
DxD: The Fight For Freedom

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ZBjyhdt3 Update Schedule: 1 Ch/week- ten days Most fanfic characters in DxD either have cheats, systems, special backgrounds, or know the plot for their SMOOTH plan. This story doesn't have ANY of that convenient plot. Well.... You can read other stories if you don't like this story. This story only has the OG MC with different thinking. What happens if Issei has a very cautious, grounded, but decisive mindset? What happens if you take off the anime and boob logic out of the window with simple common sense? What if... What if Issei never wished to be a Harem King? All of these what-ifs make this story born. . . A True Dragon of Domination who fought for his survival and freedom. "Heh...In the end, we all become who we are by the results of our choice. If this is my ending, then I can only accept it." This story is AU. (P.S. The general will follow the OG story. Although, the content WILL be different with different MC .) (P.S.S There's no reincarnation, transmigration, system, regression, nor knowing the plot for the MC. His special cheat is only himself and Boosted Gear, Period.) (P.S.S. I'm a complete beginner who writes fanfic for fun and scratching the itch on my brain resulting in this fanfic. forgive me if there's an obvious plot hole, grammar mistakes, or nonsensical logic.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 11: Each With Their Agendas.

"...." - A character's dialogue

(....) - A character's thoughts

{....} - Issei communicating with Ddraig in mind

{....} - Ddraig speaking in Issei's mind

[....] - Ddraig speaking openly to his surrounding

(...)- Ddraig's thought.


After School Time

A usual scene, classmates talking to each other, girls promising to hang out after school, etc. 

However, Issei didn't pay attention to any of that. Instead, he subtly views the Price of Kuoh Academy, Kiba Yuuto on the corner of his eyes from his seat. As always, he's entertaining many female classmates with a polite smile on his immaculate face.

However, with his sharpened sense, he could sense Kiba Yuuto had the same darkish aura as Momo.

{...A devil.}

{Hmph. They don't even try to hide their presence.}

Agreeing inwardly with the dragon, he covertly observes Yuuto's action without making him notice. Before becoming a devil, Yuuto was just a typical bishounen to him. Not envious of his looks would be a lie, but Issei didn't hate his guts. Yuuto doesn't seem to be condescending to normies like him and other classmates. Although they don't have much interaction with each other, Issei sees him in a positive light.

There's a good reason he was called a "prince", after all. His being humble about it is just the icing on the cake, much to the ire of the boys.

Smart, handsome, and polite. The guy is a perfect reflection of Bishounen depicted in light novels and anime.

Moreover, It doesn't look like Yuuto is stringing those girls' feelings for his amusement as a 'proper' devil either. In fact, from Issei's point of view, it's more of him interacting with them just out of necessity without being seen as an impolite classmate.

Frowning at this fact, Issei communicates with his partner inwardly.

{...Are devils's way of life different than the past?}

{If you are talking about taking human souls after signing their contract, that practice is still alive today. ...Although, looking at him and that silver-haired girl, it's a minority.}

That's true, Issei agreed with his partner in his mind. He expected a lot from the devils but not this...mundane. If he separates the fact of magic, wings, grand war, and whatnot, they are not that different than humans themselves.

To be fair, he's looking at Yuuto and Momo with a new filter, as reincarnated devil. Combined with yesterday's gruesome experience, the Dragonoid couldn't exactly view them as simple or harmless high school students anymore.

Also, he never hears cases of missing students, 'mysteriously' transferred away, or spooky news like that in this school. From that, Issei concludes that modern devils are not like the ones from myths. At the very least, they are not enslaving and harming humans indiscriminately. Most probably, he was a special case, judging from Momo's reaction.

While thinking so, Yuuto takes his attention off from the girls to Issei. They didn't make eye contact, but Issei could feel his staring from his back. As a hybrid of Dragon and Devil with Ddraig backing him up, sensing attention from people becomes second nature to him.

Twisting his head to Yuuto, the prince looks slightly surprised but smiles slightly with a light nod as a greeting. Issei blinks a bit at that, but also nods back to him a beat later. Then, he turned his head back while making a perplexed face.

{...No hostility, no sign of magic being used, nothing.}

{Perhaps we are a bit too cautious. Just like that girl, Momo, not all devils are cruel and manipulative like your 'savior'. Hmm... in fact, this thinking of manipulation itself could be wrong.}

Narrowing his eyes from Ddraig's pondering comment, he folded his hands in thought. As a supposed 'victim', he may be quite biased and unnecessarily wary of his new colleagues. After all, Yuuto being a member of Occult Club is widely known too. He unconsciously projected the terrible image of Gremory-Senpai onto all of the members without any solid basis.

