kinds of playfulness and light-hearted atmosphere dispersed instantly. Raynare's change of expression was even more pronounced because of it. From a lady who found happiness in a long time, she looks as if all hope had been lost for her. Mittelt even winced in guilt for how downtrodden she is currently.

"...I was 'forced' to."







It took her a moment to digest that. Then, a scream from Mittelt's small mouth reverberates throughout the dim-lighted church. The other two didn't say anything but their wide eyes expressed their current feeling right now. How could someone make Raynare force her to take drastic action? No one is capable in this town of her making her do so.

Understanding their disbelief, she raises her bangs with her hand to let them see her forehead. Although a few days have passed, there are marks left for them to prove her words.

Seeing the faint but noticeable symbol on their leader's forehead, all of them are lost for words. Then, their disbelief immediately changed to pure wrath seeing that accursed mark 'slammed' onto their friend. Only Dohnaseek has a neutral face, but his tightly clenching hands express his inner boiling anger clearly.

That was a mark used during the Great War by their comrades. In the past, that symbol's name was different because of its uses at that time, but for all of its purposes and designs---that was a Slave Command Mark.

It was strictly forbidden to be used for any kind of purpose. The reason can't be more clear from the name given. It was reluctantly implemented as a last resort for soldiers who lost their spirit to fight. Since they're in a ceasefire, they are not in a dire enough state to use it anymore.

Seeing it on her forehead though, they finally understand her conflicting actions.

----Raynare was controlled by someone on their rank.

"...Hey Boss, who the fuck is this bastard? Give me a name. I'll take out all of its organs and feed it into a dog."

"Get in line, brat. That fucker is going into a blender after getting crushed with my hands."

The two women showed their displeasure greatly. Raynare may have its faults and bad moments, but she was a genuine friend and dependable comrade for a long time. Said person was subjected to killing her own 'crush' with her hand, personally.

Mittelt, with her soulless eyes, spat out her 'promise' to the bastard who did this, while Kalarwaner cracked her knuckles with a sadistic smile. Dohnaseek, always the silent one didn't say anything but the fedora man's burning eyes showed his determination to give the sinful ones their deserving retribution.

Seeing them getting angry for her, Raynare chuckles slightly. While it's endearing for their care, this time the opponent is a bad match. 

(...To be precise, it's hopeless.)

If they were this angry, then it was worse for Raynare herself. Her dignity, freedom, and sliver of happiness were mercilessly trampled by it after all. Two days are more than enough to deduce who put this fucking mark on her. That was also why she didn't take any actions toward the Gremory, no matter how much she wanted to smite that fucking bitch.

She doesn't have the leisure to play around anymore.

The identity of that said bastard is too much for her. Even if they combined all of their prowess, they wouldn't even reach his toenails.

A big difference in power makes everything right. It was a disgusting fact, but a irrefutable truth. She can't even dispute it since that's her current situation.

"I appreciate it, but it'll amount to nothing. We'll just die a dog's death."

"How can you say that!? This is just a cowardly bastard who doesn't even have the word pride in their tiny brain!! Seriously, just give me a name and---"

"---Even if it's the "Star of God"?"

Cutting her ranting middle-way, Raynare finally spoke the identity of her 'controller'. It was an immediate change. All of their anger which was boiling like magma got cooled down with something resembling a blizzard. Mittelt even sobered up from her crazed fever instantly.

That's how much weight the name's spoken by Raynare.

"...A-are you serious?"


It's driving her crazy on how nonchalantly Raynare spoke it. If anyone other than them hears her, it almost makes them think she's speaking it as if it doesn't relate to her.

"...Holy fucking shit."

All of Mittelt's energy has been drained short. She slumped into her chair powerlessly. No matter how arrogant she is, she knows her position more than anybody else. Her six wings on her back clearly define her worth in their organization.

Raynare was right, they'll die a dog's death fighting him openly. Hell, fighting is the 'polite' word.

----If that happens, they'll get massacred in ten seconds flat.

Kalawarner was the first to regain her cool. Out of the four, she was the most experienced in calming down her own raging emotions. After all, she fell due to 'Wrath'. She knew how to control it skillfully as if flipping her hands.

"...Why though? Why would that ...esteemed person do that to you?"

The spoken word 'esteem' tastes like bitter ashes in her mouth. As a fallen angel, she respects that person's power ONLY. As for his ideology or his actions toward her boss? Not even a little bit.

