
DxD: Scarlet Nexus In DxD

White hair, blue hair, oh what can go wrong here? Kasane Randall and Hiroki Kuno enter Kuoh for a somewhat easy school year whilst they sort out their feelings. Of course, not all is as it seems. We all know why too. Why bother asking? Both wish to hide who they really are but that's only the start of their problems. Cue Devils.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 36 : "The Devils and the Church

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"Hiroki…" she chided, snapping out of her daze.

His arms left her waist, instead, he went to the fridge to get the butter and cheese for the English muffins. Their apartment wasn't some massive home but it had five important rooms, the bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room, and the dining room; all of which were relatively small. "Okay, bad idea. We have to intercept her and stop her from going to the church, or at least being used for the Fallen's plans. I would have asked Azazel for the file on her but I would rather do this without his help." He returned to her side, letting his free hand stroke Kasane's hair. He didn't realize how soft it was, how silky it was. Must be a Fallen Angel thing.

"Add to the fact that we're not telling the Heiresses everything. Maybe they-"

"The Devils and the Church are mortal enemies. There's no way they would risk anyone for a single nun. Sona-Kaichou most certainly won't and Gremory-senpai is too prideful."

"And you aren't, Hirochi?" Kasane muttered affectionately, sitting down at the table, and portioning out her breakfast. They would put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher after.

Hiroki sighed as he dished out his own servings, twice the amount of Kasane's, "Probably do need an ass beating, preferably from another dragon but there aren't many of them around. Asking the Welsh Dragon isn't an option considering that he isn't even awake. Goodness, I definitely have my work cut out for me," Hiroki breathed out.

Kasane gently grabbed his hand, "Back on topic, should we search for the nun before school, Hirochi?"

Hiroki hummed, "Why not?" After breakfast, the pair grabbed their bags, and grabbed the tea that Hiroki had made.

As they had over an hour to get to school, the pair took the scenic route, which took them through Kuoh Park, where the fountain was. Surrounded by the walking paths, the luscious green trees, and park benches the pair walked in silence. They were enjoying the moment of peace. It honestly feels like they haven't gotten one.

Once more, the elderly population who were the early risers, gazed upon the two relishing the time they had together, "Ahh, young love."

The two didn't acknowledge the words but just smiled at one another, the love clear between them. Their walk through the park led them through one of the paths that put them at a five-minute walk from Kuoh Academy.

"Do you honestly think we'll find her?"

Kasane hummed, "I don't know. It's really a matter of-" She was saying before someone tripped into Kasane.

Thankfully, the tea she was drinking did not fall. However, this person was currently face first in her chest. The person, wearing church robes, backed away and started apologizing. She was frantically apologizing that Kasane reached out and covered her mouth with a finger.

"Please relax, I am not mad at you."

Hiroki gazed at the girl in robes only then to realize that they just quite literally walked into the nun. He noted that she was very pure. The definition of it, really.

Then the wind picked up, blowing the veil that this nun had on her head. Green eyes widened and blonde hair fluttered as the wind carried it away. Hiroki began to chase after it, only to find Issei at the exit of the park, wondering why the fuck a veil was there.

"Ahh, Issei-san, morning," Hiroki greeted the newly-minted Devil, sipping on his tea to-go cup. The navy-haired Dragon dusted off the veil before securing it under his arm.

"Hiroki-san, morning," he greeted. "What's with the veil?"

"Apparently a nun is in town," he answered, walking backwards for a moment before turning around, "Come on, I need a witness so when Gremory-senpai asks what the hell is going on, I have a scapegoat, I mean an answer."

"What was that about a scapegoat?"

"Nothing~!" He called back cheekily.

At that moment, Kasane walked up with the nun in her arms, "Hirochi, do you have her veil?"

The navy-haired boy held it up, "Yep, here you are, Sister-san." He reached over and put the veil over her blonde locks but once her hand made contact with his own, he felt calm almost instantly which meant…

Memories of a woman laughing echoed in his mind. That sick, vile woman…

Hiroki's smile froze on his face. His body rebooted and recoiled like she burned him, his eyes turned draconic as his fight or flight instinct activated. His tea was dropped, as was his bag, and he started backing away from her in fear, much to everyone else's confusion.

All except one.

Kasane was slammed with the emotions from their bond, almost making her trip in place. She immediately began giving orders, "Issei-san, stay with her. Don't be a pervert. Thanks to your disposition, you can understand her." She didn't wait for him to say anything, going to her mate. "Talk to me," she demanded gently, as they were near the tree line.

The only response she heard was his muttering, "I don't want to be near her…not again…no more…" he mumbled, being lost in his memories. "Please no…." He said as he clutched one section of his torso, then his arms, right below his elbow.

Kasane's eyes widened and her heartbeat quickened, "Hiroki?" She tried to reach out to him but he reacted harshly, out of self-preservation. His eyes were hardened like he didn't recognize her and that sent fear down her spine. "Hirochi!"


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 10 chapters