In other words, he's worried for nothing.

War is war, but Kuoh Town is definitely out of the boonies, excluding the fact that two heiresses make this town their base, and the six-winged fallen angel currently residing in it. Not every supernatural beings are coming to get him just because.

"What are you thinking seriously about?"

"Heh, finally getting a girl problem? Worried getting stabbed behind?"

While thinking, two familiar voices bring him back out of his thoughts. Raising his head, he was greeted with the teasing smiles of his best friends.

"Matsuda. Motohama."

Digesting their comments about having 'girl problems', he sighed slightly with a wry smile on his face. While not right, it was not wrong either. After all, Gremory-senpai and Raynare-san are 'girls' too. 

Except, the nature of his worry is completely different from what they thinking right now. Instead of getting stabbed by knives in the back, he could get blasted by something more lethal and destructive just with a flick of their hands. 

"...Something like that."


Furrowing his brow at his short offhanded response, Matsuda looks at his bro in concern. Motohama also tilted his head questioningly from the flat reaction by Issei. Usually, he'll fool around with them a bit more and Momo will join later on. Only, the silver-haired girl immediately went out of class after the school period ended. Something about Student Council, from the serious look on her face.

And then this. Both boys look at each other and then look at their uncrowned leader worryingly. They may fool around a lot, but both of them care for Issei genuinely. Him guiding them out from the immature(pervert) phase has solidified their image in good notes from the others. Instead of miserable school lives, they could enjoy their youths more happily due to Issei never giving up on them.

Sensing their worries, the said boy only bitterly smiled in his mind. If it's just some love problem, it'll just end with light teasing and good-natured ribbing. Such problems are perfectly natural for high school students.


"...It's nothing."

He couldn't interact with them as usual anymore. 

Feeling signs of familiar magical residue on them, he could guess their memories of "Yuuma" were erased by the devils too. Talking about it will open a whole can of worms. Worse, they could be a target for potential hostages if he pokes his noses unneeded where it is supposed to be.

From now on, he needs to be very, very careful with every move he takes.

The weight of becoming a devil, and most importantly, as Sekiryuutei makes him so.

His normal days are over.

Issei needs to keep their distance from them, no matter how much he hates doing so. To protect both of them---

"Sorry guys, there's something I need to do back home. I'll talk to you later."

He will 'cut out' his feelings.

"Wha-- Hey, Issei!?"

"Come on, man!"

Purposefully ignoring their protests, he walked through the door in fast paces. It was fortunate for the new reincarnated devil his back facing them. He didn't want to make them worry unnecessarily by looking at his pain-stricken face.

Sensing his partner's grim determination, Ddraig hummed sadly but didn't say anything. What Issei had done is the most logical choice. Spilling the beans about the supernatural will just make their lives full of dangers. Even if he could convince them by showing Ddraig, Issei doesn't have the heart for Matsuda and Motohoma to be 'sacrificed' for himself.

Right now, Issei and Ddraig lack too much information to take any kind of overt action.

Asking for Momo is an option, but it may raise potential problems if the members of Occult Club interact with the Student Council without permission. All of it will be decided after meeting his new master, Rias Gremory.

In the end, this is for the best. Issei repeatedly convinces himself in his mind with such words morosely.

Hurting oneself to protect others. It was uncharacteristic of him, but Issei plans to do so in the future too. His acquaintances, his friends, and ...his parents.

Because he was different now. Becoming special forces him to do so.

With heavy steps, he heads back to his home. There's much needed to do for the upcoming meeting. The main reason for prolonging his meeting with Gremory-senpai is to sharpen his arsenal. These few days are going to be the opportune time for him, to prepare for the upcoming greeting.

Having more cards in his pocket is never detrimental.

On his way to the exit, it's not only both of his friends looking at him in concern. Yuuto, the supposed club member of Issei stared at the brown-haired boy worryingly too. He has his orders from Rias to leave Issei alone for a while. Her words, giving Issei space to acclimatize to his new race abruptly changed.

Seeing him being different than usual though, Yuuto doubts whether leaving him alone is truly the best action. But, as a loyal knight of Gremory, the blond-haired prince will never cross the received order.

