
DXD: LPA System

A child after losing everything awakens a system. “LPA? What's that?” [Literally Plot Armour, Host.] Can a child that is given a system take on revenge on those who have taken everything from him? Read and find out. ------------------ A few warnings, first of all my mc isn't a reincarnated person and doesn't have knowledge about the dxd plot, so don't expect him to do things that many other mc's do by knowing the plot, unless I plan for that event. No yuri No ntr No clone sex or things similar to that. The genre is harem but Mc won't go and collect all girls and each member of the main cast like Pokemon. There will be world travel so if you want a fic that is solely focused on dxd then this isn't what you're looking for.

1AxellexA1 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Ch8: What can go wrong (2)

Kaiser Pov

After packing everything that I needed, I was standing in front of the mansion, waiting for two particular people to arrive. Thankfully I wasn't alone and Sebastian had decided to stay by my side and we even made some small talk with each other.

Well, he was the one that mostly talked and I either agreed with what he said with a yes or yeah, or just simply gave a nod.

Not that I was poor at communicating with people, but the topics he spoke about were very random.

Having heard enough of his story on how he went through several mountains and rivers just to get a rose for his wife, I decided to check on my status and see how much progress I've made.

[Name: Kaiser Pendragon

Lv: (42/50)


Age: 11

Condition: Peak physical health/ mentally stable

Mana/Cursed Energy: 40K/40K (+C rank)

Number of Skills: 11

Return By Death (Lv Max) When User of this skill dies, they will be automatically revived and returned to the day before their death. Cost: -

Cooldown: 24 Hours.


Flame magic: Fire manipulation (Lv 52/99) Allows the user to manipulate fire and use it for different goals.

Sub-skills related to Fire magic could be created using this skill.

Cost: Depends on the usage.

Cooldown: -

The cost of this skill Will be decreased by leveling up the skill. Skill level can be increased by getting better control and mastery over fire manipulation or constant long-term usage of skill.


Fire Magic (Lv 41/99)


Wind Magic (Lv 18/99)


Water Magic (Lv 18/99)


Lightning Magic (Lv 16/99)


Spatial Magic (Lv 4/99)


Swordsmanship (Lv 42/99)


Mana Sense (Lv 27/99) (Passive) As the name suggests, it allows the user of the skill to sense and perceive the mana in the area. By raising the level of this skill, the range that users can sense mana and their sensitivity to it increases.


Mana Manipulation (Lv 31/99) (Passive) Allows the user of skill to control and manipulate the natural mana in the atmosphere. By raising the level of this skill, the User gains more control over mana manipulation.


Cursed technique: Hachi (Cleave) (Lv 1/99)

A slashing attack that adjusts itself depending on the target's toughness and cursed energy level to cut them down in one fell swoop.

*The target must be an organic being. ]

*A/N: Small explanation on the difference between (Fire magic) skill and (Flame magic: Fire manipulation), the former can create fire by using the mana in the atmosphere, while the latter can manipulate fire and its particles that already have been made.*

Other than Cleave that I got yesterday, my progress in all of my skills has been great, well except the spatial magic, which no matter how much I try won't get past Level four, as if telling me that I need something for it. It probably was the talent that I didn't have.

though I didn't expect the update on the condition part, I get the peak physical health as I've been living in bliss but the stable part, was i supposed to be unstable that it had to mention it?

Maybe it's related to that time I let system control my emotions. after that one time, I stopped system from doing it again but asked it to keep the straight face.

Yes I can feel emotions, I already moved on from the death of my parents, not because I don't care about them but because if I was chained by the guilt I felt at that time, it would have surely caused some problems which would drift me away from my goal of avenging them.

As for the straight face, I kept it because I found the reaction of people to be amusing.

After checking my stats, I decided to stop ignoring Sebastian and listened to the rest of his story.

"And that is how I managed to catch the heart of my dear wife. The path that I had to go through and get to her was hellish but it was worth it. Don't you agree with me, Young lord?" Sebastian asked me, finally being done with his yapping.

"Yeah, if I was in your place I would have already succumbed to sorrow and pain." I said with a sarcastic tone.

Sebastian not getting the sarcasm chuckled "As always, the Young lord is so wise and understanding for his age. Now enough of my stories, I hope you will be careful during your mission and don't let your guard down."

"I will and no need to worry I will also look after Alice and Erina."

A faint smile could be seen on Sebastian's face "Thank you. Also, be careful to not let a pervert come near them."

"Sebastian, what can a pervert do? Alice and Erina can easily beat that guy." These two might not be as strong as I am but they aren't normal humans. They were taught from when they were young on how to defend themselves. But it doesn't hurt to look after them.

"You don't know what a pervert is capable of. Worse there could be a pervert out there that gets stronger by seeing and touching boobs." Sebastian said with a serious tone that made me almost believe him.

