
DxD: Scarlet Nexus In DxD

White hair, blue hair, oh what can go wrong here? Kasane Randall and Hiroki Kuno enter Kuoh for a somewhat easy school year whilst they sort out their feelings. Of course, not all is as it seems. We all know why too. Why bother asking? Both wish to hide who they really are but that's only the start of their problems. Cue Devils.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 33 : The white-haired girl nodded, "Makes sense."

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As soon as he did, Hiroki grabbed him by the base of his neck, "None of that in here. If you cannot be respectful, then I shall make you learn to respect," the draconic aura could not be hidden, evidenced by the eyes now glaring directly into Issei's.

Issei felt a pulse in his left hand but the reaction, the emotion rather, puzzled the young pervert. Fear. He didn't have the answers but he would get them soon. The perverse grin disappeared and closed his eyes and tried not to think that his senpai was beyond that curtain…all wet…and…n-naked…

"Hopeless, this one, Kasane-hime?" Hiroki facepalmed at the kid's dedication to the perverted act.

Kasane hummed, "Mind explaining why there is a shower in an old school building?"

The raven-haired beauty known as Akeno answered, "Buchou lives here. So, she needed the necessities. Buchou, I have your towel." Walking to the next room, she was gone for ten seconds.

The white-haired girl nodded, "Makes sense."

The other white-haired girl, sitting on one of the two couches munched on her snacks. She glanced at the arrivals and glared at Issei, "Pervert. You're the enemy of all women." She shot her gaze at Hiroki but said nothing. He didn't acknowledge her stare.

Once Rias was fully dressed, she sat behind her desk. Akeno was behind her, standing with that ever-present smile. Koneko was eating her sweets while Kiba was reading a book across from her. Issei, Hiroki, and Kasane stood across from them all.

"So, I'm sure you're wondering why I've asked for you, Hyoudou-kun?" Rias asked.

"Y-You can just call me, Issei, or Ise, Rias-senpai," he said.

Rias smiled at him, pleased. "Now, I've called you two here because I'm following through with your request, Hiroki-san."

"Not surprised you figured it out," Hiroki said, much to the confusion of the peerage. Koneko tilted her head at this, then glanced at Hiroki, then Issei before going back to her sweets. "Couldn't have your greedy hands trying to reach into places where they don't belong."

Kasane nudged him, none too gently, "Be nice."

"Hai, Hime," he groaned. "Anyway, you saved him when I asked but something tells me that you planned on it anyway."

Rias neither confirmed nor denied this but instead spoke, "Since Ise-kun is now a Devil, I guess you can make good on your promise. You did say that he has a draconic Sacred Gear. I'm curious as to what it is, since…you're aware of the Evil Piece system?"

Kasane nodded, "We are."

"You know there's eight of one piece?" Two nods. "He took all of them." Their heads shot over to Issei who reared back in surprise.

"W-What?! I didn't do anything this time, honest!" he spoke out in his defense, not that he needed it this time.

Akeno laughed, "Fufufu, so defensive…I wonder what you'll be like if you ever said yes to me…"

Kiba flushed lightly at that. Kasane turned to Akeno with inquisitive eyes, "She's a sadist."

Another giggle, "Guilty. Why don't you let me have your boyfriend? Take him for a spin?"

Hiroki narrowed his eyes at that and refrained from speaking. Kasane declined that but asked if she could share some methods at a later date. Kasane mumbled something about trying some things to 'spice up' their time together. Hiroki smiled at seeing Kasane attempting to branch out. His mate filled him with pride.

Unbeknownst to them, Rias saw the look Hiroki held for Kasane, making her frown as her own situation came to light. She wished someone would look at her like that and not have any other motives.

"Back to the main matter," Hiroki said, "I will train your newest peerage member to the best of my ability, and if it will make him stronger, I'll make a contract with him. Considering the information you just told me, this kid has a Longinus. There are only two that I can think of, the only two actually."

Rias paused, then looked to Issei with stars in her eyes, except they weren't the proud look. It was the greedy look. Hiroki wanted to say something but he chose to not involve himself in Devil politics.

Kasane cleared the air for the other confused members of the Gremory Peerage, "One of the Two Heavenly Dragons. The Welsh Dragon or the Vanishing Dragon. Sekiryuutei and Hakuryuuko, if you prefer their Japanese titles. Mid-tier Longinus…one doubles their power, one divides another's power," She recited this information without pause. Everyone looked at her, "What? Yasaka-san wanted us to be knowledgeable when it came to Sacred Gears…especially the Longinus."

"Never change, Hime," Hiroki said, looking amused at how casually she referred to the Youkai Leader. "Now that that's out of the way. Issei-san, you and I will be training your newly found draconic instincts and powers. Whether or not your dragon chooses to let me, that's on him…but if you create a beneficial relationship with him, he can help you ascend higher. They aren't called 'God-killers' for nothing."

Issei looked at his left arm in a brand new light…

"If you think of using him for your perverse fantasies, I will strongly make you reconsider. If he thinks that he'll be better off with another host…" Hiroki narrowed his eyes, speaking softly.

"No harming my precious servants," Rias chided Hiroki, a small flare of her power made him look at her with his smoldering chaotic glare.

He smirked, "No promises. Now, I assume you wish to see our Sacred Gears?"

"That would be beneficial, yes," Rias agreed. "They were…different than I originally assumed."

"I too, am interested," Kiba said. "I cannot get an exact read on it but they don't feel like typical Sacred Gears."

"You'd be correct, Kiba-san," Kasane said, blinking her red eyes. Her outfit [Eternal Sorrow] flashed on her body. "They are unique in the factor of what they do and the potential they have. They aren't Longinus-class but in the right hands, it could be."

[Endless Candor] replaced Hiroki's outfit and waited. "Nothing like a demonstration. Kasane, if you would?"

She nodded and held her palm out, which glowed in a violet light before the teacup that Rias set down on her desk floated around with each wave of her hand. "Woah…" the reaction was shared amongst the peerage.

"This is something simple. I've had larger objects in hand and thrown distances that would make some Rooks jealous," Kasane said plainly but there was some well-hidden pride and smugness in that statement.

"What about you, Hiroki-senpai?" Issei looked over at him, seeing the loving look he had for her.


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