
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

chapter [147]

In the luxurious and imposing Hall of Concord, the atmosphere of tension and expectation was palpable. Sirzechs watched the crowd of noble devils, but his attention was fixed on his sister, Rias. He knew the pressure on her was growing, and it worried him deeply. He decided to have a private conversation with her.

Rias was in a more isolated corner of the hall, trying to find a moment of peace amid the tumult. Sirzechs approached silently and lightly touched her shoulder. "Rias, can we talk?" he asked in a soft but concerned voice.

Rias nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and frustration. "Of course, Nii-sama. We do need to talk."

They moved a bit further away from the crowd, looking for a place where they could speak without being interrupted. When they found a relatively quiet spot, Sirzechs began to speak. "Rias, I know you're under a lot of pressure with this arranged marriage. I don't want you to feel forced into something you don't want."

Rias sighed deeply, feeling tears threatening to surface. "I don't want this marriage, Nii-sama. I don't want to marry Diodora. This whole situation makes me feel... trapped."

Before Sirzechs could respond, Zeoticus approached them, his eyes fixed on his daughter with a stern look. "Rias," he began, his voice firm. "You must behave according to your position. This marriage is important for our family. You need to accept that."

Rias's frustration overflowed, but she maintained her composure. "Father, I know my responsibilities, but that doesn't mean I should sacrifice my happiness."

Zeoticus narrowed his eyes. "Individual happiness often needs to be sacrificed for the greater good, Rias. I hope you understand that."

Before the tension could escalate further, Dimitri and Svetlana Astaroth approached the group. Dimitri, with his imposing posture, smiled cordially. "Good evening, Sirzechs, Zeoticus, Rias," he greeted.

Svetlana, always elegant, smiled warmly at Rias. "It's a pleasure to see you, my future daughter-in-law," she said, the words laden with a formality that hid the cold reality of the arrangement.

Issei, observing from a distance, felt a wave of anger grow within him upon hearing Svetlana refer to Rias as her future daughter-in-law. He hated the idea of Rias being forced into a marriage she didn't want, especially with someone like Diodora.

Rias, despite her reluctance, maintained her politeness. "Thank you, Lady Astaroth," she responded, forcing a smile. "I hope this union brings benefits to both our families."

Diodora, who had quietly joined the group, smiled at Rias. "Rias, you look tired. Is everything okay?"

Rias felt immediate repulsion at Diodora's seemingly false concern. "I... I'm not feeling well," she said, looking for an exit. "I think I need some air."

Dimitri intervened, placing a firm hand on his son's shoulder. "Diodora, be a gentleman and accompany Rias outside the palace."

Diodora promptly placed his hand on Rias's shoulder in a supportive gesture. Rias felt a shiver of disgust run through her body. "I don't really need it," she tried to argue.

Dimitri insisted, his voice firm. "I insist, Rias. Let my son take care of you."

Zeoticus also intervened, supporting Dimitri. "Yes, Rias, let Diodora accompany you. It's the least he can do."

Rias felt overwhelmed by the orders and expectations of everyone around her. The pressure to conform to family traditions was crushing her will. Just as she was about to give in, Issei lost his temper.

"Hey, Diodora!" Issei stepped forward, anger etched on his face. "Get your hands off Rias now!"

Issei's outburst caught everyone's attention. The high-class devils, who had been mocking and murmuring among themselves about the marriage, now focused on Issei with disapproval and irritation.

"Who does this boy think he is?" murmured one noble devil, disdain clear in his voice.

"This is unacceptable," said another, shaking his head in disapproval. "He doesn't know his place."

Diodora, for his part, remained calm and smiled condescendingly. "Issei, we're just trying to help Rias. There's no need for violence."

Issei ignored the criticisms and looks from others, his only concern being Rias. "I'm not going to let you force her into anything. She doesn't need your help."

Rias, feeling the wave of support from Issei, took courage. "Thank you, Issei. I can take care of myself," she said, looking defiantly at Diodora.

