
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 78: I oversee rating game!

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Issei's gaze shifted away, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "Something like that... in any case, I made it clear to Cao Cao and the others that I would summon Gabriel or Leviathan if they refused to back down," he admitted, his voice slightly tense.

Vali studied Issei for a moment, nodding in understanding. "Hmm... that's actually pretty clever, strategically speaking. It may not paint you in the best light, but it definitely sends a strong message," he commented, his tone filled with a hint of admiration.

Tiamat, on the other hand, scoffed dismissively, her eyes narrowing skeptically at Issei. "For real... they must think you're some sort of weakling now," she remarked, her voice dripping with condescension.

Issei's expression didn't waver as he calmly responded, "I couldn't care less about what they think of me. Their opinions hold no weight in my life. My focus was solely on diffusing the situation, and I'm relieved that it's finally resolved."

Confusion etched across Tiamat's face as she struggled to comprehend Issei's reasoning. "Wait... so you intentionally downplayed your power to appear weak? Why would you do that? I just can't wrap my head around you, Issei. As a dragon, don't you have any pride? Even if you're a half-dragon, shouldn't you stand tall and assert your strength? Is this delinquent act of yours just a facade? I simply don't understand how you can let your reputation take a hit like this. In the mythological world, where immortality reigns and memories are long-lasting, your actions and reputation hold immense significance. Are you ignorant of the political implications? You should have just walked away and let them face the consequences if they had managed to succeed. Getting involved in this needless conflict was unnecessary."

Issei's response was calm but resolute. "My pride as a dragon has nothing to do with what insignificant individuals like them think of me. I rise above the need for validation and reputation. Besides, engaging in a fight over something that held no personal value to me would have been meaningless. My sole aim was to reunite the girl with her mother, to ensure a peaceful resolution. If appearing weak in others' eyes achieved that, then so be it. I had no desire to play the hero. If necessary, I would have fought, but it was not my first choice. What matters to me is not how it was resolved, but that it is finally over."

Issei's expression hardened as Tiamat raised her concerns. "I understand that involving myself in the Yasaka situation may have consequences, and I don't expect them to be pleased with me. As for Crom Cruach, his decision to back down was surprising indeed. Perhaps he saw something in me during our race that made him reconsider. But honestly, I don't dwell on it. It's in the past, and I have no intention of further entangling myself in their affairs," he explained with a hint of resignation in his voice.

Vali, his gaze thoughtful, interjected with a question. "Issei, if you claim to not care, then why did you go out of your way to help Yasaka's daughter? What motivated you to get involved in the first place?"

Issei's eyes softened as he recalled his encounter with the young girl in Kyoto. "I stumbled upon her by chance, thinking she was just a girl who had lost her parents. It wasn't until later that I discovered the political kidnapping aspect. I couldn't bear to abandon her in such a dangerous situation. Despite all my flaws, I have a heart, and I couldn't turn my back on someone in need," he admitted, a touch of vulnerability creeping into his voice.

Vali nodded, his demeanor changing to a more serious tone. "Well, I'll vouch for you if the Hero Faction tries to cause trouble again. However, I urge you to maintain good relations with the Khaos Brigade. It would be unwise for you to get caught on the wrong side of the conflict when it inevitably erupts. You were fortunate to emerge relatively unscathed from the recent situation."

Issei's response lacked enthusiasm as he replied, "Noted. I'll keep that in mind for next time."

Vali then shifted his attention to the matter at hand. "Well, I suppose we should head back to class now. We wouldn't want to create an even bigger scene upon our return. Are you two coming?" he called out, glancing back at Issei and Tiamat.

Issei and Tiamat exchanged brief glances before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, let's go," Issei responded, a slight weariness in his voice. The three of them made their way back to the classroom, their thoughts swirling with the events that had unfolded and the challenges that lay ahead.

"In a minute, Vali. Since we're here, I wanted to talk to Issei about the Rating Game," Tiamat replied to Vali's request, her voice holding a hint of determination.

Vali glanced at Tiamat and then at Issei, a curious smile playing on his lips. "Dragon stuff, huh? Well, I suppose I'll leave you two to it then," he said, giving them a knowing look before he turned and made his way back to class.

Issei and Tiamat now stood alone, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air between them. Issei's eyes bore into Tiamat's, silently urging her to break the silence. Seconds turned into moments, stretching the emptiness of the corridor.

Finally, Tiamat mustered her resolve and spoke up, her voice carrying a stern tone. "You should know, Issei, that everyone in Hell is in an uproar about the Rating Game you participated in."

Issei shrugged casually, feigning nonchalance. "Yeah, I heard it was broadcasted for all of Hell to see. Sitri's servants filled me in."

Tiamat's eyes narrowed, her gaze intensifying. "But here's the secret, Issei. The reason why the devils haven't dared to start anything with me at this school is because I am the real judge of Rating Games. When I said I oversee them, I meant it in the literal sense. The Maou themselves know me personally," she revealed, her words carrying weight and importance.