
DXD: Kuuga's Revival

An ancient tomb uncovered, monsters are revived, but so is the hero that sealed them. The world has changed from what they've known, how will they cope? Will it take the hero becoming the Ultimate Darkness that the prophecy foretold would happen or shall the hero become the light to guide? Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool Dxd nor Kamen Rider Kuuga, which are owned by Kadokawo corporation and Toei Company. I also do not own the image.

Icliptic_Horizon · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 7

"What do you want to talk about?" Rias asks, "Are you a devil?" I ask, even though I know what she is already, but if she tells me the truth, i'll be able to trust her more.

There's no response from Rias for a bit, until she says "I am", seeing this my image of her in my head rose slightly higher. "Are all of you devils?" I ask.

"We are" Rias says immediately after I asked, "I can assume that the Angels and Fallen Angels are real also?" I ask. "They are." Rias says.

"Thank you for telling me, i'll be on my way now." I say as I turn around and start walking, "Wait" I can hear Rias yell behind me. I turn back around to face her.

"What is it?" I ask, "You can't just leave, when I answer your questions and I still have mine to ask!" Rias exclaims.

"What type of questions do you have for me?" I ask, "Would you like to join my peerage?" Rias says as her eyes are filled with hope and expectation. I couldn't help but think of it as cute, but as much I thought it was cute. It didn't make my answer different.

"No" I replied, hearing this Rias was downcast as I could see her shoulders slump a little, and the hope and expectation in her eyes died and were filled with sadness before they disappeared and a determined look gleamed in her eyes.

"You're just saying that because you don't know how it works!" Rias exclaims, "No." I reply "I was here watching your little group fight against that 'Stray Devil' as you call it, while listening to you explain the different chess pieces and their effects, you used on your group members."

"The fact you're trying to recruit me into your little group, means they were also once human like that brown haired boy, I saw what happened to them when they went into your so called 'peerage'."

I said, as Rias was about to say something.

I interrupted her as I continue saying, "If I gave up my humanity and became a devil, I wouldn't be have my freedom anymore, I would have to serve the king and that would be you. I'm not a slave, i'm a guardian and protector of what remains of the Linto Tribe, they're what you call humans. They're descendants of my Linto Tribe, i'll protect them all whilst having my humanity, while sacrificing myself if I have to in the process."

As I finished my little speech, I saw that Rias who was trying to remain calm at the fact I called her group members slaves, open her mouth as she exclaims "First, my group members aren't slaves! They're all family to me! Second, while you may seem chivalrous and heroic with that noble speech of yours, deep down you know, after waking up from your sleep from, Satan knows how long, with all these new threats towards the humans, you know you can't possibly protect them all alone, by yourself!"

"First, why are you so agitated that I called your members slaves, would you prefer servants instead? Second, yes, I know that i'm only one person and there's more threats in the world more than ever and the enemies will only get bigger, but what makes you think I can't handle them by myself?"

"I've taken on Grongi, that've been more than capable of tearing these cities apart with one blow. I believe there's nothing that could surprise me anymore." I state.

"That's why you won't be able to protect them all! The threats you're facing aren't GRONGI!" Rias practically yells out, as she stomps her feet like a little child, her group members, surprised at her actions are all baffled by this little temper tantrum she's having.

"There are more things out in the world that are capable of destroying more than those Grongi you've been talking about!" Rias yells. While i'm shocked, its only on the inside, while I maintain my posture on the outside.

"Maybe that's true, but i'll die trying." I said "FINE THEN! Die for all I care! I was just trying to help you!" Rias says as she finally regains her calm composure, but you can see her inhaling heavily, as Issei silently stares at Rias's breasts that are going up and down, while Koneko looks at him while saying "Pervert" and Kiba is smiling wryly at Issei and and Rias's situation, Akeno just looks amused by Issei and Rias's situation.

Taking this as my leave, I walk towards the exit before stopping near it, I turn my head to look over my shoulder and say, "While I may not want to join your peerage, there's nothing that says I still can't get help." Once Rias heard that she hmmphed as she crossed her arms and her head turned towards a different direction not wanting to look at me, but inwardly she was pleased that she was able to at least convince Kuuga that he couldn't do it alone.

I walk towards the exit and disappear into the night, leaving Rias and her peerage behind. Rias and her peerage who watched me leave, decided to leave themselves as they teleport back to their club room to report that their mission was a success.

While Hikaru was a long distance away from the warehouse, as he looked up into the night sky as he uttered "Help, huh. You remind me of my little sister." before looking back to continue walking home. Still thinking about help as he couldn't help but remember a certain horse armor that has aided him in the past, as he realized. Where's Gouram?

*Meanwhile in the Grigori*

We see a tall man appearing in his twenties, black hair, golden bangs, and a black goatee, as he finishes assembling what looks like a big rock that looked like a stag-beetle, as he continued looking over it we can hear him say "How fascinating, this ancient piece of history is so advanced for its time. It's like an artificial sacred gear, this could prove to be useful in my research. But it'll be hard to study it since its rock." as he continues studying it he doesn't see that there's a faint glow where the jewel section is of the rock.

Haven't posted in three weeks, that's a yikes, been real busy with school, but because I had Friday off, I had enough time to at least write a chapter, i'll see what I can do about Saturday and Sunday. So Yes, i'm still alive and yes i'm still going to be making more chapters, if anybody reads these author notes anyway.

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