Zeoticus, visibly irritated by Issei's intervention, stepped forward, addressing Rias with a severe look. "Rias, what's going on here?" he asked, his voice laden with disappointment and contained anger. "Haven't you taught your servants to behave properly at formal events?"

Rias maintained her composure, but the frustration was evident in her eyes. "Father, Issei is not a servant. He is my friend and a member of my Peerage. He's just worried about me."

Issei, feeling the weight of the tension and the unjust pressure on Rias, couldn't stay silent. "With all due respect, Lord Zeoticus," he began, his voice firm, "Rias doesn't deserve to be forced into a marriage she doesn't want. I can't stand by and watch this happen."

The intensity of the situation drew the attention of many young devils around. They started taking photos and making videos of the scene, murmuring among themselves about the unfolding drama. The growing pressure caused the aura of the Dragon residing within Issei to begin emanating from his body. The red and powerful energy radiated from him, making the air around vibrate with the power of the Red Dragon. His eyes shone with determination, and the sense of power was almost palpable.

Issei's aura caused an immediate impact. The devils around instinctively recoiled, some with expressions of shock and fear, while others watched with admiration and curiosity. The power of the Red Dragon was known, but seeing it in action was a completely different experience.

"Issei, stop!" Rias tried to calm the situation, but Issei, consumed by the need to protect her, couldn't completely control the aura emanating from him.

Before the situation could escalate further, Sirzechs appeared beside Issei. With a quick and precise movement, he placed a firm hand on Issei's shoulder. The presence of Sirzechs, one of the most powerful Maous, was overwhelming. The pressure emanating from him was like a mountain pressing down on Issei. The aura of the Red Dragon began to retract immediately under Sirzechs's overpowering strength.

Issei felt as if the weight of an entire world was on him. Every muscle in his body trembled under the pressure, and his breathing became heavy. The aura of the Red Dragon dissipated quickly, and the hall, which had been tense and charged with Issei's energy, returned to relative calm.

"Issei," said Sirzechs, his voice gentle but undeniably authoritative. "I understand your feelings, but this is not the way to handle the situation. You need to learn to control your power and your emotions, especially at times like this."

Issei, feeling the weight of Sirzechs's hand and the intensity of his words, could only nod. The strength and authority of Sirzechs were undeniable, and he knew he needed to respect the Maou's guidance.

Sirzechs turned to Diodora and the Astaroth family, adopting an apologetic expression. "Diodora, Lady Svetlana, Lord Dimitri, I apologize for the interruption and Issei's impulsive behavior. He is still young and impulsive, but his heart is in the right place."

The Astaroths maintained their formal expressions, but the tension between them was palpable. Sirzechs then smiled gently, raising his voice so that everyone in the hall could hear. "However, I believe this is an excellent moment to demonstrate the strength and dignity of our families. I propose a duel between Issei, the Red Dragon Emperor, and Diodora Astaroth. It will be an opportunity for Diodora to reaffirm his authority and show his superiority."

Diodora, despite his calm smile, was aware of Sirzechs's intentions. He knew the Maou was setting up against him, trying to position Issei as a hero before those present. However, refusing the challenge in front of so many noble devils would be a devastating blow to his image. With no choice, he accepted. "It will be an honor, Sirzechs," he said, forcing a smile. "I accept the challenge and look forward to showing everyone the true power of the Astaroth family."

Sirzechs removed his hand from Issei's shoulder and announced in a voice that echoed through the hall, "In three days, Issei Hyoudou and Diodora Astaroth will face off in a duel. The Red Dragon Emperor versus the heir of the Astaroth family!" Excitement and murmurs spread through the crowd, with many devils starting to film and post on DevilNet.

Sirzechs then turned to Grayfia. "Grayfia, take Rias and Issei away. They need rest and preparation." Grayfia nodded and approached Rias and Issei, touching their shoulders.

Zeoticus, watching the scene, did not like his son's attitude but remained quiet, knowing that arguing publicly would only bring more unwanted attention to the family. Grayfia then teleported Rias and Issei to another location, leaving the crowd in the Hall of Concord buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming duel.

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