
Dxd Mashup: The Failing Creed

Additional Tags: Clan Building, Dxd, Mao no Testament, Assasins Creed, Other characters/Universes I feel like adding, Alternative Universe. Vito Auditore has left the Assasins Order, feeling betrayed by their choice to serve under the church, he has gone to Japan, to steal their new saviour from under their noses.

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On instinct my body ducked under the incoming blades of the Angel commanders, the female commander's blade cutting a little of my gold hair off of my head, with my head down, in one smooth motion, I rolled forwards, slicing the legs of the commanders as I passed them, making sure to dig my two hidden blades deep enough into their skin to cut the artery.

They fell to their knees as the blood began to pool out of them, dying the white carpet on the floor a sickly red colour, rising to my feet, I walked behind one of the commanders, making eye contact with Rapheal as I slit her throat with her own Angelic blade. Now you might be wondering why Rapheal is letting this happen?

Well, the truth is he can't do anything about it, he is trapped in an Angelic ward that I set up, for reference, there are some for fallen angels, devils and the like. The reason it doesn't affect the commanders is that there are simply too weak for the ward to see as a threat, a mistake on my part considering my son will be staying here but at least I know what can be improved.

Speaking of my son, I turned around to see a solid Golden wall between me and him, as I want to speak, Yggdrasil beat me to it, her voice appeared in my mind.

"It's okay Vito, he didn't see you slaughter the angels, I blocked his vision with a defensive ward, I would like to take him back to the garden, the ritual was a success. He shouldn't be here while you get your revenge, we both know your sadistic side will scare the child."

I sighed as I shouted," Ezio, Yggdrasil will take you back to the garden, Daddy has something he has to deal with, I will then join you there."

As the words hung in the air, I took a step back, turning the ward holding Rapheal off with a quick chant. In response a sword fuelled with rage came crashing down on me, the power, forcing the angelic blade out of my hands with a


it smacked into the floor, a gash appeared across my chest, blood flooded out my body for a second before the hole flashed golden.

"Now that was rude, where are the rules of engagement the angels have for duels?"

"Those are only given to beings worth of it, you savages are not worthy, Humanity killed Father." He snarled as his sword once again glanced at my chest.

"Pretty sure the fact the Angels couldn't beat the Devils is the reason he died, so really you killed him? Did your proficiency in healing not help you save Daddy?"

The angel let out a guttural snarl as his blade impaled my chest, I smiled as I slowly moved towards him, impaling myself more and more as we now stood face to face. The smell of Iron covered the room, a puddle of my blood-covered both of our feet.


Catching Rapheal off guard I kissed his nose before


I rammed my hidden blades as deep into his chest as I could muster, trying to pry his ribcage open, the Vikings would be proud of my efforts. The Angel flung me across the room with chantless magic, as I fell onto the floor, he began to chant in Latin, a healing spell I believe.

Not wanting to allow him the chance to heal, I forced my body up, using a bit of the power of Eden to heal some wounds, I climbed back over my couch, flipping over a brown cushion, I grabbed the old crossbow glued to it. Loading a paralysing arrow, I fired at the oversized bird, missing but distracting him enough to cancel the chant.

"Come now Rapheal, it shouldn't be that hard for you to defeat a Sinner and savage such as myself, you carry with you the word of God, see through his final orders for you, Destroy my family line."

"Yggdrasil wasn't meant to interfere, it's not fair, she and father had a deal, she should have given you to me."

I laughed, putting the Cushion-Bow back, leaping over the couch, I landed in front of Raphael as we began to circle one another, looking for an opening. "I gave her a better deal I guess, setting her partially free from the Garden as well as a promise to return the Eden fragments the Isu stole from her."

Raphael's wings shot out of his back as he flung himself at me with speed I could barely keep up with, his slashes causing small wounds to appear all over my body, I wanted to do this using as little of Eden's power as possible however that isn't viable.

Pooling the latent power residing in my body, I manifested two apples from the Garden, One from Yggdrasil and the Other from Samuel, a Holy and Demonic Apple. Crushing the apples caused a giant light to blind both myself and Raphael, once the light had faded, I found a sword in my left hand and a shield in my right.

(Sword Image)

(Shield Image)

Using the rest of the power to overclock my body, I threw myself at Rapheal, matching his speed, I began to slowly little him down, not going for the kill but not allowing him to do any sort of healing he is known for. I slowly chipped away at his right arm, forcing him to block with his weaker left, then my chance came.

As he slipped on some blood, I lunged my sword under his arm, cleaving it clean off, his body flashed in a holy light, a sign he was going to do something very bad for me. Pulling more and more power from the Garden to match his holy power, I pooled it all into my sword as I savagly began to hack away at him, him slowly blocking as many blows as he could.

It all came to a crescendo when my golden Black sword smashed into the bright Halo that had appeared over his head.


The resulting explosion threw us both across the room, I gingerly got to my feet, stumbling to the down angel, I took stock of my surroundings.

The two commanders lay dead on my floor, their bodies cut and battered into barely recognisable messes, Rapheal pinned to the floor, my sword stuck through his left hand.

"So Raphael, it appears you were right, Humans are indeed savages, after all, we can do both good and bad, it seems like what I'm going to do to you will be defined as bad."

Isaid wobbling slowly towards him, hovering over his body, I felt my senses begin to collapse in on themselves, drawing even more power from the Garden, my eyes turned golden, I knew that there would be major pushback from drawing too much power but he had to die now.


I released my hidden blade, jabbing it into the joint where Raphael's left-wing connected to his body, at first it wouldn't budge, smiling I tapped the blade with my left hand, covering it with a golden glow. In response, the blade slid through the joint like a hot knife through butter.


The Angel screamed as I ripped his wing clean off, throwing it onto the floor in front of him, I turned to his right-wing and slowly began carving away at it, making sure he felt the horrid sensation of each muscle being ripped through.


He begged, I smiled. kneeling down to his ear I whispered"Did you give my 5-year-old niece any mercy? Maria's birthday was the day you came to collect my family's souls, I was late that day, being held in a Templar prison, set to be executed. I escaped to find them all dead, even the children, tell me angel are you good?"

I began to slowly cut through the wing again, taking small chunks out of the muscle,

"Does your father have the right to order a hit on Children? Well, Angel does he?"

As Raphael went to speak, I grabbed his head and rubbed it heavily into the blood-soaked carpet, "Do you taste that?"

I snarl as I ram his head into a large puddle of blood,

"That is the taste of your sins catching up with you."

With another panicked screech, I tore straight through his right wing, throwing it next to his left one. Nearly fainting from tiredness, I made sure of my kill, lifting my sword out of his hand and ramming it through his skull. A bright light filled the room as I fadded out of consciousness.

As aI awoke sometime later, Golden light filled the room as another Archangel appeared before me, my smile vanished, replaced by a deep frown as I recognised who it was, the wannabe God, Micheal.

Groggily getting to my feet, I stood up and to my surprise Wings erupted out my back, pure black wings...

Edit: Almost forgot to add this, Mc's appearance in full battle mode.

First time writing an action scene, I know it sucks, I hope to improve in the future.

As for the reasons for my absence, as my editor said, we are struggling with work atm, the recent surge in armed robberies isn't helping either.

Anyway, I will try and do one chapter a week, the next one being tomorrow as I count this as last week.

Cya then.

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