Therefore, this deadlock situation will prolonged for a few days.

Except, Rias' plan has been ruined from the start. To be precise, her 'standard' and lack of caution make her so.

Momo reporting this irregular case to Sona will accelerate and simultaneously ruin Rias' grand 'plan' royally. Instead of gaining the upper ground in future talk, the red-haired heiress will get scolded badly by SCP and crack their relationship. Sona does not appreciate the fact Rias couldn't handle the fallen angel's case as smartly as she thought.

Most of all, Issei is not some simple regular high school boy anymore. Even though it takes her all 8 pawn pieces, highlighting his enormous potential, she didn't know about Ddraig at all. Not only that, her passive approach has completely ruined an unreplaceable opportunity for a solid trusting relationship between them.

Her unwarranted actions, due to panic about her 'obligations' as the Heiress make this mistake. Therefore, it won't be long before she'll pay for the price of her choice. She could only live her life ignorantly until then.

She truly didn't know anything.

She didn't know at all.

----For touching the reverse scale of the dragon means exactly to her.





{What is your plan, Issei? I'm sure it's not without reason you don't confront Rias, Momo, and the other devils regarding your new state of affairs.}

On the way home, Ddraig inquired Issei telepathically about their future game plan. The crimson dragon knows Issei never acts carelessly because of momentary emotions. This speculation only amplified the more the brown-haired boy acts.

While buying the things ordered by his mom at the grocery mart, Issei replied to his partner in his mind.

{Exploring your power more deeper. That's the main reason I extend the meeting with the Occult Club.}


Sensing his confusion, Issei continues his explanation with a serious look.

{I didn't get to ask about your ability of Boosted Gear deeper because of getting swept by becoming a dragon. So now I want to confirm. What can you 'boost' exactly?}

{...What...do you mean by that?}

Ddraig tilted his head in confusion at Issei's question. Boosting is boosting. Just like his previous hosts, all of them boosted their magic blasts, attacks, and countless more in variety. It was used in all shapes and forms but all of it is related to combat.

However, it looks like Issei is not asking in that direction.

{In your explanation, you said Boosted Gear could boost 'power' for every ten seconds. At first, I thought of a simple application for boosting my power output too. But...}

Trailing off, he continued his words meaningfully. Immensely interested in this topic, Ddraig pays attention to Issei more than ever by stretching his long neck. 

{What if it's not just power? What if--- What if we could apply it to more simple things?}


{Such as?}

This is interesting.

As always, Hyoudou Issei always brings surprise after surprise to the Red Dragon. His unique perspective as a former normal human sees the supernatural through a different lens than his predecessors. All of them, either in small or big factors, have some kind of relation with this world. Only Issei was completely uninvolved until his rebirth.

Maybe that's why he looks at things differently. That, and his cautious nature. Either way, it was a breath of fresh hair for the ancient dragon.

Continuing, Issei explained his suspicions to Ddraig slowly.

{Practice makes perfect. That applies to everything, including magic and sacred gears too. ...Then, how about if I apply the ability of Boosted Gear, in my body growth by 'boosting' it?}

{....OHH!! You mean!}

{Looks like you get it.}

Smiling faintly at his dragon's reaction, Issei explained his 'exercise' plan of sorts. If other training maniacs hear his plan though, they will rage at him for being the epitome of unfairness.

{Normal muscle mass, low stamina, minimal magic pool. There are too many things I need to cover for my weaknesses. Changing my body into a dragon doesn't make it an excuse. Comparing my power level with other devils at school, there's not much difference. Then...}

Leaving there, Ddraig continues his partner's words with excitement obvious in his tone. 

{You want to train your body and magic pool as much as possible with Boosted Gear for faster progress. Indeed, if your idea is applicable, then you are the literal definition of minimum effort, maximum result!}


As if influenced by his excitement, Issei also smiled with satisfaction. It was an idea anyone could think of. However, no user of Booster Gear ever thinks of it that way.

They are too used to it. To be more precise, they are colored by the prowess of Y Ddraig Goch, riding his coattails as the base for their actions and thinking process.

Fight like a dragon. That's the modus operandi for the users of Boosted Gear.

There are differences for each individual but every one of them acts like the supreme predator to other people. All of them never think of implementing 'mundane' exercises with Boosted Gear. The closest would be adjusting the amount of boost used for their attack skill during their free time.