Dohnaseek looks at Kalawarner's conflicted face silently while closing his eyes. During his way here, he had been informed of their situation roughly, but enough. He only needs to connect the dots to the reason being chosen for this 'mission'.

Answering her subordinate's question, instead of a direct answer, she spread her hands out toward them.

"Have you ever wondered why we were assigned to this town?"

Kalawarner blinked at the sudden question while Mittelt weakly raised her head. The bombshell just now shocked her for a moment, but she's a veteran who can keep cool, not a fumbling greenhorn.

"Isn't it because of precaution? The heiress of Gremory and Sitri is a big political landmine itself. Not only that, their 'siblings' are equivalent to nuclear bombs."

She's right. Initially, Raynare thought of it like that too. Nodding in understanding, she agreed to Mittelt's statement.

Four six-winged angels for eliminating one single boy who hasn't even awoken his sacred gear nor knows about the supernatural. No matter how they look at it, it's too much. Fallen angels have deficit personnel, not excessive surplus for this extreme caution.

If the area is the enemy's territory though, that explains it. Especially if said enemies have humongous backing that one could only dream of getting in their entire life.

But after recent events, Raynare began to have suspicions. Many people in their ranks are bloodthirsty and condescending toward humans, but not them. Raynare personally wouldn't mind humans with sacred gears joining them. The Slash Dog squad is living proof of their supreme leader's 'hobby'.

So why did they get assigned to this job? Most of all---

"Why is it elimination? Not recruit but 'erasing' Issei."

"...Huh. You're right. Our Supreme Governor wouldn't give that order. He'll always say 'Recruit them if possible'. "

Unconsciously, Mittelt murmured her agreement absentmindedly. Kalawarner and Dohnaseek even nod their heads. That's what he'll say, definitely. (Also, they silently take note of how Raynare called her 'target' with his given name.)

Either that or observing them and proposing a possible alliance. From a logistic standpoint, it's more productive to have more people as allies rather than eliminating them for risk control.

Moreover, the devils wouldn't let this slide either. No matter how subtle Raynare could be, they will get alerted if someone who could potentially be their "family" is murdered by their archenemy in their region.

But the Slave Command Mark changed everything. More accurately, Raynare finally reached an epiphany 'who' actually assigns this mission.

"This mission is not from our leader. It's our resident warmonger."

The reaction was immediate. Kalawarner gasped in worry, Mittelt groaned loudly, while Dohnaseek let out a long sigh expressing his deep-seated worry for coming true.

They didn't refute it. It needs confirmation, but they are ninety-nine percent sure of it. Only him in Grigori that's ballsy enough to warrant this reckless act.

---It could only be taken as an act of aggression, no other way about it.

"...Tch, so that's it. He needs a catalyst to press the 'continue' button for that war."

Clicking her tongue in dissatisfaction, Kalawarner raised her blue hair in an upset manner, realizing this disturbing fact. She tries to hide it by speaking calmly, but her trembling hands show how shaken she currently is. Dohnaseek and Mittelt are the same. The Lolita even roughly messes with her carefully maintained hair due to a high amount of stress. As for the fedora man, he pushed his hat down to cover his despair-filled eyes.

Each person varies but all of them never, ever wanted to continue that 'horror show' anymore.




The amount of blood spilled for their causes.




The number of bodies accumulated until it can build a hill.




The countless separations they had experienced with their brethren.




The crazed bloodshot-eyed enemies shouted hysterically for their demises.




Some of them go mad from hysteria while others become more and more callous toward death. Raynare herself was deeply spooked by how much people embrace death as if it were their salvation wholeheartedly, enemies or not.

It was hell, plain and simple. Millions lose their life because of it. That number multiplies quadruply for how many scars are left on them, physical and mental indefinitely.

At that time, the Fallen Angels' side could finally be operated as a functioning organization after signing the ceasefire, but the process of recovery itself took decades. ...Some weren't able to live normally anymore.

The PTSD of that war was extremely severe for all three sides.

And now, it's coming again. Because of one madman who has a massive superiority complex, that catastrophic conflict is going to start for a second round.

---But this time, it will be utter destruction, either them or the two other side.

Grimacing at their panicked reaction, Raynare calms herself down. She expected this. If she doesn't ready herself mentally before this, she will also react the same. That's how much serious shit they are in right now.

"Calm down, it hasn't happened yet. There's a chance we could prevent this."

As a squad leader, she needs to show example. Getting scared of a potential scenario won't help them anything. What they need is a cool head to think of a solution.

