
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter [43]

Riser smiled and addressed Kokabiel with confidence. "Your dog has been killed now, and you and I, Kokabiel, know that this was just the beginning."

Kokabiel, with a cold look, replied: "Don't be arrogant, devil. I haven't seen anything that makes me fear yet."

Riser, with a swift motion, threw a fireball towards Kokabiel, aiming to hit him directly.

Kokabiel, demonstrating surprising agility, skillfully dodged the fireball, evading with dexterity.

However, before Kokabiel could fully recover, Riser seized the opportunity and advanced. One of the Chaos Blades cut through the air, piercing one of Kokabiel's wings.

Holding the chain connected to the other blade tightly, Riser approached the fallen Kokabiel with a confident smile. "Get over here," declared Riser, pulling the chain forcefully towards him.

Kokabiel, resisting with fury, tried to free himself, but the efforts were in vain. He cursed Riser, expressing his frustration.

Without giving a chance for more resistance, Riser, with a determined move, pulled Kokabiel towards him. The opponent, now closer, tried to resist, but it was futile.

Taking advantage of the proximity, Riser cut with the other blade, severing three of his wings at once. Kokabiel, now without aerial support, was ruthlessly thrown to the ground.

The battlefield witnessed Riser's domination over his adversary. Kokabiel's fate seemed sealed before Riser's formidable skill.

Rias and Akeno watched the fight with admiration. The scene before them revealed Riser Phenex's prowess on the battlefield, effortlessly cutting Kokabiel's wings.

Kiba held the unconscious Koneko in his arms, concerned about the condition of his companion. The tension in the air was palpable, but he remained steadfast, seeking a way to protect his friends.

Issei clenched his fists, unable to ignore the looks from Rias and Akeno towards Riser. A twinge of jealousy manifested in the face of the admiration they showed for Phenex.

Xenovia, observing the fight, was impressed with Riser's strength. His combat ability intrigued and fascinated her.

Erza looked at Xenovia and commented, "And just so you know, this is not even half of Riser-sama's power." Erza's expression denoted confidence in Riser's ability to exceed expectations.

Kokabiel rose from the ground with eyes filled with anger, a deadly expression that would suggest that if a look could kill, Riser would already be dead.

Riser, facing Kokabiel's fury, smiled challengingly. "I'm a bit disappointed, Kokabiel. Is that all you've got?"

Kokabiel, consumed by rage, charged at Riser with fierce momentum.

"Soru," said Riser, invoking his incredible agility.

Riser disappeared instantly, leaving Kokabiel confused. At the same moment, Riser reappeared behind Kokabiel, his Chaos Blades cutting through the joints of the opponent's legs, forcing him to kneel.

With skill and speed, Riser wrapped the chains of the Chaos Blades around Kokabiel's neck. The fallen fallen angel, now on his knees with his throat caught in the sharp chains, couldn't hide the expression of pain and despair.

Riser, maintaining his confident smile, tightened the chains slightly. "You underestimated the strength of devils, Kokabiel. Now, face the consequences."

Kokabiel, weakened and without options, grunted in frustration as victory seemed increasingly distant. The battlefield witnessed Riser's undisputed dominance over his fallen adversary.

Xenovia, with determination reflected in her eyes, addressed Riser: "Riser, kill this traitor in the name of God. He deserves to be judged for his sins."

Riser, keeping his confident posture, looked at Kokabiel disdainfully. "You heard, Kokabiel. Prepare for divine judgment for your deeds."

Kokabiel, laughing sarcastically, replied: "God? Kekekekekek, God is dead, just like Lucifer. Both perished in the great war. There is no divine judgment for me."

Everyone, except Riser, was astonished by Kokabiel's response.

"God is dead?" questioned Rias, her expression filled with perplexity at Kokabiel's bold claim.

Xenovia, outraged, vehemently rejected Kokabiel's statement. "That's a lie! God is not dead."

Kokabiel laughed with disdain, his voice echoing on the battlefield. "That is the truth. Michael is in charge of heaven now. God and Lucifer perished in the great war. There is no more divine judgment for me."

Ddraig pondered to himself, "This explains a lot."

Riser, reflecting on Kokabiel's words, thought, "Now Xenovia has no more reasons to continue in the church. The foundations she believed in seem to crumble."

Riser interrupted the conversation with Kokabiel, determined to end the confrontation. "Enough talk, Kokabiel. It's time to finish you."

Kokabiel turned pale, feeling the Chaos Blades pressing against his neck, the imminent threat hanging over him.

Xenovia, unable to contain her indignation, shouted, "Kill him, Riser! He deserves to pay for his crimes!"

A voice echoed in the background, cutting through the tension in the air. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Everyone turned to the source of the voice, surprised to see an imposing-looking man approaching the battlefield.

Riser, in his thoughts, reflected on the twists of the battle. "Even with me here, the plot continues the same way."

Ddraig felt the presence of Albion, his former rival. "Partner, I sense Albion's presence."

"Albion?" murmured Issei to himself, surprised and intrigued.

A young man with light silver hair, wearing a dark green V-neck shirt and a high-collared black leather jacket, appeared on the battlefield. His eyes emanated intensity, revealing a formidable presence.

Riser, maintaining his confident posture, looked at the newcomer. "Who are you to interrupt our duel?"

The silver-haired youth, with a serious expression, replied: "My name is Vali, release Kokabiel. He's my business now."

Riser laughed, his laughter echoing across the battlefield like a triumphant challenge.

At the sound of Riser's laughter, Vali, with intense eyes, hurried towards the location where Riser and Kokabiel were.

Riser, ignoring Vali's arrival, focused on the next move. With a precise movement of the Chaos Blades, he decapitated Kokabiel.

Kokabiel's head rolled on the ground, his defiant gaze frozen in a final moment. His lifeless body fell, a dark testimony to the brutality of the battle.

Vali, with a serious and intense expression, approached Riser assertively. "How dare you disobey me? I told you to let him go, and you did the opposite."

Riser, maintaining his confident smile, retorted provocatively. "You said to release, so I released his head from his body. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Vali, staring fixedly at Riser. "Is this a joke to you? We're dealing with serious matters here."

Riser, unfazed, returned the provocation. "No, you're a joke to me

pat reon.com/22Mirko22

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