
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 89: The Stalker!

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23+ advanced chapter on my patr(e)on.


As the sun dipped lower in the afternoon sky, rumors about "the letter" had already spread through the school like wildfire, igniting curiosity and sparking knowing smirks in Issei's direction.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the unwanted attention.

Thankfully, Tiamat's absence meant he had escaped her prying nature for the day, but Vali, always one to seize an opportunity, had taken it upon herself to give him a playful hard time instead.

Perched atop the school's roof alongside Irina, Xenovia, and Vali, they shared their midday meals while Issei's gaze wandered absentmindedly towards the heavens.

In his thoughts, he eagerly anticipated the upcoming Four Portal Explosion stunt, already envisioning the sheer awesomeness of the event. 'Can't wait for this day to be over...'

Vali, her curiosity piqued, scooted closer to him, her inquisitive eyes locked on the enigmatic letter. "So, Issei, when are you going to unveil the mysteries hidden within that letter?" she asked, her tone genuinely intrigued.

Issei shot her a sidelong glance, his sigh laden with reluctant determination. "Well, Vali, I suppose it's time to face the music."

With a sense of ceremony, he reached into his bag and produced the letter, examining it with a furrowed brow. "It bears the unmistakable scent of a devil, but the question that eludes me is why they would choose to convey their message through written words."

Vali leaned in closer, her voice tinged with curiosity. "You hadn't mentioned the scent before. Do you think it could be someone from Sitri's faction, or perhaps a member of Gremory's entourage?"

Issei scratched his head, pondering the puzzle before him. "It's a head-scratcher, Vali. I mean, why resort to pen and paper when they could just approach me and speak their mind? They've never been shy about doing that," he mused, his tone colored by genuine bewilderment.

Unable to contain her excitement any longer, Vali urged him on. "Come on, Issei, don't keep us in suspense. Open it up, I'm dying to know what secrets lie within," she said with an eager, amused grin.

Issei chuckled at her impatience, shaking his head. "Alright, Vali, hold your horses. I'm about to peel back the layers of this mystery." With a mix of anticipation and uncertainty, he carefully began to unfold the letter, a sense of intrigue settling over the group as they collectively wondered about the revelations it might contain.

He reluctantly opened the letter up as he began to read it to himself, "Hello Issei Hyoudou, you're probably wondering why a devil wrote you a letter. Allow me to explain before you throw it away. I've watched you from afar for almost a year now, and I wondered just what kind of person you truly were. I see the way others look to you and I see the way you treat them. You're everything I wish I was…strong, brave, and willing to live free. You inspire people without even trying. I find everything about you admirable. I used to follow you to your favorite spot all the time…and there I would see you transform into the beautiful crimson dragon that you are. I've known for months now that you weren't fully human. You're a half breed like me, and you were able to hide in plain sight like I do now. We're so much alike…dare I say we'd even make good friends. I'd love to meet you, but I'm too shy still. Knowing how you are, I imagine you're probably a bit put off by this. I apologize in advance for causing you grief, Issei Hyoudou…I just wanted to reach out. I would have put this letter at your house, but some other devils were spying on you and I didn't want them to notice me. For now, just know that you have a secret admirer keeping an eye on you. Sincerely, Fountain Girl."

Issei glanced up at Xenovia, Irina, and Vali as his face expressed a look of concern, "This is weird…"

His friends, Xenovia, Irina, and Vali, leaned in, eager to know the contents of the mysterious letter. Xenovia, on his other side, couldn't contain her curiosity. "What's it saying, Issei?"

He shook his head, his brow furrowing. "Seems like this girl's been secretly observing me for nearly a year."

Vali, always quick to take the lead, reached for the letter, her expression one of disbelief. "Let me see that, Issei." She examined the words on the page, her silver hair falling over her shoulder as she read.

"What in the world? Do you have some sort of half-devil stalker, Issei? And you've never noticed someone tailing you before?"

Issei exchanged a concerned glance with his friends, the weight of the situation sinking in. The letter from "Fountain Girl" had just unraveled a strange mystery, and the prospect of having a secret admirer who had been observing his every move for a year left him both bewildered and slightly unnerved.

Issei's unease deepened as he pondered the perplexing situation. "No... that's what makes this so disturbing," he explained, his voice tinged with frustration.

"I can sense a devil's presence from a block away even in human form. I have no idea who the hell wrote this or how they've managed to evade my detection for so long. It's strange that she'd suddenly reveal herself."

Eager to unravel the mystery further, Irina insisted on reading the letter next, her eyes scanning the words as if searching for hidden clues. Meanwhile, Vali couldn't help but dig into the details. "What's this 'favorite spot' she mentioned?" she inquired.

Issei shook his head, his thoughts drifting to the peaceful ocean cliffside that had been his secret sanctuary. "It's just an isolated cliffside by the ocean. I go there to train and clear my head sometimes."

Vali's next question raised an intriguing possibility. "She referred to herself as 'Fountain Girl.' Any idea what that might mean? Could it be some sort of coded reference?"

Issei shrugged in exasperation. "Honestly, I have no clue. This whole thing is bizarre. I thought you, being more familiar with the devil community here, might have some insights."