As if a ray of light shone them down from the darkness, all three of them whipped their heads toward Raynare with hope. 

Only, Mittelt herself becomes the devil's advocate here. She looks at Raynare skeptically.

"...How? Ray, I don't mean to damper your mood but we're basically signed up for a suicide mission here. Moreover..."

Stopping, Mittelt's face darkened badly for a highly plausible implication after hearing Raynare's explanation. That madman is fucking crazy to the highest order. However, he's equally patient with the carefully made plan to succeed. There's no way he didn't expect retaliation.

"...Grigori is compromised. Even if we want to request reinforcements or communication, there's no way of telling who's peaceful and who's not."

"We are left alone."

Finishing, Mittelt lets out a laugh tinged with hysterics and despair. What could she do other than laugh about it? If they finish the 'job', then the devils will retaliate, starting another war. If they go back to their home, they could get assassinated for sealing their lips permanently.

Dead bodies don't tell. The supernatural may have loopholes around it, but it's essentially the same.

They have 'choices', but both of them are ultimately signing their death warrant.

So how could they overcome this?

"...Then we take the third option."

Breaking this gloomy silence, Dohnaseek finally speaks after being silent for a long time. Kalawarner looked at him confusedly while Mittelt raised her eyebrow, not expecting the silent guy butting in.

Expecting their confusion, Dohnaseek looks at Raynare for confirmation. Seeing her nodding, he gets the permission to speak.

"Hyoudou Issei. He's the key for all of this."

"...Have you gone mad, Seek? He's just a newly reincarnated devil. What could that rookie help us in? "

It was a harsh comment but fair for her to be wholly unimpressed. They are in a situation for getting help even from stray cats, yes, but there are limits to it. Kalawarner felt pity for the boy, but he's their enemy now. Most of all, even if it is Boosted Gear, the kid has just obtained that power yesterday. There's no other apt word to describe him as a greenhorn.

However, Dohnaseek shook his head slowly in disagreement. At first, he's also doubtful whether this plan proposed by Raynare succeed. 

After today though, he changed his mind.---Although miniscule, there's a chance.

"...Remember what I said? Even though he was unrelated to the Supernatural before this, he could awaken the Boosted Gear. He skips one entire step from Twice Critical to his current state in this short time."

Stopping, he continued his words but more slowly to emphasize his next words.

"Not only that, he was able to control his draconic aura. Not perfect of course, but enough for ones with the same level as him to not notice the dragon's presence."

An analytical glint arises from Dohnaseek's narrow eyes. Raynare-sama getting interested in that boy was understandable now. Not just anyone could accept, use, and adapt to unexpected situations in a short period. Moreover, his worldview was completely flipped upside down.

For him, such a feat was downright amazing.

This time, Mittelt and Kalawarner ponder his words carefully. While not fully convinced, it shows how much potential the current Sekiryuutei has.

Moreover, remembering the report he spoke gives them food for thought too.

"...Now what you mention it, he's not fully loyal to the Gremory, right? Otherwise, he'll wag his tail asking for protection and guidance."

"That's not all, Kala. The kid avoiding the devils also shows his skepticism toward them. Usually, people cling to their savior but not him. In other words---"

Trailing off, both of them look at each other, reaching the same conclusion as Dohnaseek does.

" " He wants to be independent." "



Satisfied with their answer, Raynare flicked her fingers with a slight grin. Now they're on the same page as her. Issei may be tied to the devils, but that's just flimsy at best. He's not brainwashed by them yet nor being colored by their perception.

In this town, he was the closest to the neutral side.

"What's your plan with him, Boss? Bring him unto our folds before the devils do?"

Mittelt proposes a possible idea, but Raynare only shakes her head with a regretful face. She wants that more than anybody else but there are too many problems with it.

"...I killed him, Mit. You can't just shrug off things like that."

Mittelt grimaced at that reminder, understanding her point. She was controlled but it's doubtful whether the kiddo could accept that answer. It's more probable he'll be suspicious of them deceiving him for lowering his guard down.

No, from the start Raynare didn't hope for that. She's a realist, not an idealist who only hopes for the best.

"...Few days later, there's going to be an exiled nun coming here, right?"

On that question coming out from the left side abruptly, Mittelt tilted her head questioningly but nodded in agreement.

"Yep, a cute gal named Asia Argento. Those stuck-up bastards are idiots. She's the possessor of Twilight Healing, sent to our laps for free. We're lucky to get her."

