
DxD: Template system

His name in his past life? Albedo... In this one? Izayoi... For some reason, he knows not after dying he has been reincarnated in this anime-like world where people have all kinds of hair and eye colors... There is also the fact that he has a unique system...

HolierThanThou515 · Anime & Comics
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Great now what? What will my next course of action be? I first have to test if everything is alright, I mean if I can still use all my jutsu without a problem and then I can go on reverse crusading.

The simplest way to do this would be... 

I extended my arm and reached for the inventory before retrieving the scroll containing my ninja weapons.

Opening the rather large scroll, I touched one of the many inscribed seals before making the release hand sign. 

With a puff of smoke five kunai inscribed with the Flying Raijin Seal appeared. Closing the scroll and putting it back in the inventory along with the four other kunai, I reached for the last one before throwing it to the wall on the other side of the room.

The moment it was about to touch the wall I teleported to it and catched it in a split second.

"Perfect, nothing unusual." I nodded to myself before proceeding with the last test.

The Jutsu I, no I mean Minato created, one classified A, and one of the hardest jutsu to master as it required disgustingly precise chakra control.

Playing with the kunai with one hand as moved it between my fingers. I extended the other and in seconds a blue rotating chakra orb appeared above it, stably floating. 

I kept feeding it more chakra making it grow bigger and bigger until it was about the size of my head. It was only then that canceled it, letting the chakra disperse into the air.

"Well, that settles it." I was satisfied with the result, so it was time for me to make my move. Time was not on my side, if I wanted to find a clue about what happened to my sister, I already wasted too much time thus I couldn't put it off anymore.

"First, Cross the supposed devil or devils even at my school, I should avoid contact with them, I don't know if they can realize the change in me, but it would be in my best interest if they don't. I would have to stop going to school for a while."

I was careful since I had no idea of the extent of their power, they could be stronger than me... improbable, I didn't become a Hokage by looking for lost cats after all.

I chuckled a bit as I remembered some funny moments of my genin period.

But as I was saying prudence is always appreciated, thus minimal contact until I know what I am dealing with, and to be honest Devil/Demons are not known for their kindness of heart and hospitality after all.

Now I am only left with that fanatical priest... where can I possibly find him I wonder? How about trying my luck at the local church, if I am not wrong there should be one in this town even though I have never been there.

To be honest I could just spread my sense around and look for sources of unusual power or energy, Although I am not sure it would work it would be worth the try, it's just that I don't know if I will be detected by someone or something if I did that.

What kind of ninja get caught before even acting? So I will have to do it the old-fashioned way... Stealth it is.

I first took care of my hair and styled it properly. Then I put on Minato Jonin clothes, which seemed to perfectly fit me for a reason. I didn't wear the Hokage robe though, it was way too noticeable.

Checking myself in the mirror, I had to admit, that I was quite the looker, even compared to Minato... and he was already above average.

A gentleman must always look nice, even on his way to kill a priest.

I touched the door of my room and left a seal there.

"Well, It's time." With a hand sign, my body seemed to blur out, as I silently disappeared leaving my house at a speed beyond normal human comprehension, The thing is, even at such speed I could easily perceive my surroundings, and move without a sound. This was also a jutsu.

[Shunshin no Jutsu- Body Flicker technique]

It was one of my favorite ones, the level at which at mastered this technique was only below FTG (Flying Thunder God) and the Rasengan.

With it, I could easily move at a speed beyond that of lightning without a sound while also spending a negligible amount of chakra. In the whole leaf, World even, the number of people better at it than me could be counted on one hand... if there was even any.

Off the top of my head, the only one I could think of that could potentially even compare to me would be Shisui Uchiha, or as his namesake describes him [Shisui of the body flicker] It was his specialty.

Namesake huh, thinking about it, is it normal that I also have blonde hair, like Minato?  Even though mine was more on the lighter side.

While thinking, I didn't forget to keep moving, and soon enough, although I wasn't totally aware of where the church was, merely an approximation, I was eventually able to find it.

"For a church, this doesn't really seem welcoming." I was not really a religious person, but In my earlier years during my first life, my parents used to take us to church so I knew a bit about it.

"Anyway, let's get into business." I spread my senses around earlier but kept it around the church, and noticed a couple of energy signatures inside. It was certainly different from the chakra I am used to, thought, judging by the quantity of said energy they possessed and the amount of danger I perceived, they must be quite weak.