Key word almost. How does that even work? By what logic would a person get stronger like that? There's no way something like that exists. Right, system?


Don't tell me there's actually a guy that gets stronger like that.

[...While the chances are slim, the world is a vast place so there can be an individual that has that power.]

What kind of logic even is that!? That has to be something out of a fictional story written by some random degenerate.

Resisting the urge to facepalm I looked at Sebastian "You know I'm just 11 right?"

"Kids these days grow faster than my time. Just be cautious that's it."

"Alright. If there's nothing else then I'll go and join Erina and Alice so we can be on our way."

"Ah, wait there's something that I have to give you." He then took out a silver ring and held it in front of me. But before he could explain anything, Alice, Erina and my mother all came out of the mansion and Alice eyed the ring.

"Dad how could you... I won't judge you for your preferences but how could you cheat on mom, especially with the boy I like."

"Huh?" Sebastian muttered confused by what was happening. Even I'm confused.

"Uncle even I'm ashamed of you, you even went to such length not for a man, but for an underage person, Disgusting." Erina said making a face, a sign of her disgust for this case.

Even Olivia was giving a weird look to Sebastian and seemed to be preparing a spell.

"No no this is a misunderstanding." Sebastian said trying to explain himself.

The gears in my mind began to work and I found out what was happening here "I get it now. Sorry Sebastian but I don't swing that way. Also, I'm underage, have some shame old man." I replied while distancing myself from him, just in case he did something weird.

A bulge could be seen on Sebastian's head "Cheeky brats you all got it wrong. This is just a ring that has dimensional storage in it, so you can keep stuff you found in it. I was going to give this to you as a gift."

This ring can be a good cover-up for the inventory that the system has provided me with, with it no one would question how I have an inventory. Not like I would explain it to them.

"Ah, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding." I apologized earnestly while gazing at the ring.

Noticing my stare Sebastian threw me the ring which I caught without any problem and put it on.

"So how does it exactly work?" I asked curiously while looking at the silver ring.

"Release some of your mana into it, it will be marked by you so it can only be used by you. Then a link will be made between you and the ring, which helps you to store or take out items you need. Just think about what you want and it will appear out of that ring, if it is stored in there in the first place."

"Quite interesting, how was it made?"I asked hoping to get some Info out of him.

"Think of it as an extended version of a spell related to space."

"So it's a trade secret, I won't press on the matter anymore then."

"As expected of young master, you catch on things quickly. I Have one more thing for you before you go, it's stored in the ring along with a few other necessities that will be helpful to you. I hope you will be surprised by my gift."

Pouring mana into the ring and feeling the connection being made, I got the information about the items that were stored in it in a matter of seconds.

"Is that a sword?" I muttered, digesting the information about the surprise that Sebastian mentioned.

[ Attributless Sword

A sword without affinity and element. This sword can gain an attribute by draining the blood of any living being.]

That's it? Well, can't say I'm not disappointed. Looking at the bright side, this sword can grow into a great weapon if I can find a suitable attribute for it.

"Thanks for the sword, Sebastian."

Sebastian bowed to me "I'm glad that you liked it. Hope you choose a remarkable name for it."

"Name? Does it need a name or Is it something similar to those fantasy books that Alice reads, about swords getting stronger if they are named."

"Well I can't say that I'm sure of it, but given that this weapon is no normal sword, I believe it can achieve further growth by being named."

I don't think that would work, but system not denying the fact that a random pervert can get stronger by using boobs as motivation, this might not be that weird and unbelievable to happen. I'll just give it a name after it gets an attribute.

"Alright, I'll give it a try later. If you guys are ready we can get going now." I said,

"We're ready." Both Alice and Erina said simultaneously.

Getting the approval of my companions, I took out the letter that we had received from the hero faction.

If I'm not wrong Uther said I just need to tear it apart and a magic circle will appear, teleporting us to our destination.

Before tearing the letter an idea came across my mind. During my training in magic, I didn't have much time to focus on spatial magic, hence why I can't use teleportation on myself or anyone else, for now that is.

Experimenting on an item that can do so, can be a rare chance that I've come across. If I use my mana sense and mana manipulation to figure out the way this teleportation spell works, I might be able to grow more than I could in spatial magic.

It's not like anything bad will happen if I just satisfy my curiosity, right?

Pouring mana into the letter and using my mana sense to its limits, I looked for anything noticeable in the formula of the spell that was cast on the letter.

Closing my eyes and focusing on the formula, some coordination appeared, showing image of an old abandoned building free of any life, or at least it was what I could perceive at first glance.

Pouring more mana, the image becomes more vivid and a male figure could be seen patiently waiting for something or someone.

He's probably the escort that was mentioned in the letter, how long has he been standing there? Not like I would care.

