
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 57: Wait, Issei...!

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Issei, feeling the weight of the uncomfortable silence in the room, decided to break it by shaking his head. He wanted to divert their attention from the tense atmosphere and shifted the conversation to a more practical matter.

"Sitri," he addressed her, "I need you to take care of the paperwork for me. Tomorrow, I will be submitting applications for Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quarta to enroll here." Issei emphasized the importance of their enrollment and added a cautionary note, "But remember, keep your devil-related activities away from them. I don't want them to be involved in anything dangerous or risky. Understand?"

Sona nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Grateful for Issei's help in assisting Rias against Riser, she expressed her appreciation. "Thank you for your support, Hyoudou," she said sincerely, her voice laced with gratitude.

With a brief acknowledgement, Issei replied tersely, "Later," indicating that he was ready to leave the room.

Just as he was about to exit, however, Serafall, feeling a wave of nerves, couldn't let him go without saying something. She urgently reached out and grabbed his arm, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Wait, Issei..."

Turning back to face her, Issei's expression became distant, not giving away much emotion. His response left an opening for hope, as Serafall asked timidly, yearning for some reassurance, "I... I'll see you around, yeah?"

For a moment, there was a pause, as Issei seemed lost in his own thoughts and emotions. Then, with a sigh, he finally responded, though his tone remained curt. "Yeah," he replied, a hint of aloofness present, before he turned with a sense of detachment and left the room.

Serafall couldn't help but feel a mix of disappointment and uncertainty. She longed for more warmth and closeness from Issei, yet his distant demeanor left her with a lingering sense of doubt.

Serafall's expression turned into a deep frown as she observed Issei's distant demeanor. She couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, but she realized that it would take time for him to process everything that had happened.

The truth was out now, and even though the situation had unfolded differently than she had imagined, she was determined to prove to Issei that she was not the troublemaker he believed her to be.

After Issei had left the room, Sona shook her head, sharing a surprising tidbit of information with Serafall. "Onee-sama," she began, using the respectful term for her older sister, "did you know that Issei is the reason Tiamat-sama is attending Kuoh Academy? Apparently, she and her friend have some sort of interest in him. Issei Hyoudou is truly an unusual individual. And after witnessing his power in the Rating Game, it's becoming clear why they are keen on recruiting him."

Serafall's curiosity piqued, she leaned forward, eager to learn more about Issei's impressive abilities. "He defeated Riser-kun's entire peerage? That's quite a feat. How did he manage that? I must say, it's highly impressive for a young dragon who was previously unknown to us," she mused, her mind fully engaged in trying to decipher Issei's hidden potential.

Saji, who had been quietly listening, couldn't resist adding his own perspective. "Leviathan-sama, he effortlessly overpowered them," he interjected. "Issei Hyoudou is beyond extraordinary. We saw him unleash his full power and completely overwhelm Riser. His strength is truly monstrous."

The revelation of Issei's incredible prowess only deepened Serafall's fascination and intrigue. As she continued to process the information, a newfound determination grew within her.

She would make it her mission to understand and support Issei, hoping to bridge the gap between them and show him that she wasn't the trouble he perceived her to be.

Engaging in light-hearted banter, Serafall couldn't help but tease her sister, Sona. "I'm genuinely surprised, Sona-chan, that you didn't attempt to recruit someone like Issei into your peerage. He's not only powerful but also quite cute," Serafall remarked playfully.

Sona's face flushed with embarrassment as she averted her gaze, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. "I actually did try," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. "But he wanted nothing to do with me or Rias. That's what makes it even more surprising that he's friends with you."

With an exaggerated frown, Serafall couldn't help but express her own confusion. "Well, it seems like he doesn't want much to do with me either. I wonder why he dislikes devils so much? And if he does, then why did he fight for Rias-chan in her rating game?" she pondered, genuinely curious about Issei's contradictory actions and feelings.

Sona motioned for her sister to take a seat, finally ready to provide some insight into Issei's complex character. "Please have a seat, onee-sama, and I'll explain," she offered, her voice filled with a calming demeanor.

Taking Sona's suggestion, Momo chimed in with an additional idea. "You know, you should also watch the footage of the Rating Game. It's likely already on reruns on Underworld TV," she suggested, eager to provide Serafall with a more comprehensive understanding of Issei's involvement and power during the intense battle.

Meanwhile, Tsubasa stood in stunned silence, captivated by Serafall's beauty and presence. He couldn't help but be awestruck by her celebrity-like aura.

Internally, he questioned his own chances with Issei, realizing that competing against someone as stunning as Serafall seemed nearly impossible.

Observing Serafall's adorable appearance, Tomoe couldn't help but be reminded of Issei's peculiar preference for twintails.

"That just proves that Issei-kun wasn't lying about his inclination for twintails," Tomoe thought to herself, amused by the situation.

She caught herself reflexively touching her own hair, observing the adorably styled locks of Serafall's twintails, as Sona prepared to shed light on Issei's mysterious demeanor and motives.


The sound of Issei's motorcycle echoed through the vibrant streets of Downtown Kuoh as he sped forward recklessly, desperately trying to distance himself from his house and the perplexing reality that had recently unfolded before him.

Though he had experienced his fair share of surprises, Issei couldn't help but berate himself for his blindness to the signs that had been so clear, yet inexplicably hidden from his gaze.