This shouldn't be too complicated, Although I was only here for the crazy priest, I had no doubt that those inside must be his allies, it's only logical to think they would offer assistance for him if I were to attack.

Well, I was still confident in being able to quickly dispose of them before it got big.

  I blurred away as I stealthily intruded upon the church, Expertly maneuvering around in all quietness I collected more information about my surroundings while leaving a seal here and there all around. 

Who knows? It may prove useful to do so. There was no limit to the amount of seals I could create anyway.

After finishing my preparation, first I conjured a clone with a quick hand sign. We looked and nodded at each other, no words were necessary.

Then we proceeded with the plan.

[Henge No Jutsu- Transformation Jutsu]

The clone made a hand sign at his turn and physically morphed into one of the many commodities within the church.

It was only then that I acted, appearing behind the still-unsuspecting priest, With one precise strike to the temple, I knocked him unconscious, making him fall to the ground.

"Well, that was easy... I expected more." I voiced in surprise, Though I thought him weak, I didn't expect him to be this weak.

"I may have overestimated you because of our previous interaction." I mouthed... speaking more to myself than anything.

Taking his weapons and throwing them into my inventory, I raised him up and put him on my shoulder, before walking away, and unsurprisingly, as soon as I seemed to have let down my guard a spear of light flew toward my chest at decent speed.

Just as it was about to make contact with me, I stepped away from it, letting it dig into the ground instead.

"I was wondering if you were going to make a move or not but...What is it with all of you targeting my chest?" I voiced my concern, already knowing I had been found out, even if I didn't know how. 

"I was waiting for that stupid nun to show up any moment now, Who would have thought something so interesting would happen?" A black-haired woman walked out of the shadow and walked closer to me.

"To think, You would so easily dispose of freed... for a human he was pretty strong after all. How impressive, for a human that's it." She spoke with unfounded arrogance, I wondered, did she really think she amounted to much with that meager strength of hers? 

"How unladylike, Didn't your mother teach, that one shouldn't answer a question by another one?" 

"Watch your tongue, human, For you to receive a compliment from me is already an honor, angering me wouldn't do you no good." She spoke with venom in her voice, seemingly angered but just as quickly her face changed to one of joy.

"It doesn't matter anyway, I can't waste any more time with you, How about you obediently offer me your head so I wouldn't have to dirty my hand?" Although she offered she didn't seem to want that to happen, judging by her eager smile. 

"First the priest and now you, Something must be wrong with whatever group you are from." I am very much flabbergasted by my luck in failing on such deranged people... or whatever they are.

"Ha?" Her face morphed to surprise. "Hahahaha, you mean that you invaded without knowing that this was fallen angel territory?  Are you absurdly ignorant or just foolish?" She kept laughing as she spoke, seemingly not even wanting any answers.

Fallen angels huh... that explains a bit, I am not that familiar with that race in fiction like I am with beings like Dwarf, Elf, Spirit, Dragons, and stuff but I do know a little bit.

And if what I know is even a bit right then, they probably are not on the good guys' side... Not that it really matters to me as I wouldn't consider myself a good guy either.

"Huff, this has been amusing so far, but It's time for you to... drop dead." After finishing entertaining herself, she decided to get a bit more serious. And how could I tell?

From her back, a pair of black wings appeared as she started flying a bit above ground level. In her hand materialized two large red spears. 

I threw the now-named priest toward her half-expecting her to kill him on the spot but surprisingly she didn't, instead, she kicked him below, near her feet. I guess she didn't want him dead.

Using that moment I made a couple of hand signs, I may not have used them much during my time as Minato, but I did master numbers nature chakra jutsu, going from fire, wind, lightning, yin, yang, and even a bit of earth.

[Wind Release: Great Breakthrough] 

I mouthed out a large current of high-pressured wind continuously toward the fallen angel girl forcing her to defend herself by crossing her hands while doing her best to stabilise her flight. 

Deeming this good enough as the jutsu did its job, I stopped the chakra supply before following up with teleporting to the Freed, since I placed and seal on him just before throwing him toward her.

She didn't expect it thus, she couldn't react, I appeared below her before she could regain her bearing, and by holding her two legs I used a great amount of strength to swing her on the ground.

"Arggh" She moaned in pain, but I didn't care, and followed by promptly knocking her out too. 

"There are more coming." I made quite a bit of ruckus and that was enough, so by placing my two hands on the two unconscious bodies, I teleported all of us away before anyone could reach our current position.


It will only get more exciting from here on.