
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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156 Chs

Chapter [154]

Riser's Mansion in Kuoh

Riser and Koneko teleported directly into the living room, greeted by the welcoming and sophisticated environment with elegant furniture.

Merlin stood at the front of the group, with Kuroka, Rossweisse, and Tiamat by her side. Seeing Riser, Merlin opened a welcoming smile. "Riser-sama, I'm glad you have returned."

Riser returned the smile. "Merlin, I see you brought company."

Kuroka, with a playful smile, approached. "Welcome back, Riser-sama," she said before looking at her sister. "Koneko, can we talk in private, nya?"

Riser nodded, understanding the need for the sisters to reconnect. "Of course, Kuroka. Go ahead."

Kuroka led Koneko to a more secluded corner of the mansion where they could speak without interruptions.

Riser turned his attention to the rest of the group, observing the new addition. "So, who is the new member of the Peerage, Merlin?"

Tiamat stepped forward, her eyes shining with pride and confidence. "I am Tiamat, the most powerful of the Dragon Kings. Now, I am the Queen of Merlin's Peerage."

Riser smiled, appreciating Tiamat's imposing presence. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tiamat. Welcome."

Merlin, a bit apprehensive, intervened. "I apologize for Tiamat's attitude, Riser-sama. She is a bit... direct."

Riser shook his head, still smiling. "No problem, Merlin. I like confident people."

He then turned to Rossweisse, with a curious expression. "And you, Rossweisse, how are you adjusting?"

Rossweisse blushed slightly, trying to maintain her composure. "I'm doing well, dear." Realizing her slip, she quickly corrected herself. "I mean, Riser-sama."

Riser chuckled lightly, amused by the situation. "Dear, huh? I'm liking this."

Rossweisse blushed even more, not knowing where to hide her face. "Sorry, Riser-sama. That was not my intention."

Riser smiled, finding her reaction adorable. "It's all right, Rossweisse. I'm glad you're adjusting well. And don't worry about titles, dear," he said, teasingly.

Rossweisse turned even redder, but a shy smile appeared on her lips. "Thank you, Riser-sama."

Still smiling, Riser turned to Merlin. "Merlin, let's go upstairs. I have something to discuss with you."

Merlin nodded, noticing the seriousness in Riser's tone. "Of course, Riser-sama. Let's go."

As Riser and Merlin climbed the stairs to the upper floor of the mansion, the rest of the group remained in the living room, each occupied with their own thoughts and interactions.

Private Office in Riser's Mansion

Riser closed the door behind them, ensuring they wouldn't be interrupted. He gestured to a chair for Merlin and sat across from her, maintaining a serious expression.

Merlin, always perceptive, noticed the intensity in Riser's gaze. "What do you wish to discuss, Riser-sama?"

Riser took a deep breath, crossing his arms. "Merlin, I need you to lure Issei to Kuoh."

Merlin frowned, intrigued. "How exactly do you want me to do that, Riser-sama?"

Riser leaned forward, his voice low and filled with determination. "Use his parents as bait. If Issei's parents are in danger or kidnapped, he will come running to save them. There's nothing stronger than the family bond to motivate him."

Merlin nodded slowly, understanding the plan. "I see. I'll think of a way to do this without raising suspicion."

Riser smiled, satisfied with her response. "I trust you, Merlin. A suggestion would be to hypnotize some humans to carry out the kidnapping. That will give us an extra layer of protection in case things get complicated."

Merlin considered the idea for a moment, and then a sadistic smile appeared on her face. The prospect of using humans as puppets was clearly something she found intriguing. "Hypnotizing humans could work. When do you want this to happen?"

Riser leaned back in his chair, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Tomorrow, I'm going to visit the family businesses in the human world with Ravel and Asia. That will be the perfect time to act. During our visit, you can put the plan into action without raising suspicion."

Merlin, with a determined gleam in her eyes, stood up. "I'll take care of it, Riser-sama. Leave it to me."

Before Merlin left, Riser asked a question that had been on his mind. "Merlin, how did you manage to bring Tiamat into your Peerage?"

Merlin smiled, pleased with the memory. "All I needed to do was be stronger than her. I showed Tiamat that my magic and determination were superior. She had no choice but to acknowledge my strength and join me."

Riser laughed, impressed. "Well done, Merlin. I'm pleased with your performance."

Merlin, touched by the compliment, inclined slightly in a gesture of respect. "Riser-sama, I deeply appreciate your words. It's an honor and a privilege to be part of your Peerage. I promise to continue striving to live up to your expectations."

Riser smiled, satisfied with her response. "I'm sure you will, Merlin. Now, let's return to the living room and see how the others are doing."

Merlin nodded, still smiling, and followed Riser back to the living room.

Upon entering, Riser observed Kuroka and Koneko engaged in an animated conversation, sitting on a sofa. Koneko had a serious look, while Kuroka seemed to be trying to cheer her up, her feline ears twitching with every word.

Riser noticed that the conversation between the sisters was deep and emotional. He noted Kuroka's expressive gestures and Koneko's concentrated attention, indicating that they were dealing with important and personal issues.

He sighed lightly, recognizing the importance of the moment between the sisters. It was evident that reconciliation and understanding between Kuroka and Koneko couldn't be rushed. Riser knew he would need to wait patiently until they finished talking.

Riser turned to Merlin, who was beside him, and murmured quietly, so as not to interrupt the sisters. "It looks like we'll have to wait a bit, Merlin. Let them finish."

Merlin nodded, understanding the situation. "Of course, Riser-sama. They need this time together."

Riser looked around the room, searching for a comfortable place to wait. He chose a nearby armchair where he could observe the sisters' interaction without seeming intrusive. He sat down, crossing his legs and relaxing a bit while keeping a watchful eye on Kuroka and Koneko.

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