
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter [66]

Riser watched attentively as Vali transformed, his white armor radiating power. For a moment, he pondered the best approach to face such a formidable opponent. "It's time to show the power of the Blue Phoenix," he murmured to himself.

"The time has come, Vali. I'll show the power of the Blue Phoenix."

As he spoke, blue flames danced around his body, forming an impressive aura that caught everyone's attention, including Sona, who watched with surprise and admiration.

Vali frowned, cautiously evaluating Riser's new aspect. "I hope it's not just appearance that has changed," he commented, his tone laden with challenge.

Riser laughed, a laugh full of confidence and determination. "You'll find out soon enough, Vali. But you won't have time to regret it."

Vali flew at Riser with determination, his fist aiming directly at the opponent's chest. At the same time, Riser launched himself forward, his energy condensed into a powerful blow ready to counterattack. The two fists collided with a deafening crash, sending shockwaves through the environment and echoing across the school grounds.

Merlin, realizing the intensity of the confrontation, quickly took refuge inside the perfect cube, ensuring his safety while continuing to monitor the fight. His presence went unnoticed by the others, too focused on the unfolding battle before them.

Meanwhile, Serafall, with a furious expression, approached Azazel for explanations. "Why is Vali fighting Riser-chan?" she questioned, her voice filled with indignation.

Azazel, remaining calm even in the face of escalating tension, responded serenely. "Vali seeks challenges and opponents worthy of his skill. He has no interest in gravely injuring Riser. This is just an opportunity to test his abilities."

Michael, pondering the situation, raised an important question. "Shouldn't we interrupt this fight before someone gets seriously hurt?" he suggested, concerned for the well-being of the combatants.

Azazel shook his head firmly. "It's not necessary. I trust in Vali's control and skill. He won't cross the bounds of reason."

What no one knew was the true reason behind Azazel's stance. Deep in his mind, he harbored a secret desire to see Riser receive a deserved lesson. Kokabiel's death still echoed in his memory, and he saw this fight as an opportunity for justice.

Vali stepped back from Riser, a challenging smile playing on his lips. "You're quite amusing, Riser," he commented, concentrating two balls of white energy in his hands. With a quick motion, he threw the spheres in Riser's direction, who quickly assumed a defensive position.

"Tekkai," Riser said, his voice firm as his body became incredibly resilient. Vali's energies hit Riser, but he didn't suffer a scratch, surprising his opponent with his resistance.

Vali frowned, impressed by Riser's determination. Before he could react, Riser executed a swift technique. "Soru," Riser murmured, and he momentarily disappeared, only to reappear behind Vali in the blink of an eye.

With a flaming blow, Riser attempted to strike Vali, but the latter released his aura, creating a wave of energy that pushed Riser away and prevented him from completing the punch.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Riser decided to go all out and used all his power of the Akuma no Mi.

Blue flames crackled around Riser as he transformed completely into a Blue Phoenix, harnessing the full potential of his Tori Tori no Mi. The metamorphosis was impressive, and everyone around watched with awe and surprise.

Sirzechs, intrigued, turned to Serafall. "Did you know Riser could do this?" he asked, his curiosity evident in his voice.

Serafall shook her head with a negative gesture, her eyes still fixed on Riser's flaming figure. "No, I had no idea."

Azazel, approaching Sirzechs, shared his surprise. "I didn't know Phenexes could do this," he commented, his expression reflecting his incredulity.

"It's a surprise to me too. Seems like I underestimated Riser's potential," Sirzechs admitted.

As the blue flames continued to dance around Riser, Akeno looked at him with admiration, impressed by the display of power. She turned to Rias beside her, her eyes shining with emotion.

Meanwhile, Akeno looked at Riser with admiration, her heart beating faster as she witnessed Riser's power. She turned to Rias beside her, her eyes shining with emotion. "Riser is amazing."

Rias sighed, her gaze following the movement of the flames. "Yeah, he really is," she agreed, her voice filled with conflicting emotions.

Meanwhile, Issei, hearing the conversation, felt a wave of irritation. "I hope Vali beats Riser up," he muttered to himself.

Vali, observing Riser's complete transformation, felt no fear. On the contrary, he was excited at the prospect of an even greater challenge.

"Now that you're taking it seriously, I'll take it seriously too," declared Vali, his arrogant smile reflecting his confidence in his own abilities.

"Juggernaut Drive!" Vali proclaimed, and his human form began to distort, slowly transforming into a dragon of gigantic proportions. His white and imposing aura radiated power, challenging Riser to face him on equal terms.

Riser's eyes narrowed with determination, knowing he was about to face an even more formidable opponent. His own transformation into the Blue Phoenix shone brightly, rivaling in power with the dragon before him.

As the two prepared for the imminent confrontation, energies collided, creating an overwhelming pressure that extended beyond the battlefield. Everyone present felt the weight of this force, their breaths held as they watched the titanic battle unfold before them.

Sirzechs, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly turned to Grayfia. "Strengthen the barriers around the school," he ordered urgently, his voice calm.

Grayfia nodded in understanding, her expression serious as she began channeling her magic to reinforce the school's defenses. At the same time, Michael approached her, offering his help. "I'll help too," he declared with determination, his demeanor reflecting his readiness to act.

Inside the cube, Issei felt a sharp pain shoot through his arm, causing him to groan in discomfort. He gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the uncomfortable sensation as he attempted to focus on the fight unfolding outside.

Ddraig, sensing his partner's discomfort, issued a warning in his mind. "Issei, this is Albion's doing. You're reacting to my old rival's strength."

Riser fiercely charged at Vali, his burning determination fueling every move. His body collided with Vali's belly in a powerful onslaught, seeking to unbalance the opponent. However, to his surprise, Vali remained firm, resisting the force of the impact with unwavering determination.

Struggling to maintain his position, Riser felt a strange sensation overcome him, as if half of his strength had suddenly been drained. He frowned, confused by the sudden weakness that assailed him.

Vali, seizing the opening in Riser's defense, firmly grasped the opponent's wings with his sharp claws, preparing to counterattack. With a quick and precise movement, he hurled Riser with overwhelming force, sending him flying through the air until he collided with the ground with a deafening crash.

Riser's complete transformation into the Blue Phoenix reverted to his hybrid form as he struggled in the crater formed by the impact. Incredulous in the face of Vali's formidable strength, Riser tried to get up, his muscles protesting against the effort.

"Is that all you've got, Riser?" Vali taunted, his voice filled with disdain as he watched his fallen opponent. "I expected more from someone who boasted so much about his power."

Riser gritted his teeth, his determination renewed in the face of the challenge. He rose with difficulty, his eyes burning with fierce determination. "You haven't seen anything yet, Vali. I'll show you what I'm capable of."

pat reon.com/22Mirko22

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