Issei is different. His status as a beginner in this world, combined with his low physique due to being a former simple human makes him think. How to get stronger, how to be better, and what to do during a crisis.

Think, think, and more thinking. He never stops his thinking process. Becoming a Sekiryuutei didn't let him stop. Instead of being complacent, it drives his motivation to be stronger.

Everything could begin smoothly IF you have the capability for it.

To put it simply, he never put his hope on an uncertain factor, which is Rias Gremory-Senpai. She may be a 'kind' master, a school idol, and a heiress of a prestigious family.

But all of that didn't even amount an iota amount of crap to him. If Issei wants to be more direct, it's meaningless shit.

After all, his parents are not under her jurisdiction. In her eyes, he's most probably just a new unique servant, not worth extending her protection for 'simple' humans. The way she treated his parents is the decisive factor for Issei. If she cared for his opinion, then she would ask first before doing anything to his mom and dad.

In other words, both of them have completely different priorities on what they think is important.

If money and status are greatly valued in human society, power is the biggest factor for almost everything in the supernatural. Since Issei has Boosted Gear and Ddraig as personal assets, he'll focus on himself more rather than establishing a good relationship with the devils.

{Hahahaha! Good, very good, Issei! You really are the most unique host I ever had!}

Understanding his partner's way of thinking, Ddraigh laughs boisterously. As a dragon, he greatly treasured independence more than normal. Instead of relying on the devils that 'exploited' them, the crimson dragon hugely approves of Issei's independence.

Chuckling at the dragon's enthusiasm, he pays the bill to the cashier. While heading to the exit, his steps are lighter than usual. If this idea flourishes even a little bit, his prospects won't be doom and gloom only. At the very least, he won't get pulled here and there unreasonably without a valid reason.

Estimating his given time, three days is the shortest period. If he sees optimistically, one-week maximum. More than that, the devils will be suspicious of why Issei could be that calm even after knowing his predicament.

Either way, it was a golden time for the newly reincarnated devil. The rest is left to him on how to use the given time as best as he can.

Combine his growth with Ddraig's guidance, Boosted Gear as 'natural' doping and high potential as an evolving dragonoid. It's not strange for him to expect good progress.

Humming slightly in response to his rising mood, he walked toward his home at a faster pace than normal. Strike the iron while it's hot. The night will be quite long for these few days. Imagining his upcoming plan to be fruitful, the burdens on his shoulder feel lighter slightly.

....If everything goes as he planned. 

Didn't someone quote a famous line? Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.


While walking, he spots a man wearing a thick fedora hat and a hat covering half of his upper face. While Issei thought it weird fashion in the middle of spring, he shrugs it off thinking to each of their own. Ddraig didn't give him any heads up, which means the man is just a 'normal' person.

Which was fatal to him. Even though Issei may be cautious, he's still a complete rookie in the supernatural world. No matter how careful he is, there's going to be gaps left in his approach.

That's the absolute difference between those with experience and not.

Slowly passing by the 'normal' guy----








"....Be careful on your way home, child."

---Such words whispered to his ears without any warning.


Turning back immediately, there is no sign of said 'man' anymore. No matter how much he looks around, the man disappears from his eyes.

...As if, he was a ghost.

Now, he was in complete alert mode. Transforming his eye pupil into slits like a snake, he meticulously looks around at his surrounding. As a precaution, he even contacts his trustworthy partner in his mind. 


{I know!! Tch, I was careless! I never thought this small town had an expert that could bypass a dragon's sense!}

Looks like he was not imagining it. From the panicked reaction given by the dragon, that man was not normal. Issei would even put him higher danger level than the devils loitering in his school.

He was getting neared. Without being noticed. With no kind of signal until in point-blank distance.

---If that man desired so, his body would be left in the street, with no one the wiser.

{Any sign of magic used on us?}

{...No. At least, I don't think so.}

Biting his lips at the ambiguous words used, Issei scowls heavily at the terrible implication. Even if he was transformed into a dragon, it was still incomplete. At best, it was only ten percent of his entire biology. Even if Ddraig helped him, there's always a limit with 'poor' equipment even if the user's skill was top-notch.

Goosebumps ran through his entire body. This is not the first time he experienced a close brush with death, but it's still terrifying for the former normal boy. He was one step away from it, literally.