The next moment though, her cheerful face becomes gloomy, imagining the poor girl's fate getting involved in this political mess.

"...Not for her. This town could be the next warzone. She could get involved in it point-blank."

Kalawarner and Dohnaseek lowered their eyes sadly for that. Having a healer was always welcome for anybody, even fallen angels. Moreover, from the report given, she was a kind-hearted girl who followed the lord's teaching faithfully.

And yet, such an innocent girl was decided to be excommunicated for doing the right thing. All of them would bet it was just another bullshit from the top to keep the lies spread to their closed community alive.

She was wasting her entire life, literally for following a 'meaningless' teaching.

Fallen angels could be cruel, but humans are equally worse.

"---Then how about sending her to a safer place?"

Breaking this cloudy air, Raynare smirks challengingly toward them. Although she also sympathizes with the poor girl, she could make use of this situation better. A bit manipulative, she could admit that but they're cornered into a wall.

She needed to do everything to prevent the worst-case scenario.

"Devils like theatrics. Moreover, they are just young brats who have never experienced wars in their entire life. All of us could be their 'side actors' for them to shine brightly."

"....Oh! you want to lay low."

Immediately, Kalawarner understood her cryptic words. They have worked together for a very long time. It's not hard to decipher her intention. The other pair, short and tall respectively also understood her, nodding in agreement. They have no qualms about it.

Since they are in trouble anyway, it's best to 'boom' flashily, distracting other people's attention. After that, four of them could hide under the limelight.

Then, the rest is left to the nun priest and the dragon boy, while they help them in shadow.

"What should we do with these two? From your words, they are the main actors, right?"

Tapping her chin in thought, she nod a few times to herself, deciding their future role. The dice have been cast. The rest has been left for them to move accordingly.

"After Issei meets up with the Gremory, that's where we strike. Instead of injuring him, test his ability by cornering him to prove Seek's words. Then---"

"---We egg his suspicions about the devils to the max."

Nodding in agreement with Mittelt's words, Raynare continues her next words.

"That, and hinting him at a possible domino effect after his 'death'. No need for everything but just enough for him to be on his toes."

Raynare only knows Issei for a few days, but adequate for her to build a profile about him. He's empathetic to his close ones and sharp in discerning people's true intentions. Combining that with his doubts regarding his current 'master'...

---It's enough for him to be on guard against the devils. They don't need him to trust the fallen completely either. Just enough to know about the upcoming storm is sufficient.

"...This is a bet. We are making him a 'third faction', figuratively as it is. The girl, Asia Argento will be in his protection rather than the devils. Our fucking warmonger will make a move when he hears our disappearance, sooner or later."

It was a race of time and wit. The faster the Fallen quartet's side informs Issei about the upcoming war, the higher the chance of their survivability. If they predict the current Sekiryuutei's growth correctly, it's not impossible to at least struggle with that bastard on similar ground.

Balance Breaker of Boosted Gear is truly THAT strong. It could make their host into a power level of the ultimate-class devil if used well.

Meanwhile, they will try making contact with Azazel, their leader, to discern the truth about this case after being 'defeated' by the devils. It's not that he's completely free of suspicions, but at least it's better than twiddling their thumbs waiting for demise.

Considering his obsessive interest in Sacred Gear, he'll take the bait when he knows about Boosted Gear appearing in this town.

(Issei, you say I'm a guardian angel. ...Sorry, but this is the best I could do.)

Smiling in self-derision, Raynare derides herself for being the worst Guardian Angel in the entire history. But with her limited options, this is the best idea she could make right now.

Time, a bit of leeway, and a small amount of allies. In front of a gargantuan threat, such resources are pitifully insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

However, Raynare still put her hope into that chance, foolish as it is.

"...Do your best, Issei. We'll put our lives into this, just like you."

For once, the Fallen Angel Raynare wanted to believe in miracles too.

Instead of waiting for it though---





---She will make it into reality by her own hands.


Author's Notes: This ends for The Guardian Angel of Black. Since all four of them are not stooges to be tutorial enemy for Issei only, they have their troubles and agendas. Those who know about the DxD canon event will know who makes Raynare get controlled. That guy has a massive boner for his race to be better than the other two.

Next Chapter: Evil doesn't need to be on Purpose.

That's all for me, Ciao~~~

(P.S. I have a slump in writing so the next update could be re~~~~ally long. Maybe a month or more. Sorry.)

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