
DXD: Kuuga's Revival

An ancient tomb uncovered, monsters are revived, but so is the hero that sealed them. The world has changed from what they've known, how will they cope? Will it take the hero becoming the Ultimate Darkness that the prophecy foretold would happen or shall the hero become the light to guide? Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool Dxd nor Kamen Rider Kuuga, which are owned by Kadokawo corporation and Toei Company. I also do not own the image.

Icliptic_Horizon · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

Hey there guys! it's me the author, I just want to let guys know that I am on spring break now! So i'll be able to upload more frequently than before (not that I uploaded frequently anyway). But I just wanted to let you guys know that since, I don't really know if you guys look at the author's notes, so I decided to post this little note in the beginning. But without further ado, here's the long awaited chapter!


Hikaru walking home from another day of school, was thinking 'So Issei has to complete contracts today? How interesting.'

'Might as well watch over him, his sacred gear should be quite interesting' I thought as I secretly followed Issei, who went to the house designated on his contract.

I watched as he knocked on the door a few times, while asking "Anybody home?" after not getting a response, Issei said "Sorry for intruding." as he opened the door and entered.

Once he entered, I spread out my senses to see if there's other people in the house. I could detect three people. One I assumed was Issei and the other two were the residents of the home. I thought nothing of it, until Issei's breathing became erratic.

I approached closer to the home, as my hearing picked up a conversation. I could hear someone talking that wasn't Issei, but was also a male.

"Listen well, you shitty devil." as he continued "You feed on human desire right? The humans who provide you said desire, can't be called human anymore." as I heard something him hit something that crunched like bones breaking. But there wasn't any response, as I detected only three people. So whatever he hit must be dead, I assumed.

"Therefore, I kill them before they're tainted even further." The male voice said, "Kindness, this is kindness, Amen!" as I heard him rapidly hitting something.

"You.." I heard Issei say, "Oh? You mad, Mr. Shitty devil? A human waste who was killed makes a partner of human waste angry?" the male voice said

"You better shut your mouth" I heard Issei exclaim as I could hear the sounds of teeth gritting.

"Good! It's now a good time to kill you too!" the male voice said as he continued "Arguing with a shitty devil is pissing me off!"

"Cha-Ching! Which weapon should I finish you off with Mr. shitty devil", "I'm trying to break the world record of turning you into swiss cheese!", "And this is for the world record of cutting you into thin capellini-" as I heard the male voice cut himself off as I hear the floor creak under his weight as I could tell he jumped into the air.

"Times up! Here's a big discount for the indecisive Mr. Devil! I will use both." The male voice exclaimed

'Both?' I thought, he must have two weapons in his arms. 'I wonder how Issei will deal with him' as I continued listening on.

I could hear something swing in the house, which I assumed to be a sword. I continued listening until I heard some sounds of liquid dropping. Which I assumed to be one of the two's blood, but my likely assumption is Issei.

"How's that, the power of devil exterminating bullets?" The male voice said, 'Bullets? So he's using a gun. He's using a sword and gun, which would give me my other forms weapons' I thought to myself.

"This pain.. It's light." as I heard Issei say as he grunts from the pain he has been inflicted with. "Correct! These are bullets of light! Does it hurt? Hey, it hurts doesn't it!?" the male voice exclaimed, before saying.

"Die! Die, you shitty devil!" as I could hear him running towards Issei "Turn into dust and go up into the air! Just for my pleasure Ha Ha Ha" the male voice exclaimed before laughing psychotically as I heard the swing of the sword, I could tell the other presence in the house was coming so I didn't do anything.

I could tell something came in contact with the sword as I heard something hit the ground and the sounds of clothes being sliced. "Hey, that was dangerous! You were almost split into two! Have you finished preparing the trap, Asia-chan?" the male voice said.

"Please stop! Why do you have to do this to Issei-san?" a feminine voice said, "....Eh? You know this guy?" the male voice said in disbelief before snickering "That's funny! Is this a forbidden romance between a devil and a nun?" the male voice said.

"Issei-san's a devil...?" the feminine voice said with disbelief.

"That's right, you know? This guy is the shit of shitty devils. What did you not know before? Ah forget it, soon this guy will turn into a similar work of art." the male voice exclaimed, there was a brief pause before a.

"N..NO...YAHHH!!" a feminine cry of horror, "Is this Asia-chan's first time seeing a corpse?"

"Then take a good look! Any human waste who is mesmerized by a devil will be sent to hell this way!" the male voice said with pure joy.

"You bastard..." I could hear Issei say in the background, "N-No way" I heard the feminine voice say in disbelief as I could hear Issei make a keh sound.

"That's the way it is. If we don't cut down this devil, we won't be able to complete our job."

"Asia-chan, hurry and get back into position and deploy your trap, okay?" the male voice said in a commanding tone.

I could hear the sounds of movement and an irritated "...Ah?" from the male.

"Er, hey, Asia-tan. Do you know what you're doing right now?" the male said.

"... I understand! Father Freed, please let this person go!" the feminine voice begged.

"I don't like this... Just because this person was led astray by the devil, and using that reason to kill people and as well as devils.."

"THIS IS WRONG!" the feminine voice cried out.



"There are some good people within the devils!" the feminine voice argued, "NONE AT ALL, IDIOT!" The male yelled.

"I-I thought that before.. But Issei-san is nothing like that!"

"Even if I know that he's a devil, Issei-san is still Issei-san! Killing people is unforgivable! This.. This! The lord doesn't allow this..!" "Gah!" cried the feminine voice in pain as she dropped to the floor.

"Asia!" cried out Issei.

"Even though Nee-san told me not to kill you.." the male voice said

"That means, while I won't kill you, I could still do whatever I want with you. Something similar to r@pe would be a possibility, ok?" the male voice said in delight of the thought.

"Eee" the feminine voice cried in sheer horror of the thought.

'Time to interrupt this' as I placed my hands towards my waist as the Arcle manifested. I did my transformation pose, as I uttered "Henshin" as I transformed into the mighty form.

Pulling my arm back, I punched the wall as hard as I could as it broke. The debris inside, as smoke reeled in from the punch. Everybody inside looked toward the sound to see smoke, before a silhouette appeared.

I walked through the smoke and I stood in front of them, as I watched them. I could see Issei looking at me with disbelief and relief that somebody else was here. I could see the blond nun from yesterday being underneath, what looked like a young man with short white hair and red eyes, dressed in cleric clothing.

In his left hand there was a gun as his right hand was still on the blond girls neck, next to his side was a sword made of light.

The cleric looked at me before grinning like a madman, as he slowly snickered before turning into a full on psychotic laugh, before saying "Kuuga" before letting go of the nun as he grabs his sword.

I, who saw this got into my combat stance, as he launched himself at me, while saying "DON'T GET IN MY WAY YOU SHITTY BUG!" as we clashed.