The silver lining of it, he was still alive. This means that man makes contact with him with a purpose other than assassination. For what, he couldn't even imagine it. He's just grateful he was still left in one piece unscathed (hopefully).

Taking a few deep breaths, Issei sharpened his eyes while continuing to walk toward his home once again. A few minutes ago, he was in upbeat mode for having a sliver of breathing room. Now, he berated himself for being stupidly careless, happy about his bubble safety.

---He never escaped from the danger.

{Ddraig, that idea I just said. Let's hope it works. If not, I give you full permission to completely change my body, damn the consequences.}

Grimacing at the determined tone used by Issei, Ddraig only nods powerlessly. Both of them know how disastrous will that be but there's no more option left. Even before contacting the devils, their lives will be snuffed out.

Moreover, with this, Issei will never be complacent anymore. Longinus or not, it's useless if he couldn't use it to his full potential.

No matter how much power he gained, there's always someone better.

{Issei, it was an instant, but his smell is familiar to me.}

Perking up, the boy continues walking while keeping his guard up.

{...Do you know who he is?}

{No. I never met him, even before or after sealed in the gear. But his presence was undoubtedly a fallen angel.}


From those unexpected words, he stopped his feet but continued walking a beat later. Even though his expression was neutral, his mind was in complete turmoil.

Just this morning, he predicted that Raynare or her manipulator was still aiming him for their plan. While another fallen angel was not unexpected, it was worrying news to the boy.

(....What the hell is going on, really?)

He was left alive but felt spooky for no apparent reason letting him so.

No matter how much he thinks about it, no concrete or possible answer comes out. Even Ddraig himself could only shake his head incredulously with these peculiar events happening around them. From start to finish, Issei's surroundings are full of questions and uncertainties.

Having those worrying thoughts, His steps are faster than ever but full of anxiety.





"...Hmm, looks like squad leader was right."

If Issei looked up, he could find the said fedora man at the top of the building. Unfortunately, the man has 'designed' for the boy to never find out about him until that last moment. Among his colleagues, he was the most proficient in hiding his presence.

Some may even say that it's his innerborn trait.

Under his hat shadowing his eyes, the amethyst color was hidden from it. Anyone with little knowledge will know that he's a fallen angel for having that unique pupil color. No other race could have nor able to replicate it perfectly.

Ddraig was right. This man, Dohnaseek was also a fallen angel assigned to this town with Raynare, his squad leader. 

Just this morning, he was given an assignment to observe the boy she 'killed' yesterday. At that time, he furrowed his brow questionably at her. Why didn't she erase his body after finishing the job? Usually, she never leaves loose ends, particularly when they knew this area was the devil's habitat.

'Just humor me. You'll find something interesting.'

Tilting his head at her cryptic words sideways, he followed her orders dutifully. Both of them have known each other for centuries. He knows Raynare won't spout some nonsense to egg him on useless things.

Which was right. In fact, 'interesting' doesn't cover it. Shock-shelled would be an apt description, finding the true nature of that boy.

"...A dragon."

Frowning at this unexpected finding, he continues to observe this newly reincarnated devil. While it's a shame that human with sacred gear become their enemy, Dohnaseek focuses on his ongoing observation.

He was not mistaken. At that time, and even now he could sense that unmistakable draconic presence. Some sacred gears emitted that kind of residue depending on its nature, but the boy's was several magnitude 'bigger' in scale.

Moreover, it was controlled. A bit sloppy, but been suppressed by said boy. A 'mundane' human who didn't even know about the supernatural until yesterday. However, he never misrecognized that existence even once.

Dohnaseek knows that unique presence. Even though millenniums have passed, he still quakes his boots in fear, reminiscing about the Red Dragon rampaging the battlefield.

While folding his hand in thought with a severe expression, a magic circle appeared on his right ear. Not surprised by it, the man put his hand on his ear to activate the call.

"Dohnaseek here."

[How was it, Seek?]

A smooth, beautiful voice reverberates in his ears. Although the voice was clear like a bell, the no-nonsense tone was used to express the all-business topic for the upcoming talk. 

Which is fair. After all, the person was his squad leader, Raynare-sama.

"Your suspicions were right, Squad Leader. The boy was reincarnated by the devil Gremory. Moreover---"

[Having a draconic smell?]

As if knowing for his next words, Raynare cut off the rest of it. Dohnaseek didn't feel annoyed by the interruptions. Instead, he blinked his eyes hearing her words.

