
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter [41]

Riser knocked on the door of the student council, patiently waiting for a response. Sona, upon hearing the knock, lifted her eyes from her documents, surprised. However, a warm smile formed on her lips as she recognized Riser's presence.

Seeing Sona smile, Riser couldn't help but feel a wave of warmth. He entered the room, and Sona stood up from her chair to greet him. Her expression showed a combination of surprise and contentment.

"Sona, my dear, how are you?" Riser asked as Sona warmly embraced him.

"Riser, I didn't expect to see you here. Did something happen?" Sona inquired, maintaining the embrace for a moment before stepping back.

Riser smiled, answering Sona's question, "No need for a reason to visit my wife, right? Just wanted to see your beautiful face."

Rolling her eyes with a smile, knowing Riser always found charming ways to express his affection, Sona teased, "I don't know if your charm works on me, but you're forgiven this time."

Riser, changing the tone slightly, became more serious, "By the way, Kokabiel is in town. I want to make sure you're safe."

Sona nodded, appreciating Riser's concern. "I've already talked to Rias. She agreed to let you handle it. But please, don't cause more trouble than we already have."

Riser made a gesture of surrender. "I promise I'll try not to break too many things. But I can't promise about Kokabiel."

Sona, aware of Riser's combative nature, sighed. "Just take care, Riser. I don't want to deal with a war here in Kuoh."

Time Skip

Occult Research Club

Rias stared at Kiba, her serious expression highlighting the gravity of the conversation. "Kiba, I understand your indignation regarding the holy swords, but it's crucial that you don't get directly involved. Sona and Riser have taken responsibility for this, and interfering may cause more problems than solutions."

Kiba, with clenched fists, could barely contain his frustration. Rias' words seemed like a barrier between him and the desired revenge. "Rias, these swords are a threat not only to us, devils, but to the entire city. I can't just stand by while this happens."

Rias, maintaining her firm posture, replied, "I understand your concern, Kiba, but we need to act strategically. Sona and Riser have a plan in motion, and our direct intervention may harm everything. Trust them."

Issei, though silent, couldn't help but feel uneasy at the mention of Riser's name. Rias noticed the tension in the air but decided to focus on the current situation.

Kiba, controlling his anger, questioned, "What if they can't handle it? What if Kokabiel becomes a bigger threat?"

Rias calmly responded, "We're doing everything we can to prevent that, Kiba. Remember that we have reliable allies. Don't underestimate Sona and Riser. They know the risks involved."

Issei, finally breaking the silence, cautiously expressed his opinion, "Rias, I understand we need to trust others, but mentioning Riser is still a sensitive subject for many of us."

A sudden explosion echoed through the corridors of the academy, interrupting any response Rias could provide to Issei. The Occult Research Club was under attack, devastating the entire place. Debris flew through the air, and smoke obscured the view.

Issei, acting instinctively, shielded Rias with his own body as debris fell around them. Concern reflected in his eyes as he made sure Rias was safe.

Rias, though surprised by the attack, maintained her firm posture. "Prepare yourselves; this wasn't accidental. We're facing a threat."

Kokabiel appeared in the air, his ten imposing wings highlighting his threatening presence. Rias, Koneko, Akeno, Issei, and Kiba were in the room, facing the adversary with determination.

Kokabiel, anger in his eyes, remarked, "Your hair reminds me of your damn brother, Gremory."

Rias, clenching her fists, responded with intensity, "How dare you attack me? Aren't you afraid of starting a war?"

Kokabiel laughed loudly, exuding confidence. "That's exactly what I want. A war that will redefine the balance of power between angels, devils, and all supernatural creatures."

Student Council Room (Before the Explosion)

Riser was engrossed in a chess game with Shizuku, strategically planning each move. Sona, in turn, was absorbed in reading reports, while Tsubaki watched attentively. Yubelluna, excited, cheered for Riser's success, and Nana, bored, looked uninterested out the window.

Suddenly, an explosion echoed, shaking the student council room. Sona frowned, clearly indicating her concern.

The sudden blast rang out, causing Sona to frown in concern. She looked at Tsubaki, determined. "Gather the other members of our Peerage and assist in evacuating the humans. Make sure to erase their memories to avoid panic."

Tsubaki nodded, ready to act in the face of the emergency. As she headed out to fulfill Sona's orders.

Riser, realizing the gravity of the situation, enlisted the help of Nana and Shizuku. "You two, help Sona. Yubelluna, set up a barrier to protect the area."

Yubelluna, eager to contribute, quickly nodded. "Got it, Riser! I'll make sure no one gets close."

Riser looked at Sona with determination. "I'll check the origin of the explosion. Wish me luck."

Sona smiled, appreciating Riser's courage. "Good luck, Riser. Be careful out there."

Riser left the student council room, his eyes showing determination as his fiery wings unfolded majestically. With a leap, he took flight, discreetly flying toward the location of the explosion, which he soon identified as the Occult Research Club.

Riser mentally communicated with Erza. "Erza, get ready to bring Xenovia to the school as soon as I notify you."

Occult Research Club (After the Explosion)

Kiba tried to strike Kokabiel with his sword, but before he could make the blow, he was easily subdued by the opponent's imposing strength. The impact of the confrontation caused the sword to slip from his hands, and Kiba found himself momentarily helpless against Kokabiel's superiority.

Akeno, observing the scene, decided to intervene using her lightning. However, to her surprise, the electrical attacks were ineffective against the enemy's resistance. Kokabiel seemed almost immune to powers that would normally be overwhelming.

Meanwhile, Issei, unable to fly, felt frustration growing within him.

Kokabiel, amidst the confrontation, mocked their efforts. "You're too agitated before the real fight begins. How about facing my pet first?"

With a snap of his fingers, Kokabiel summoned a colossal creature. A three-headed dog, standing at 10 meters tall, appeared before them. Rias, frowning, recognized the beast as Cerberus.

Rias looked at her Peerage, aware of the challenge that presented itself. "Get ready. This won't be an ordinary fight. Cerberus is a threat we must face together."

As the battle unfolded, Riser discreetly observed

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