
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Riser and Hisoka

Phenex Territory

The long-awaited moment of the Rating Game arrived. Riser, along with his Peerage, was about to teleport to the arena for the confrontation. Before the match, his parents, wife, and sister gathered to wish him good luck.

Lady Romina embraces Riser with an encouraging smile: "Good luck, my son. Go there and finish him."

Lord Victorius, with a serious expression, adds: "Our son doesn't need luck. He has the lineage of the Phenex."

Riser, thanking his mother, responds: "Thank you, Mom. But my father is right. This victory is already mine."

Looking at Ravel, who was sitting on the couch with an annoyed expression, Riser comments with a teasing smile, "Still upset with me, Ravel? I was just kidding when I said I would take Asia out of your Peerage."

Ravel, huffing, responds: "You will never take Asia away from me. And you better win the Rating Game and not embarrass our family."

Riser dramatically places his hand on his chest and says, "Wow, no respect for your Onii-sama."

Lady Romina observes the siblings' conversation with a smile, enjoying the dynamics between them.

Sona, with her usual calmness, interrupts the sibling squabble, emphasizing the importance of strategy. "Dear, you need to greet your opponent and consider the possibility of traps. Cunning is a virtue in the Rating Game."

Riser, with a confident laugh, responds: "Traps? I don't need that. I'll go straight to the confrontation and end it with one blow."

Lord Victorius, pleased with Riser's determination, nods positively. For him, the Phenex lineage is a source of unwavering confidence.

Adjusting his glasses, Sona yields to her husband's confidence, "Well, I'll trust you, Riser."

Riser, expressing joy, gives Sona a kiss before heading to his Peerage.

"So, let's go, everyone."

The group agrees in unison, preparing for the imminent teleportation to the Rating Game arena.

Rating Game Arena

In the observation room of the Rating Game, Sirzechs and Serafall await Riser's arrival. Sirzechs, with his usual calmness, comments, "So, when is Riser-san going to arrive? The opponent is already waiting."

Ravel, with an adorable expression, says, "My Sona-chan said they are on their way, and you seem very interested in my 'brother-in-law,' Sirzechs."

Sirzechs, maintaining his composure, responds, "It's not for ill intentions, Serafall. I'm just curious about Riser-san's powers. I want to confirm that feeling I had at the wedding."

Serafall, with a smile, comments, "I know, Sirzechs-chan, but don't you think an opponent of Hisoka's level is enough to prove something?"

Sirzechs, leaning back in his chair, watches as Hisoka approaches, and he replies, "Well, Ravel, if Riser-san wins, we can arrange a match against the top 10 for him. It would be interesting to see how he fares."

Serafall agrees with Sirzechs as Hisoka approaches, and he greets with a smile, "I am honored by your presence, Lucifer-sama and Leviathan-sama." Serafall smiles and nods, while Sirzechs, with a gentle smile, thanks Hisoka for his words, mentioning that it has been a while since they last met.

Hisoka, with a big smile, confirms, "Yes, Lucifer-sama, since the day I was promoted to high-class devil. It's a pleasant surprise that you remember me."

Lucifer, maintaining his posture, responds, "As Lucifer, it is my duty to take note of promising young individuals like yourself."

"I understand, Lucifer-sama. I also have a special fondness for promising young individuals."

Sirzechs, observing Hisoka's Peerage, comments, "I see your Peerage consists of young and strong individuals."

Serafall, attentive to the conversation, observes Hisoka's Peerage, positioned a few meters ahead with heads bowed.

Proudly, Hisoka shares, "I trained them myself, Lucifer-sama, since they were young." Sirzechs nods in acknowledgment, recognizing Hisoka's achievement.

An imposing magic circle adorned with the distinctive patterns of the Phenex family appears in the observation room. Riser, accompanied by his Peerage and family, emerges from it. Upon noticing Sirzechs and Serafall in a lively conversation, Riser separates from his Peerage and approaches the Maous.

"Hello, Lucifer-sama and Leviathan-sama," greets Riser with respect. Before anyone can respond, Serafall, with a teasing smile, interrupts.

"Wow, Riser-chan, I'm your sister-in-law. You can call me Sera-chan," she says, stepping forward to hug Sona before Riser can react.

Sona, embarrassed and annoyed, responds: "Serafall, it's only been a few hours since we last saw each other."

Serafall, pouting, retorts, "But are you not going to call me Sera-chan too?" She looks at Sona with a playful, teasing expression.

Ignoring the two sisters, Riser turns his firm gaze to his opponent, Hisoka.

Riser, greeting Hisoka with a smile, "Hisoka, it's a pleasure to face you in this Rating Game. May we have a fair competition."

Hisoka, looking at Riser with disdain, replies: "Dubious pleasure. I hope you live up to your reputation, Phenex."

Riser, maintaining composure, smiles.

"Don't worry, Hisoka. I'll show you what I'm capable of."

Sirzechs observes the interaction with an amused smile, while Sona, displeased with Hisoka's contempt, does not hide her dissatisfaction.

Sona, expressing her displeasure. "Hisoka, words may be sharp, but the battlefield is the true judge. Do not underestimate Riser."

Hisoka, winking at Sona, responds challengingly: "Let's see if the brilliance of the Phenex lineage is as bright as they say."

Riser, challenging him, suggests, "How about an individual combat between Kings? Just you and me, no interference."

Hisoka, showing a subtle smile, accepts: "I like the idea. It will be interesting to see what you can do without your Peerage's interference."

Serafall, excited, interrupts the conversation: "Oh, this is getting exciting! I'll be the referee for this game. Let's make sure it's fair and fun."

Riser, giving Sona a kiss, bids her and the Maous farewell: "See you soon, my dear. Until next time, Lucifer-sama, Leviathan-sama."

Hisoka also bids farewell and withdraws to his building, where he will await the start of the Rating Game.

After Riser and Hisoka leave, Sirzechs comments with a relaxed tone. "It's always good to have a bit of rivalry to spice things up. I can't wait to see how this unfolds in the Rating Game."

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