"...Did you..."

[If about knowing the kid having a draconic sacred gear, I had a hunch. While not as sharp as you, I was near him for a whole day.]

Which is reasonable. Dohnaseek has the best sensory abilities among them, while Raynare-sama is focused on leadership and a little bit of everything. Of course, that doesn't mean she is weak. Rather, she's the strongest in their mini-circle.

Fallen Angels don't earn title and position with minuscule ability.

[I'm not asking you the obvious, Seek. Both of us know we are too 'jaded' for having useless pleasantries. I'm asking if you could 'recognize' it.]

This time, there are a few trembles on his eyebrow. Clenching his fists, Dohnaseek continues his words, albeit more carefully.

Because it was that serious.

"...Squad Leader, I know that presence. There's no way I could mistake it."

"It was "Crimson". "

Hearing that code word, there was a sucking deep breath sound reverberating from his ears. It was not hard to imagine how shocked she was after hearing THAT of all things.

[...Are you very sure?]

"Yes, Squad Leader. I swore on my wings."

If fallen angels swore legitimacy on their wings as collateral, then there's no need to doubt his words anymore. It was a cold, hard fact.

---Hyoudou Issei was the current generation of Sekiryuutei.

[This is fucking messed up.]

A curse ran through his ear roughly, but Dohnaseek himself didn't refute her words. He even lets out an uncharacteristic bitter smile on his face. After all, he knew how severe their situation was now.

Their simple mission of eliminating that boy had become much more complicated.

"...What should we do now?"

What he truly means is, "Should I eliminate that boy before he becomes a threat?"

His fears are not unwarranted. Considering past Sekiryuutei's infamy, it's best to nip the bud while they can. Moreover, Dohnaseek doesn't want the devils' side to have more formidable allies on them any more than now.

Contrary to his hopes though, Raynare snorted in morbid amusement.

[Yeah, if you want to sign a death warrant by the Sitri and Gremory, go ahead. I won't stop you. But, remember. You are left alone after that.]

"....I apologize, it was rash of me."

Lowering his head in apology, the man wore a regretful expression hearing her words. While Raynare's comments are very cold, even callous, Dohnaseek didn't protest it. Both of them are very territorial on their "families", even if it's extended ones. 

Her meanings are crystal clear. Don't overstep your bounds.

If he killed the boy, Dohnaseek wouldn't blame Raynare for cutting him off. After all, he would do the same too. There are too many BIG political landmines to take rash action in this town.

All three sides are at the end of the rope to NOT have another armageddon.

Changing gears, he continues his report to his boss.

[Anything else I should know?]

"...The boy is very cautious. From my understanding, it almost looks like he didn't trust the devils."


Hearing her confusion and incredulity, Dohnaseek continues his words succinctly. Even he found it a bit weird too. The Gremory does not mistreat their "families". The current head of Gremory proves that.

After receiving his observation report, Raynare was silent for a moment. Accepting her silence as a sign to continue, Dohnaseek carried on with his findings.

"One more thing. He didn't meet up with his master nor try to communicate with the Sitri either. If I may, he's...left alone."

[...What the fuck are these shitty devils planning?]

On that, Dohnaseek himself doesn't have a good answer. The protocol for receiving newcomers is to let them in the system as fast and in detail as they can. If they think about Issei's situation, more so than ever.

Last of all, the boy himself. The devils themselves are weird, but the current Sekiryuutei is even more peculiar than them. Having a little doubt is not wrong. That's something to be praised for in this world.

Still, there's a limit for it. If the man is not reading it wrong, the boy is---

"....Avoiding them?"

Muttering those unconsciously, the man cups his chin in thought. Why though? Isn't it ideal for him to be 'in the loop' in his current situation? Why would he avoid running to other devils?

However, Raynare thinks differently. Instead, she gets a vague direction for knowing Issei's intention.

[...Heehh, is that so?]

"Squad Leader?"

Hearing her, Dohnaseek tilted his head sideways. If he's not imagining it, she sounds interested and... impressed.

Moreover, she was even chuckling. That Raynare, who was famous for being called, 'Cold Bitch' during work time is snickering happily.

[Hey Seek. When you go near the boy, is the gear dormant or active?]

"...Active? But how does---"

(Hold on.)

Stopping middle-way, he narrowed his eyes in thought.

Activating a sacred gear from near death situation is common. It responds to its users' emotions, and the easier to awaken it the stronger their feelings are.

