
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter [50]

Riser's Mansion in Kuoh

Riser and Sona lay in bed, enjoying a quiet morning conversation. The soft sunlight filtered through the curtains, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room.

Sona, with a gentle smile, breaks the silence. "Riser, I'm grateful for everything you did during the battle against Kokabiel. Your courage and skill were impressive."

Riser, gently caressing Sona's face, responds tenderly. "Sona, I would do anything to ensure the safety of you and the Peerage. After all, we're in this together."

As Riser and Sona share a meaningful look, Sona decides to express a thought that has been occupying her mind. "Riser, with all the changes in our lives, I've been thinking about the future. About the family we want to build."

Riser, looking into Sona's eyes, senses the seriousness of the conversation. "Speak, Sona. I'm here to listen and discuss anything on your mind."

Sona, with a thoughtful sigh, decides to share her thoughts with Riser. "Riser, I've been reflecting on how you've become so strong and skilled. I'd like to know more about your journey to reach this level of power."

Riser contemplates Sona's request, reflecting on how to share his journey without revealing the existence of the system that propelled him.

Sona, awaiting Riser's response, notices the hesitation in his eyes and decides to provide broader context. "Riser, I know there are secrets in your journey that you may not want to share. However, I'm interested in understanding what shaped you and brought you to where you are today."

Although hesitant, Riser decides to share part of his journey to attain the current level of power with Sona. "Sona, while I can't reveal all the details, there's a method that contributed to my growth. I can use it on you if you're interested."

Sona, pleased with the proposal, eagerly asks, "When can I receive these powers? I'm ready to strengthen myself even further."

Riser, considering the best approach, responds. "First, you need to increase your magical powers through training. I recommend consulting Merlin; she can help you in this process."

Sona agrees, acknowledging the wisdom of the suggestion. "Understood, Riser. I'll seek Merlin's guidance to enhance my powers."

Changing the tone of the conversation, Riser advises Sona, "Also, Sona, it would be wise to stop adding weak individuals to the Peerage. Let me introduce you to individuals with good potential to strengthen your Peerage."

Sona felt a slight discomfort hearing Riser's words about the Peerage's strength. She knew he had good intentions, but she couldn't help but feel uneasy about the term "weak individuals." She decided to address the issue with him.

"Riser, I understand that you want to strengthen the Peerage, but calling my members weak isn't the best way to approach this. Each of them contributes uniquely, and all have the potential to grow."

Perceiving the discomfort in Sona's eyes, Riser reflects on his words and decides to address the situation with honesty. "Sona, I apologize if my words sounded insensitive. It wasn't my intention to belittle anyone. I recognize the value of each member of the Peerage, and I know that everyone contributes in a unique way. I just believe that by adding more powerful members, we can further strengthen the Peerage."

Sona, maintaining her stance, expressed her opinion firmly. "I understand your perspective, but we should value and train those who are already part of the Peerage. I don't want them to feel underestimated."

Riser, contemplating Sona's words, suggests a solution. "Sona, the girls can also train with Merlin. Additionally, I'm willing to find new members who can complement your Peerage."

Sona, appreciating Riser's effort to find a solution, smiles and softly kisses him. "I understand your intentions, Riser. If we can balance training with Merlin and the addition of members, I believe we can strengthen ourselves without harming the girls' self-esteem."

The look of satisfaction in Riser's eyes revealed that the conversation had reached a point of understanding between him and Sona.

After a moment of silence, Riser broke the deadlock. "Sona, now that we've discussed these matters, is there anything else on your mind that you'd like to share?"

Riser, after a brief pause, broke the impasse in the conversation. "Sona, now that we've discussed these matters, is there anything else on your mind that you'd like to share?"

Sona, with a serene smile, replied, "No, Riser. I'll just take a shower and get ready for school."

Riser nodded, understanding that the conversation had reached a conclusion. "Alright, Sona. If you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here."

Sona thanked him with a nod and, getting up from the bed, headed to the bathroom.

Time Skip

Underground Training Room

Xenovia, in the underground training room, eagerly awaited her mentors, Merlin and Erza. She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, knowing that this training would be crucial for her integration with humans.

Suddenly, Merlin and Erza entered the room, their expressions serious but welcoming. "Xenovia, we're here to help you control your demonic magic and teach you the nuances of hiding and releasing your wings," said Merlin.

Erza, adding, said, "Let's start with demonic magic. It's crucial that you learn to control it to avoid unwanted attention."

Merlin instructed Xenovia to focus on her demonic energy and channel it. "Feel the energy flowing through you. It's an extension of who you are, but it needs to be controlled. Don't let it manifest without purpose."

Xenovia closed her eyes, following Merlin's instructions. She tried to feel the energy around her, gradually understanding how to keep it under control. "Is this better?" she asked cautiously.

Erza observed attentively and nodded. "Yes, you're making progress. Now, for the wings. Unleash them gradually, feel the movement, but keep visibility only for us."

Xenovia, with a sigh, attempted to unfold her wings. The movement was awkward at first, but with Erza's guidance, she began to gain more control. "Is this how it should be?"

Merlin, examining the demonstration, praised, "You're on the right track, Xenovia. Now, try to conceal them again. Remember, discretion is key."

Xenovia, focusing, successfully closed her wings. She smiled, feeling a mix of achievement and relief. "I think I'm starting to get it. Thank you, Merlin and Erza."

Erza, with a smile, encouraged her. "Training takes time, but with practice, you'll become more skilled. Keep it up."

Merlin, offering additional advice, added, "And don't worry if you don't get it on the first try. We're here to support your progress."

Xenovia thanked them once again, feeling grateful for having such dedicated mentors. The training continued, and she dove headfirst into the journey of adapting to her new life.

pat reon.com/22Mirko22

pat reon.com/22Mirko22

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