His thoughts raced incessantly, the weight of his revelations pressing upon him like a suffocating fog. The pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place, and Issei couldn't deny the undeniable truth.

When Serafall had spoken about her family, she had been discreetly referring to the Sitri Clan, a fact that now seemed all too obvious.

The revelation that Serafall, with her enchanting charm and captivating presence, was a member of such a powerful and esteemed clan felt like a cosmic prank.

"'How did I not see the resemblance?'" Issei seethed inwardly, his frustration boiling over. He struggled to reconcile how someone like Serafall, radiating grace and allure, could hold the title of Satan. It was an incongruity that danced at the edges of his comprehension, leaving him momentarily stunned by the irony that life could present.

Yet, in the depths of his frustration, Issei was quick to redirect his anger toward his own inability to perceive Serafall's true identity. He found himself grappling with a disturbing revelation.

If Serafall, someone he considered a dear friend, had managed to seamlessly conceal her devil nature from him, it left him wondering who else could possess similar deceptive abilities. The realization of his vulnerability gnawed at him, a sensation Issei despised deeply.

He had always prided himself on being in control, steadfast and unyielding, but the revelation of Serafall's hidden identity shattered that facade. The uncertainty of not fully understanding the true nature of those around him left him feeling exposed and defenseless.

Issei's irritation only intensified as he attempted to push thoughts of Serafall to the back of his mind. The fact that he had been coerced into participating in the Rating Game on behalf of Rias irked him to no end.

However, what vexed him even more was the realization that his impressive display of power had been captured and broadcasted across the depths of Hell, reaching the eyes and ears of devils far and wide.

Though Issei had exercised restraint and refrained from utilizing his Boosted Gear, his abilities alone were enough to mark him as a potential threat in the eyes of his fellow supernatural beings.

As the thoughts swirled in his mind, Issei couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern. How had they managed to record their encounters?

The presence of such surveillance left him pondering the extent of his own alertness, questioning whether he was gradually losing his edge amidst the whirlwind of these new developments.

However, even in the midst of frustration and uncertainty, Issei found solace in acknowledging that perhaps the situation could have played out worse.

Sighing heavily, he pulled his motorcycle into a hidden, shady parking lot, finally taking a moment to pause and collect his thoughts. As he switched off the ignition, his phone vibrated in his pocket, drawing his attention.

With a mix of weariness and anticipation, Issei retrieved his phone, half-expecting to see a call or message from Serafall, the person who had recently ignited a storm within his mind.

But to his surprise, it wasn't her name that flashed across the screen. Instead, it was the name of the owner of the motorcycle shop where Issei occasionally worked.

Issei let out an exasperated sigh as he read the message that flashed across his phone screen. [Hyoudou-kun...mind coming in for a bit? I've got some people asking for you.] it read. He could already feel a sense of frustration bubbling within him.

This was exactly what he had explicitly asked the owner of the motorcycle shop not to do - contact him during the school year. He had made it clear that he would only be available during breaks. If these individuals were expecting him to dedicate his precious spare time to crafting them a custom build, they better be willing to compensate him handsomely.

Judging by the shop owner's response, it seemed that these people clamoring for Issei's skills were linked to the Yakuza.

The thought of dealing with such individuals made Issei's instinctual caution kick in. He knew that involving himself with the Yakuza could lead down a dangerous path, but the mention of a "bigshot" among them heightened his curiosity.

Perhaps this opportunity could lead to insights or connections that could prove useful in the future. Reluctantly, Issei messaged back, determined to make the best of the situation. [Alright...I'll be there shortly.]

With renewed purpose, Issei revved up his motorcycle's engine, the thunderous sound echoing through the streets as he hurried toward the motorcycle shop.

It was a place he frequented when he had spare time, using his exceptional mechanical skills to earn a tidy sum of money.

Although he wasn't particularly thrilled about the prospect of working with the Yakuza, he saw it as a chance to temporarily escape the turmoil surrounding Serafall.

After a few minutes of driving, Issei finally arrived at the motorcycle shop. As he pulled up, his eyes widened at the sight that greeted him—a fleet of sleek black vehicles, including a striking limousine, occupied the parking area.

Men in crisp suits and sunglasses stood guard, their watchful gazes turning towards Issei as he aggressively came to a stop beside the imposing limo.

Unconventional attire, with a burnt school uniform and shirtless appearance, set Issei apart, causing a sense of alarm to ripple through some of the men.

The shop owner, visibly relieved to see Issei, hurriedly made his way towards him. "Hyoudou-kun, thank you for coming on such short notice. W-what happened to your clothes?" the owner inquired, his curiosity piqued by Issei's disheveled appearance.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Issei brushed off the question. "Don't worry about it," he replied, masking the underlying turmoil within him, further intriguing the shop owner, who couldn't help but wonder about the untold stories hidden behind Issei's torn uniform.

As if on cue, an older man in a meticulously tailored suit emerged from within the shop, flanked by his formidable entourage of bodyguards.

Holding a mysterious briefcase in his hands, he strolled confidently towards Issei. There was an air of authority and power that surrounded him, causing an immediate shift in the atmosphere.

Although the older man and his bodyguards exuded a sense of professionalism and danger, Issei found himself oddly unfazed. His experiences with supernatural beings had made him accustomed to formidable adversaries, and the imposing looks were nothing he hadn't encountered before.