
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 76: Kuroka Toujou, you say?

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With a pensive expression, Vali locked eyes with Issei, conveying the gravity of the situation. "Your recent encounter in Kyoto with the Hero Faction has far-reaching implications. Whether you intended it or not, you've directly interfered with the Khaos Brigade's operations, to be precise, the agenda of the Hero Faction."

Issei grinned ironically, raising his eyebrows as if to taunt her. "Aw, does that mean we can't be friends anymore?"

Vali shook her head, unamused by his glib remark. "It's not that simple, Issei. Personal feelings aside, your actions have complicated an already volatile situation. The Hero Faction's plan was ill-advised to begin with. They were gravely mistaken if they thought they had a fighting chance against the Great Red. More concerning, however, is the political ramifications of their kidnapping scheme. Had they been successful, the fragile peace we currently maintain could have shattered, escalating into all-out war."

Issei leaned against the railing, crossing his arms as he processed Vali's words. "I get that it's a complicated web. But, what I'm curious about is the Hero Faction itself. They appeared human, so what are they doing tangled up with supernatural politics? What's in it for them being in the Khaos Brigade and associating with Ophis?"

Vali took a deep breath before responding, as if measuring her words carefully. "The Hero Faction is, indeed, an all-human operation. They share an antipathy for anyone who isn't human—be it devils, angels, or any other non-human entities. They've allied with the Khaos Brigade as a means to an end, leveraging the group's resources and influence to wage their personal war against other mythologies and factions."

She paused, her eyes narrowing. "As for their alliance with Ophis, that's a rather tenuous connection. While I don't know the intricate details of their pact, I can say it's an alliance of convenience, with both parties sharing mutual enemies. Ophis' overwhelming power acts as a sort of deterrent; it discourages the Hero Faction from betraying the Khaos Brigade. And in turn, her presence offers them some semblance of protection against other powerful entities. It's a fragile equilibrium."

Skeptical, Issei continued, "So, if the Hero Faction generally doesn't associate with non-humans, how do you explain their collaboration with a cat girl and a dragon last night?"

Vali shook her head as if puzzled herself. "It's highly uncharacteristic for the Hero Faction to collaborate with non-humans. That's a new development."

Just as she was about to expand further, Tiamat interrupted with an intense gaze, her eyes practically glowing. "A dragon? You're saying a dragon was with them? Who was it?"

Issei hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to share the full truth. He decided to fib a little. "I couldn't tell for sure who it was, but there was definitely a dragon involved."

The eyes of the blue dragon narrowed, her scales seeming to shimmer with restrained energy. "Describe him."

"Well, he had a mix of black and blonde hair, different-colored eyes, and looked like a foreigner, not that different from you two," Issei offered.

Recognition dawned on Tiamat's face, her eyes widening in disbelief. "That sounds like Crom Cruach! You can't be serious. You're telling me he was the one they call 'Mr. Black'? You actually raced against Crom Cruach?"

Issei gave an ambivalent shrug. "Could be? I have no idea who this Crom Cruach guy is, anyway."

Tiamat's eyes burned with a mix of disbelief and annoyance. "You really have no clue, do you? Crom Cruach is not just any dragon. He is immensely, frighteningly powerful. And when I say powerful, I mean it. He is reputed to be the most formidable among the evil dragons. The fact that he was there, working with the Hero Faction, is a game changer. You have to understand how significant that is."

Vali paused, furrowing her silver brows in contemplation. "Cao Cao working with Crom Cruach does perplex me. They're both dominant personalities with their own agendas. Neither would easily bend to the will of the other."

Tiamat picked up the thread of the conversation, her azure eyes thoughtful. "The only reason for Crom to work with Cao Cao's Hero Faction that comes to mind would be to achieve a mutual objective, such as opening the Dragon Gate. Still, given the abilities of the Hero Faction, they shouldn't have needed his firepower, unless they were expecting extraordinary resistance from Yasaka."

Vali nodded, lost in thought. "Exactly. The Hero Faction isn't a group of weaklings, especially not with Cao Cao at the helm. The presence of Crom Cruach in their ranks is a perplexing anomaly. Something bigger might be at play here."

Issei, piecing together the information he had, ventured an idea. "Since all these sub-factions within the Khaos Brigade ultimately report to Ophis, could she be the one pulling the strings? If the alliances are as tenuous as you say, maybe Ophis sent Crom Cruach as an enforcer or a watchdog to keep Cao Cao and the Hero Faction in line."

Vali's eyes widened ever so slightly, as if she hadn't considered that angle. "You might be onto something. If Ophis is uneasy about Cao Cao's loyalty or objectives, dispatching Crom Cruach would be a very effective way to keep tabs on him. Crom is one of the few beings that could actually intimidate or keep Cao Cao in check."

Switching gears, Issei raised another question that was bugging him. "So, if the Hero Faction is predominantly anti-supernatural beings, why would they be working with a Nekomata? A devil-cat girl doesn't exactly sound like their cup of tea."

Vali and Tiamat exchanged glances, the unspoken acknowledgement that this web was more tangled than they had initially thought. Vali finally spoke, "That's another peculiarity that doesn't sit well with me. A Nekomata in the ranks of the Hero Faction would be like a wolf among sheep. Either they have a very compelling reason for her involvement, or we're missing a critical piece of this puzzle."

Vali leaned back, crossing her arms as she digested Issei's words. "Kuroka Toujou, you say? She's a known associate of Arthur and Le Fay, who are my only genuine friends within the Hero Faction. They must have vouched for her, considering Cao Cao's usual stance on non-humans. Kuroka's expertise in youkai magic would have been invaluable for dealing with Yasaka, which likely made her an exception to the rule."