
DxD: Reincarnated by Great Red (Fate x DxD)

Daniel Cole died in his previous life and he somehow ended up in Great Red Den. And Great Red Decided to Give this spuld a chance by reincarnating him in a world of his which is dxd.

Player0273 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

chapter 11: peerage"

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"If it's joining your peerage, I'll do it myself." Daniel drily looked down at Sera causing the smaller Devil to laugh.

"No silly, I want something else." Sera replied back as she whispered what she wanted.

Daniel sweat dropped once he heard Sera's request. "A piggyback ride? For getting rid of this dead Fallen... Just to clarify that's what you want me to give you? A piggyback ride?"

Sera nodded as she smiled up at Daniel. "If it's what you want then sure. I don't mind."

"Awesome!" Sera exclaimed out as she raised her staff. As she done this, a seal appeared below Dohnaseek's body as it began to sink into the seal. "There, all done!"

Not getting a moment to relax, Sera jumped onto of Daniel's back. Pressing her deceptively large breasts into the Mage's back. Daniel's body stiffened in response to this sensation. His reaction got a smug chuckle from Sera.

'So this is why she asked for a piggyback ride.' Daniel thought to himself as he heard Sera's chuckle. 'If I didn't know already that she was a Devil, it wouldn't have taken much for me to know now.'

"Now, onward my bravest and most loyal steed!" Sera exclaimed out as she pointed in front of Daniel.

"And where to exactly my fair lady?" Daniel asked in a regal tone to show that he played along.

But he never got a reply, as he turned his head slightly he could see the irritated look on Sera's face. "I don't know." Sera groaned out, sounding out her frustration. "Away from here at least."

Shrugging to himself, Daniel decided to just walk on back to the Academy. As he walked he knew that some info needed to be confirmed. "I take it both Rias and Sona are sharing control over Kuoh?"

"Yeah." Sera nodded in response to Daniel's question before something clicked in her head. "Were they after my Sona-chan." Sera darkly asked as Daniel could feel a dark haze shroud her body.

"No, they were after a student of mine who's I'm guessing is now a part of Rias' peerage." Daniel replied as he outwardly sighed. "Despite the kid's open perverseness, he's got a good heart."

"Do you want me to help you deal with them?" Sera asked as he pulled her head up.

"Thanks for the offer but... I want to deal with them myself." Daniel ominously responded as he kept walking onward.

"What about your other issue?" Sera asked as she brought her chin to his shoulders.

"You mean over my Residency?" Daniel asked, his response from Sera was a hum in confirmation.

"I know that it's something you can easily help me with Sera. And thanks for being willing to do it but, it's something I want to try and solve on my own first." Daniel stated.

"And besides you'll never know, maybe if I don't get it sorted I might just join your peerage instead." Daniel finished off with a chuckle as Sera tightened her grip around his neck, hugging him tighter.

"That only makes me what you to fail now dummy." Sera responded with a light laugh as the pair continued there was to the Academy.

It took over half an hour for Daniel to make his way back to Kuoh Academy, the two kept talking as they made their way closer to the Academy. Sera seemed excited to hear about how the fight with the Fallen Angel went, and Daniel was more than happy to provide his answer.

As Daniel made his way over by his Impala SS, Sera jumped down from his back. "Thanks for the help Sera."

Sera chuckled as she basked in Daniel's praise. "Twas a nothing for a beautiful and powerful Lady, such as myself. Ohohohoho." Sera stated out as she gave out her best Noblewoman Laugh.

Sera's laughter though was cut short when she suddenly felt Daniel kiss her forehead. "Still though, thank you." Daniel smiled down at Sera who was blushing face was completely red.

"Y-y-ya don't just kiss a girl like that y'know!" Sera muttered out and she lightly hit Daniel's chest. "A girl needs time to prepare herself for such things!"

Her actions caused Daniel to chuckle out as he knew she could hit harder than what she currently was doing. As these events were happening, the two missed the observant eyes of Sona watching them from the Student Council room.

(Tuesday 10h April - Morning)

When Daniel noticed Issei arrive for Homeroom, each of the other students were giving him odd looks. Well odder than normal, even Matsuda and Motohama were doing it. 'What's gotten into them?' Daniel thought to himself as he watched Issei walk up to him.

"Rias said she wants to meet up with you in her club room after classes." Issei informed Daniel.

"No problem, but kid. What did you do to piss your two friends off?" Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... Ya see." Issei's facial expression quickly kept shifting between his normal perverted look to a more shy and meek smile. The ferocity in his face changed kind of freaked Daniel out a little. "Rias may have walked with me to school this morning."

Daniel blankly stared down at Issei. 'Seriously that's it?' Daniel blinked as he thought to himself but then he remembered that this happen in the show. "If that's all that happened I'll meet up with Rias then after classes. Now take your seat."


Walking through the the woods directly south of the main building, Daniel was making his way towards the Old School House were the Occult Research Club called home base. 'Hopefully she's just looking to know about what happened after she left yesterday.'

"If I remember correctly, the club room's in the old Principal's Office." Daniel stated out to himself as he entered the Old School House. However as he made his way through the building he came to a sudden stop.

His body felt like it was being slowly crushed. His senses were screaming that he was being watched by a foreboding and ominous eye. He could feel that down at the end of a corridor, was an incredibly dark and powerful force.

The metaphysical pressure on Daniel was strong enough to keep him from breathing as he glanced down the darkened corridor. "What is down there?" Daniel asked no one as his face began to pale to longer he looked in that direction.

"You're gonna be late." A monotone voice called out to Daniel from behind. Daniel's reaction was instant.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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