Turning my attention back to the spell and studying it more I managed to get an idea of how this teleportation spell worked.

First, we need a set of coordination of the place we want to teleport in, next is using the equations that are needed for the spell to be set up. Next is the range of teleportation for the target of the spell, for example, if the spell can transport only one person or it can teleport all the people that are in a certain range.

The last step is a way to ignite and activate the spell, which in our case is tearing the letter apart.

What I was curious about was what would happen if I changed some of the equations and calculations that are used in the spell, would the coordinates also change or would something else happen?

While I was drowned deep in thoughts, I felt a hand grab mine and take the letter away from me, the simple action causing the mana I was pouring to change target, and effecting the spell as a whole.

"What are you doing Kai? Let's not waste any more time." Alice said while having the ticket in her hand.

"Wait-" Before I could even warn her, she tore the ticket in two pieces and faint light enveloped the three of us, teleporting us to who knows where.


"Great," I said while dodging a magic missile that was sent towards me.

Right after we were teleported to different locations thanks to Alice tearing the envelope, I was randomly thrown into this abandoned factory that I didn't even know where it was located.

Well, it wasn't entirely her fault as I was the one that messed around with it a little, but hey at least my curiosity was fulfilled.

Ducking yet another spell, I looked at my assailant who was a stray devil from the looks of it.

Apparently, I was teleported into this guy's territory and that made him think I had come here to execute him.

That's why he's been throwing magic missiles towards me.

'But I have to give it to this guy, even the stormtrooper's aim isn't this bad, I've been talking to myself for no reason for a few minutes and he hasn't managed to land a hit on me yet.'

Worse than that is the fact that while I've been trying to communicate with him, he's been talking in this language which I only heard in those anime that Alice watches, Japanese was it I guess.

'Wait why I didn't think of that before? If this guy is talking in Japanese then I'm surely in Japan, if not then he must be a frantic fan of their culture.'

Since I'm in Japan I guess I have to change my plan and look for the himejima clan first, after that I can go and visit the hero faction.

Anyway, I better wrap this up and look for Alice and Erina.

Taking out the attributeless sword from my inventory, I gave it a light swing 'Let's see how it fares against this guy.'

The sword's blade was quite thin and light, unlike the swords that I used during training, focusing more on speed rather than strength.

Taking a stance, I was ready to rush at him when a brilliant idea came to my mind.

There's no one around here other than the two of us, so isn't this the best chance to use the Cleave?

Having no guide makes using this skill hard as I have no idea how it'll work, so the best thing I can do is to learn it through practice and error.

'System, it was described that I can use cursed energy for this skill, so do I need to do something special?'

[Answer, no. Host can use cursed energy the same way they use mana. Host just needs to think of channeling cursed energy instead of mana and system will automatically change mana into cursed energy for host.]

'Thanks for the help.' Alright so I just need to act like the way I use mana sense and manipulation, but imagining cursed energy instead of mana, pretty much easy.

And as easy as it looked, I felt the cursed energy flowing around me. Now I just need to use the technique and cut the devil in front of me.

Focusing on my opponent, and having the image of him being cut down, I used a cursed technique for the first time in my life.

"Cursed technique: Hachi" It felt kinda weird and dumb saying the name of a skill that I use, but at the same time it brought me a unique sense of satisfaction.

Feeling a little cursed energy leave my body, I watched as my opponent was simply cut in half, shocking both of us.

Just like that? He didn't even have the chance to react... And the amount of energy it used was little to nothing. How strong can this skill be?

Walking closer to the corpse that was cut in half perfectly, I put the tip of my sword in the blood that was spreading on the ground.

The sword rapidly absorbed the blood for a few seconds before it stopped absorbing more blood.

The blade of the sword had changed from its silver color and had gained a red hue from absorbing the blood of the devil.

[Attributless Sword

A sword without affinity and element. This sword can gain an attribute by draining the blood of any living being.

Current progress: 0.02% ]

Just 0.02% huh... Well, this guy was relatively weak so it's understandable. Around Five thousand devils with the same strength as this guy are enough for this sword to get an attribute.

So I either have to go and create a massacre or go for stronger opponents.

The first one is out of the question, not because I wouldn't kill that many devils, but because I will accomplish nothing if I get stronger by killing some weaklings.

[For the first time, host has successfully slain a being of a different race, due to the strength of the enemy, only a single character ticket will be given to host as a reward.]

So the stronger the opponent is, the better the rewards get. Guess I have one more reason to go after strong opponents now.

Alright, now that I'm done here, I better look for those two and find them as fast as possible.

I just hope nothing has happened to them.


Word count: 3071

Hello there, how you guys doing? Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Was Cleave to OP for a weakness devil? Definitely not.

Anyway, till next chapter bye bye~