
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter [110]

Riser's Mansion in the Underworld

Akeno descended the stairs and saw Riser bidding farewell to Yoruichi, who was heading out of the mansion. As soon as Yoruichi left the mansion, Akeno approached Riser.

"Riser-sama, we need to talk," said Akeno, her voice serious as she approached him.

Riser turned to face her, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Of course, Akeno. What would you like to talk about?"

Akeno descended the mansion stairs with determined steps, intent on confronting Riser about an important decision she had made. Spotting him bidding farewell to Yoruichi, she patiently waited until they were alone.

"Riser-sama, we need to talk," she said seriously, catching his attention.

Riser turned to face her, his gentle smile showing willingness to hear what she had to say. "Of course, Akeno. What would you like to talk about?"

Akeno took a deep breath, gathering her courage to reveal her decision. "Riser-sama, I have decided to tell Rias that I will stay in your Peerage forever," she announced.

Riser raised an eyebrow, surprised by Akeno's declaration. "Are you sure about this, Akeno?"

"Yes, Riser-sama. I am sure."

Riser smiled, proud of Akeno's loyalty. "I'm glad you've made this decision, Akeno. Feel free to tell Rias when you're ready."

Akeno nodded, grateful for Riser's support. However, a concern arose in her mind.

"Riser-sama, do you think I should tell Rias about the agreement we made to break off the marriage contract?" she asked, her expression worried.

Riser pondered for a moment before responding. "No, Akeno. I don't think it's necessary. If Rias finds out, she might feel guilty."

Akeno nodded, understanding Riser's logic. "I understand. I will follow your advice, Riser-sama."

Kuoh Academy

Grayfia appeared in a teleportation circle before Rias, who was alone in the Occult Research Club room. The young heiress of the Gremory household's lonely expression transformed into joy upon seeing her sister-in-law.

"Grayfia!" exclaimed Rias, rising from her chair and going to hug the older woman.

Grayfia was momentarily surprised by Rias's affectionate gesture but soon accepted the hug, returning it gently. However, her pragmatic mind led her to question the reason behind this unusual behavior.

"Rias, what happened?" asked Grayfia, her voice soft but firm.

Rias hesitated for a moment, feeling uncomfortable about sharing her deepest feelings. However, she knew she could trust Grayfia and decided to open up.

"It's just... I was feeling a bit lonely," admitted Rias, her voice laden with vulnerability.

Grayfia nodded understandingly, accepting Rias's explanation, though she knew there was more behind those words. She decided not to press the young heiress of the Gremory household about the matter, at least for now.

"I understand," replied Grayfia, her voice calm. "If you need to talk, I'm here for you."

Rias smiled gratefully for Grayfia's support. She knew she could count on her sister-in-law to be by her side in difficult times.

"Thank you, Grayfia," murmured Rias, her heart warmed by the comforting presence of the older woman.

Grayfia accepted Rias's thanks with a nod before changing the subject.

"I need to take you back to the underworld, Rias. It's a matter of safety."

Rias widened her eyes, alarmed by Grayfia's sudden revelation. "Safety? What happened?"

Grayfia hesitated for a moment before revealing the truth. "Azazel has disappeared, Rias."

Rias furrowed her brow, confused by the connection between Azazel's disappearance and her personal safety. "What does that have to do with me?"

"In truth, it doesn't have anything to do with you directly," admitted Grayfia. "But Sirzechs is taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of all family members, including you."

Rias stamped her foot, frustrated by the idea of leaving the academy and returning to the underworld. "I'm not going back home, Grayfia. Not now."

Grayfia frowned, irritated by Rias's spoiled behavior. "Rias, this isn't a choice. It's an order."

Rias crossed her arms, defiant. "I won't."

Grayfia sighed, knowing she would have to be firmer with Rias. "You don't understand, Rias. It's for your own safety. Sirzechs is worried about you."

Rias looked at Grayfia, her expression softening slightly at the genuine concern of her sister-in-law. "Okay, I understand. But I'll only go back to the underworld when I'm ready."

Grayfia nodded, accepting Rias's condition. "Very well, Rias. I'll inform Sirzechs of your decision."

Rias smiled gratefully for Grayfia's understanding. "Thank you, Grayfia. I just need a little more time."

"Rias, is the time you need because of the marriage contract?" asked Grayfia, her voice calm and controlled.

Rias nodded, looking away as she struggled to find the right words. "Yes, it is... I... I'm afraid of confronting my father about it."

Grayfia sighed, understanding the difficulty Rias faced in dealing with the situation. She internally lamented the young girl's lack of courage, combined with her spoiled behavior.

"I understand, Rias," replied Grayfia, her voice soft and comforting. "But you know you need to face this situation eventually."

Before Rias could respond, Akeno appeared in a teleportation circle, interrupting the conversation. Rias brightened upon seeing her friend.

"Akeno!" exclaimed Rias, going to hug the other girl.

Akeno returned Rias's hug with equal warmth.

Rias released Akeno, feeling grateful for her friend's comforting presence as she faced the difficult decision of confronting her father about the marriage contract.

"Hello, Akeno. It's good to see you," greeted Grayfia, her serious tone contrasting with Rias's excitement.

"Akeno, I hope you can talk some sense into Rias and convince her to return to the underworld soon," said Grayfia, her voice firm and authoritative.

Akeno nodded, though not fully understanding the urgency behind Grayfia's request. "Understood, Grayfia-san. I'll do my best," she replied, committing to fulfill the older woman's request.

Rias crossed her arms, a stubborn expression on her face. "I can make my own choices, Grayfia," protested she, her voice laden with determination.

Grayfia looked at Rias expressionlessly, knowing it would be futile to argue further about the matter at that moment. "I'll talk to Sirzechs. I hope that when I come back, you'll be ready," she declared, before a magical circle appeared around her.

With one last look at Rias and Akeno, Grayfia teleported away, leaving the two friends alone to talk.

"What was all that about, Rias?" asked Akeno, concerned about the tension between Rias and Grayfia.

Rias sighed, sitting down in a chair and inviting Akeno to do the same.

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