But Longinus is a whole different breed. Something like that needs more than just 'strong' emotions. The user needs to have qualifications: Such as good compatibility, a robust physique, and many other possible requirements.

And yet, Hyoudou Issei was able to awaken Booster Gear in just one day?

(Not only that, Y Ddraig Goch was awakened. There's no mistaking his presence.)

Confident of his ability, there's no room for error. Issei has skipped the process of initial Twice Critical into Booster Gear. On why, he couldn't know. What happened has happened.

If he combines this fact with all the other information gathered---

"...I see."

[Looks like you get it.]

"Yes, Squad Leader."

Hyoudou Issei is not loyal to the devils.

To be more precise, he's suspicious of the Gremory who revived him. It was only a hypothesis, but a probable one. instead of being subservient to the devils, he wanted to find another way for his independence.

A bit naive, but not wrong thinking that. He didn't know Evil Pieces are not reversible yet.

"Shall we recruit him?"

Instantly, the man requested an opposite suggestion minutes before. If the Sekiryuutei could be brought to their side, the Red AND the White one could fall to their hands.

In the entire history of fallen angels, it never happened. Dohnaseek getting excited about it is not strange.

However, his excitement gets doused by his boss's humorless chuckle.

[Hey Seek. Where exactly are we now?]

"....Ah. I...I'm sorry."

[It's fine. I get what you are saying.]

Again, his boss has said it but this is the Devil's territory. A HIGHLY valued one. Not just Sitri and Gremory, but in the worst case, THEIR top gunner will come to protect Issei when knowing his future value.

In the end, Dohnaseek is just saying an impossible future. If that comes, Azazel couldn't even beat their bosses in direct confrontations.

The power level gap is just too vast.

However, Raynare didn't fully reject his words either.

[...Looks like we can use this.]


[Listen to me very carefully, Dohnaseek.]

Immediately, he straightened his spine hearing her tone that brokered no argument. She only used it when in severe situations.

---Which they are. Raynare knows the most about the treacherous circumstances they're currently in.

The more Raynare speaks through the magic circle, the more Dohnaseek feels his face getting pale. People would even freak out at how whitish his expression has become.

Gulping loudly, Dohnaseek asks back to her boss. He trusted her a lot, but he had to ask back. She was asking him for a WHOLE lot heavier role than required.

"...Are you sure, Squad Leader?"


It was one single word but the grim determination could be felt to him. The fedora man grimaced to be involved in this mess unexpectedly but didn't refute back.

---They're in a stage where everything could go BOOM with one single misstep.

"I understand."

[Good. Go back to the base. We need to talk about this with the other two. Your current mission is done.]


Finishing with that, the magic circle disappears. He sighed tiredly after receiving all these bombshell pieces of information, but he could only wing it.

Their lives are on the line now. Not just that---

"...Child, be strong. Your mettle is being tested right now."

Looking at the fading boy's silhouette with complicated feelings, he unfurled his six black wings on his back. His destination? The run-down church.

If everything goes well, the fallen angel could get a potentially remarkable powerhouse as an ally.

However, If anything, even if the smallest bit goes wrong though...

"....God help us."

Whispering his 'irrelevant' prayers, he continued to fly toward his base. He---They needs to prepare for what's going to come.

War is on the horizon.




---And it's coming to them.


Author's Note: Today's chapter is done. I struggled with this chapter a lot. Maybe about 4 days to make it? Well, that just shows how slow and amateurish I am.

Either way, I want to show how Issei handles his new devil life as detailed as possible. Becoming a devil and dragon has consequences, good and bad. Since Rias didn't want to contact him first, he could make use of that. In the original anime, I didn't understand how could RIas leave him alone like that, but I think it's because she wanted to give him time to cope.

Which is a REALLY idiotic move.

Issei was almost dead. One step away. If you don't bring him to speed, He will get more and more suspicious of them and her. Luckily(?) for her, he's not stupid like OG Issei who follows her like a simp and acts recklessly. Instead, he'll play by her rule to bid time and power.

One note though. The fallen angel burns his ass to be faster than ever.

The fallen angels are cooking something, and it's not the "bats" this time. Raynare has her plan, but she is considered to be the "Guardian Angel " for Issei. Unexpected it may be, that she will be doing the role, but in her own way.

Next chapter: A Guardian Angel of Black.

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NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts