
DxD: Reincarnated by Great Red (Fate x DxD)

Daniel Cole died in his previous life and he somehow ended up in Great Red Den. And Great Red Decided to Give this spuld a chance by reincarnating him in a world of his which is dxd.

Player0273 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

chapter 22:Levia-tan..

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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His strike however was so quick she wasn't able to follow Daniel's movements or even the blade at all, despite time appearing to have slowed down for her.

She only realised he even attacked as she noticed Mittelt's body was splitting apart as he was sheathing his blade. She watched in horror as Mittelt was perfectly sliced in two. The two halves falling on opposite sides of Daniel. "That was the response to her answer. What's yours?"

Kalawarner paled as she attempted to run away, But Daniel had cut her off. She questioned how he had doe that so fast, and then she noticed. There was marking covering Daniel's legs, and they were pulsing with magical power. "Surrender or die." Daniel coldly stated as he pointed Masamune at her.

In fear Kalawarner flew up into the air, higher than what Daniel had jumped to reach her or Mittelt before. "I can never return, Lord Kokabiel will destroy me if I betrayed him." Kalawarner nervously stated as she flew higher and further away.

'At least I have a name for Azazel.' Daniel thought to himself as he watched her attempt to run away. Knowing it would be best to kill her then Daniel sighed out in annoyance. "Trace on!"

With the longbow Fail-not now in his hands, Daniel summoned another sword to his free hand. Rias and Akeno knew this blade. It was the same one he showed them in the Student Council room.

"What's he doing with Caladbolg?" Rias asked out loud knowing that Akeno didn't have an answer.

Nocking Caladbolg in place, The blade transformed into a drill like sword. "I am, the Bone of my Sword." Daniel calmly stated out as he aimed at the retreating Kalawarner.

Pulling the bow string back Daniel readied himself. "Calad... BOLG!" Daniel roared out as he released his grip.

Daniel's aim was true as the fired Caladbolg arrow broke the sound barrier upon being released. Rias and Akeno looked on at the flaming trail the sword left in the night sky, as it's magnificent colours flew directly at Kalawarner.

Feeling the power of Caladbolg coming towards her, Kalawarner turned only to find the blue flames surrounding the sword that was aimed at her heart. The moment it pierced her skin, it exploded.

Rias and Akeno covered there eyes from the ball of blinding flames and light that shook the ground from the explosion above. Daniel however kept his focus on the the location The Fallen had been. There was nothing left of her when the flames subsided.

(OST End)

"Now that's that taken care of. Let's deal with the remaining Fallen." Daniel coldly stated as he turned around and calmly walked towards the abandoned church.

Rias and Akeno nodded at one another before Rias moved to follow after the ORC's Faculty Adviser.

(Sona, minutes before)

While the events outside the abandoned church was unfolding, Sona was waiting nervously for her sister to arrive. He needed answers to some of her questions that she knew her Sensei would not be able to answer.

"So-tan!" Serafall joyfully cried out as she hugged Sona from behind.

"Is this the moment where you admit your life long secret and confess your yuri yuri love for me?" Serafall asked in her normal cutie voice.

"Please stop Onee-sama." Sona groaned as she tried to push Serafall off her. "I didn't bring you here for that?"

Serafall then appeared in front of Sona, holding onto her face as she done so. "What's wrong? Are you in danger? Is it the Fallen Angels here?" Serafall asked in a serious tone.

"No, it's not that. But I honestly don't know if I'm in trouble or not." Sona replied as she attempted to calm her sister down.

"What's on your mind then?" Serafall asked.

"It's about Cole-Sensei." Sona replied.

"Oh Dan-tan! Do you like him too!? This is great, we can share!" Serafall stated with an ecstatic tone to her voice as she hugged Sona tightly.

"No that's not it Onee-Sama." Sona stated out as she struggled to get out of her older sister's grip.

As Serafall let go of her, sona managed to get some of her breath back. "While I feel Cole-Sensei is one of the more competent teachers in my School, I don't like him in that way."

"That's a shame. It would've been fun sharing." Serafall sighed out in a defeated tone.

"Anyway, I want to know a few things." Sona stated to her sister, as she looked back with a know it all smirk.

"Always looking for knowledge." Serafall stated with her smirk. "Alright then, Levia-tan will answer any questions you have as best she can!"

"Why haven't you made him part of your peerage then?" Sona asked. "Is it because he keeps rejecting your offers?"

"It's not as simple as that." Serafall replied in a sad tone. "I wish it was that easy."

"What do you mean?" Sona asked in concern over her sister's change.

"I can't tell you Sona... I promised myself I wouldn't tell anyone. It'll hurt too many people. And it'll hurt Dan the most as I know he doesn't know." Serafall explained.

"Beside I'm not even able to turn him." Serafall stated in a serious tone.

"How is that possible?" Sona asked in shock.

"There's a red mark on his right arm. That is what is blocking me from converting him." Serafall explained. "What ever that mark is, that's the catalyst stopping Daniel form being reincarnated into a Devil."

"Do you know what it is?" Sona asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know what it is, but I know he's had it since he was born. The reasons that I know this is something that I can't answer." Serafall replied. "You aren't allowed to know his origin and neither is Dan."

"Who else knows?" Sona asked in concern.

"I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who's figured out who Dan really is." Serafall replied as she looked out of a nearby window. "And it's a good thing he never inherit any of his parent's powers, otherwise everyone would know instantly."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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