
DxD: Scarlet Nexus In DxD

White hair, blue hair, oh what can go wrong here? Kasane Randall and Hiroki Kuno enter Kuoh for a somewhat easy school year whilst they sort out their feelings. Of course, not all is as it seems. We all know why too. Why bother asking? Both wish to hide who they really are but that's only the start of their problems. Cue Devils.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 24 : good morning, Kasane."

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Sunlight was the first thing that he noticed. The second thing he noticed was something moving up and down on his lower half.

He opened his eyes to see the ceiling before he lifted the sheet that covered him. To his pleasure and minute surprise, Kasane was sucking him off, having applied more lipstick, so his member was coated in her saliva and smeared lipstick again. Her snow-white hair was tied back into a simple ponytail and the image was made even hotter as she was curled up to where her stocking-clad toes were pressing on the sides of his ballsack. Her toenails were also painted red to match her eyes. For a reason he didn't fully understand, he liked the sensation.

"This is a lovely way to wake up, good morning, Kasane." He moaned as he reached his peak, her toes pressed on his balls and forced his orgasm to extend for a few seconds longer.

She hummed, smacking her lips, "Actually afternoon." She then gave him a clean-up suck before adjusting her posture. Her naked body in full view, making Hiroki take this chance to view her in all her glory. "And it's actually Sunday."

"What?!" Hiroki snapped out of his gazing, surprised. He missed the way Kasane smiled as she returned the stare, specifically on his hard member.

Hiroki mentally recalled what happened: Their date was Friday. He knew they spent that night fucking but were they asleep all this time?

"No." Hiroki paused. He said that aloud, didn't he? "We actually just fucked for a whole day. I will be honest, I recall the first few hours, but after that…paradise."

Hiroki was the same, "I don't regret it. Best night of my life."

She could feel his relief, "Good…I was kinda worried that you would…a-and I-"

"Hush, Kasane. I enjoyed myself. I just want to make sure that you were taken care of as well. Please don't hold back saying anything that you want or don't want to do."

This relieved the girl immensely. She was worried that she didn't satisfy him and that he'll leave her. Hell, this wasn't the first time she's sucked him off in the span of them stopping. She even rode him while he slept and she told him that. Hiroki was only upset that he didn't get to be awake to see her beautiful body.

Then there was a time he prone boned her and she didn't react aside from her climax.

So, it was even.

Speaking of, both of them have many marks, evidence of their lovemaking, across their bodies. Hiroki has marks on his upper back from Kasane gripping him. She has handprints on her ass, his fingers slightly bruising her. Hickeys on her nipples, neck, and her thighs. Kasane may or may not have left a few bite marks.

"Uhm Hiroki?"


"C-Could you help me get in the shower? I uhm…" she blushed and looked away, making Hiroki want to jump her bones again. Too cute yet wholesomely lewd! "I'm having trouble walking." Now Hiroki shouldn't laugh. He should take it as a compliment. He did but a chuckle still came through. "Baka! Just help me please!"

He untangled himself from the bed and stood, getting feeling back into his legs, stretching a bit before turning and scooping Kasane up so she was flush to his front.

Clearly, some part of him was insatiable.

When you get a harem, Hiroki, I can only imagine the wild nights… the thought pleased her. She may have a slightly sturdier body because of her Fallen Angel Heritage but his stamina was much higher than hers and it will only grow. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, she will not be the only girl in his sex life. However, that's a future problem. Right now, she was being carried by her Dragon Prince. She nuzzled into his neck, planting a kiss or two.

"Careful, or we will continue until we miss school and I don't want to be the one who tells Kaichou," He said teasingly but with a hint of seriousness embedded within.

She pouted but relented.

The now-mated couple took the time to look around the room since they didn't have the chance last ni-er, two days ago. The Master Bedroom of the Penthouse. A large room with a large bed fit for fifteen people, multiple dressers, mirrors, closets, the works. The bathroom itself was the size of a typical family's living room for crying out loud.

The pair then cleaned themselves up…after another hour or so in there. She likes to tease him too much, and she got what she wanted: Not being able to walk without a limp. It amused him greatly.

The other positive thing is that their normal affection has reached the honeymoon phase. They won't want to keep their hands off one another. A devious idea popped in Kasane's head and she whispered it to Hiroki, who gained an evil smile so dastardly that a certain Student Council President felt something was off.

After they showered and put on a set of clothes pulled from their special storage, the door was opened, "Oh children!~"

Both of them paused, ""Oh no.""

At that moment, Yasaka walked in, doing her best to ignore the smell but it was the smell of pure love-making. "I brought you an extra set of clothes since you both must have been pent up." Since Hiroki was only in his underwear and he ripped Kasane's panties somewhere in the frenzy, she wore his shirt which was a size or two too big. The image burned in his mind. The guys were right, a girl wearing your oversized clothing is too much.

Kasane was given a pair of leggings and a blouse-like shirt, colored red, of course. Hiroki was given the same outfit he wore except the shirt was gray and the pants were blue.

Yasaka grinned at Hiroki, "I see you took my warning seriously. Congratulations. Now," she sat at the table, aware of where they christened and where they did not. Much of the room was except for the table where she sat, and some of the guest bedrooms. "How was it, Kasane-chan?"


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