
DxD: Scarlet Nexus In DxD

White hair, blue hair, oh what can go wrong here? Kasane Randall and Hiroki Kuno enter Kuoh for a somewhat easy school year whilst they sort out their feelings. Of course, not all is as it seems. We all know why too. Why bother asking? Both wish to hide who they really are but that's only the start of their problems. Cue Devils.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 18 : When Hiroki did not answer,

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Yasaka was happy to see the two children she saved off the streets. What she was not happy about was seeing Hiroki with his draconic eyes out. She looked at Kasane who grimaced. "What happened?" Thankfully, Kunou was not in the room. Her tutor should be done in a few minutes though. When Hiroki did not answer, Yasake pleadingly looked at Kasane.

"In short, we were being tailed by the Gremory Peerage, invited them inside for tea, talked, and it ended with the Heiress accusing us of being spies for your faction. The Sitri Heiress, on the other hand, was much more of a conversationalist. She did not accuse us of anything. She only questioned why we chose to attend Kuoh, was respectful, and actually listened to us without throwing a major accusation at us."

The Nine-Tailed Kyuubi sighed. She would have to bring this up with Serafall next time she visited. "Can you explain why Hiroki-kun has not greeted me, Kasane-chan?"

She side-eyed him, "I believe that if he speaks, he may say or do something he will regret."

"Hiroki-kun, please look at me." He did so, "Do not harm her or the Sitri Heiress. You may not be officially a part of my Faction but do understand that if you live here, follow my directions. I understand if this hurts your pride but I do not wish to have a war with a portion of the Three Factions."

Hiroki closed his eyes and sighed, "I understand, Yasaka-san. I apologize but I do not like being insulted in such a manner without any evidence. Now, I have to get changed so that Kasane-chan and I can go out on our date."

Seeing the topic change, Yasaka grinned, "Good. I left protection on your dresser, feel free to use one of the many hotels around. Just drop my name and they will give you the penthouse."

Hiroki deadpanned while Kasane blushed, "You really are a lewd fox."

"Onii-san, Onee-san!"

""Hello, Kunou-chan!"" Both children greeted the smaller child.

"What are you talking about protection and penthouses?" the wonderful thing called child curiosity.

Hiroki smiled at her, his previous mood fading with every passing second, "Well, Kasane-chan and I will be heading out for the night and I have to make sure that no bad people touch her. The penthouse will be our safe zone."

Meanwhile, Yasaka stood close to Kasane, giving her a mothering look, "You know, he's great with children."

"Please don't put ideas in my head, Yasaka-san," Kasane said, watching Hiroki use wild gestures to entertain Kunou. Her lips curved up in a soft and fond smile not often seen on her face. If Hiroki saw her face, she would be blushing

A chuckle, "I haven't. You've thought about it once or twice, whether you're aware of that or not." Kasane did not retort because she was right.

"I'm going to get changed now."

"Fufufu, you do that. Knock him dead, Kas-chan."


Kasane exited her room wearing her signature hair clip, a red turtleneck sweater and form-fitting jeans, paired with black heel boots, and she even went with a little lipstick for…purposes. She looked like how a normal sixteen-year-old girl should look on a normal Friday night. She was waiting by the door and noticed Kunou. "Kunou-chan?"

"Ah, onee-san! Are you waiting for onii-san?"

Kasane smiled at Kunou, "Yeah, he told me to be ready but here I am, waiting on him."

Kunou's innocence shined through, telling Kasane brightly, "Well, maybe it's because he wants to show you a good time!"

The innocent statement coupled with the double entendre made Kasane snort. "Did he tell you to say that?"

"Nope!" Kunou grinned innocently.

"SSSure," Kasane rolled her eyes. Arms then encroached her shoulders and a pair of lips touched her neck. "MMm, you cheater…using your power to sneak up on me…"

A throaty chuckle, "Nah, your situational awareness is slipping."

"Ara ara, you two look ready. Go on, have fun," Yasaka literally waved them out the door before shutting it. "Now little missy, go to bed."

"But I don't wannnnaaa!" Kunou cried.

Meanwhile, outside, "You look beautiful, hot, sexy, innocent, and seductive all at once." Hiroki wasted no time complimenting what he saw. This was the woman who checked all the right boxes for him and he could feel his draconic instincts kicking in. Tonight was the night. Anyone or anything who interfered was in for a slow agonizing death. He would not be denied.

Kasane finally noticed what he was wearing. A deep ocean blue long sleeve t-shirt, black jeans that hugged his hips the right way, and black boots. His one arm was around her shoulders while the other was in his pocket. He had this grin that showed he was feeling lucky.

It wasn't just him that felt lucky. Honestly, after all this time, she was finally admitting it. She harbored feelings for Hiroki, her Hirochi, for quite some time. Kasane was a tsundere, who at the tender age of twelve, started to realize that she wasn't seeing Hiroki as her best friend.

Maybe it was a little too early for her to think so but with her upbringing, she mentally matured faster than children her age, Hiroki being the exception. Kasane felt as if she was always drawn to him, even before figuring out he was a Half-Dragon. "So, where are we going?"

"I figured that since Kyoto is beautiful this time of year, we could spend a few hours walking around some festivals, watch some fireworks," he leaned closer to her ear, his mouth dangerously close to her earlobe, "go to someplace private…or do whatever you want."

You. I want to do you, her lewd thought came through without pause, without hesitation. Damn it, she wanted him. The shiver that shot up her spine agreed with her. Her heritage, the one she doesn't talk about, was shown in words, not actions…yet. "Well, I'll need help later."


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