
DXD: Kuuga's Revival

An ancient tomb uncovered, monsters are revived, but so is the hero that sealed them. The world has changed from what they've known, how will they cope? Will it take the hero becoming the Ultimate Darkness that the prophecy foretold would happen or shall the hero become the light to guide? Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool Dxd nor Kamen Rider Kuuga, which are owned by Kadokawo corporation and Toei Company. I also do not own the image.

Icliptic_Horizon · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

Dressed in my black outfit, I stand as far away from the location that Issei and this Yuuma Amano woman agreed to meet up at, Issei who was dressed as nice as possible was repeatedly looking between his watch and his surroundings. Seeing this I couldn't help but shake my head, as I continued watching him a girl dressed in what I guess modern people would call cosplay? Handed him a piece of paper with something I recognized as those circles used by Rias and her club members.

The only difference this time was it was on paper and I didn't know what this one did. After waiting for a couple of minutes. Amano Yuuma came, dressed in what you would call cute frilly clothes with that shy but excited look on her face as she came up to Issei. They went on there date that started from day till night. Nothing that could've been considered malicious intent was present during that date, but something really felt off about this. That was until they went to the park, where Amano Yuuma slowly walked further away from Issei with her back towards him. "Today was really fun Issei" she says "But can you do one thing for me?" she asks cutely

"W-What would that be Yuuma-chan?" Issei asks while he's in fantasy land thinking about every kiss that happens at the end of the date, it goes on for a bit before it shatters from the words "Will you die for me?" she says while her face distorts and her mouth smiled sadistically. When I heard those words I immediately ran towards them while I was running towards them, Issei who was dumbfounded just goes "E-Eh?, What did you say Yuuma-chan?"

"I said will you die for me?" she says while she transforms into the revealing outfit with two black wings that manifest from her back as she flies into the air. Both Issei and I shocked by this revelation, but I gained back from the shock faster than Issei, as the former Amano Yuuma manifests this light spear from her hands as she grips onto it tight before reeling it behind her. Knowing what she was going to do. I summon the arcle onto me as it manifests into reality.

Doing my transformation pose while running, I immediately thought of Dragon form to save him. The Amadam (The jewel in the belt) instead of being red, it was blue. "Henshin" I mutter as I could feel my speed accelerating. as the transformation was happening instead of "Breet" noises it was now making "Vreet" noises until it sped up and came to the stop of the "Shing".

Now fully armored, I see Yuuma Amano notice me as she clicks her tongue making a tch sound "Wasn't expecting Kuuga" she says as she throws the light spear at Issei. Seeing this I leaped at Issei colliding into him as we were rolling on each other as the light spear passes us. Quickly getting myself up, I rip off a branch off a nearby tree as it transforms into the Dragon Rod. which is blue, on one side there's gold plating that goes from top to bottom which doesn't completely cover the whole rod, it also has these ancient texts, at the top and bottom there's these gold circular objects with a blue jewel inside. Kuuga's armor that used to look muscular now looks like a flat airport runway. The texts on his armor seemed to be completely different than the red armor. His eyes that were red were now also blue, and also all the jewels on his body.

The bottom and top part of the rod extend outwards, making the rod even longer than before swinging it with both hands he takes, the combat stance of Dragon form, as he tells Issei whose still on the floor to run. "R-Right" he meekly responds as he tries to get up with his trembling arms, still shocked at the events that have happened. Seeing this I couldn't help but wonder where did the brave boy that tried to save those women go?

Seeing that I was thinking, Amano Yuuma manifests more light spears and throws them at me while saying "You shouldn't be thinking about other people than me!" Seeing the oncoming light spears I spin my rod around using it to break the light spears as they dissipate into the air, seeing this Amano Yuuma couldn't help but be shocked at the sight of a normal weapon breaking her light spears, as you would need Holy, Demonic, or Heroic energy or weapons to do this. Not knowing that Kuuga's weaponry is capable of taking attacks from city-level and above Grongi's.

"Oi, you better get out of here fast or else I can't keep protecting you forever" I say as Issei quickly gets up and tries to run weakly before tripping. I could feel my lips quivering at the sight of this, Amano Yuuma who saw this was laughing hard like she saw the funniest thing in her life, at the sight of this I couldn't help feel my blood boiling in anger, as my hands that were holding the dragon rod tightened. Not knowing if my weapon could inflict damage to this unknown type of enemy, I couldn't help but ask "What are you?"

Amano Yuuma who hears this stops laughing as she looks at me with disdain "What am I? The Grongi already know what we are, how could you not know?" she says. My eyes widen at this new revelation the fact the Grongi know about them, it could only mean that they've made contact with other foreign entities that I don't know about. Cursing myself that I don't have as much information as them. "I see" I said before having a new resolution "Then i'll just have to make you tell me!" before jumping a few meters into the air in her direction.

As my battle with her went on she says "You know what makes you think, that after being here for so long that my accomplices won't be coming here?" As I heard that I heard familiar voice "H-Help!" it says, as the person in front of me has a smirk. I turn around only to see the Bat Grongi Zu-Gooma-Gu holding onto Issei. Wanting to go rescue him I move a little before being sent to the floor from the attacks of Amano Yuuma.

Sprawled on the floor I hurriedly lift my head up before the sight before me shocks me. Zu-Gooma-Gu who was holding onto Issei had his fangs into Issei's neck as Zu-Gooma-Gu drank, Issei's body was slowly loosing his life as he lost the capability to support himself. Zu-Gooma-Gu who held onto Issei finally released him as his body dropped onto the floor lifelessly, Zu-Gooma-Gu licks the area around his mouth as it had remnants of Issei's blood.

*Issei Pov*

'Ah, i'm dying' as Zu-Gooma-Gu drank his blood the thought of the blood reminded him of that person's hair. 'NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE' as the last of his blood is finally taken from him.

Unknown to anybody there the little piece of paper given to Issei, from that cosplaying lady started glowing.

*End of Issei Pov*

Me seeing Zu-Gooma-Gu lick his lips, I felt a rage inside of me like I have never felt in my life. letting out a battle cry I get myself up to charge at Zu-Gooma-Gu, only to be knocked down by someone other than Amano Yuuma. I hurriedly look up at the perpetrator only to see multiple people with black wings, there was a child in gothic lolita attire, a woman that had high heels and a weird purple shirt that went all the way down covering her waist, but it on the sides of those were split revealing a portion of her thighs, the collar part of her shirt was way too tall, but the most noticeable thing were her breasts as her shirt was only button upped to her breasts, revealing a large portion of them, but not enough to see the whole of its entirety. There was a man with them in a trench coat and a fedora.

As they were all approaching me, all of a sudden a red magic circle that I recognized as the one on the slip of paper appeared. "Shit!" one of them said. "Let's go Raynare!" another one of them said towards Amano Yuuma, before whatever that magic circle appeared to do they flew away and Zu-Gooma-Gu disappeared to who knows where leaving me onto the ground, as I continue to watch the circle.

Moments later I could see a person start rising from that magic circle, who I recognized as Rias, but this time I saw her black wings that were different from the people who I was just against. But my caution against her was still as high. Rias whose form was fully there now turned to look at Issei's body before saying "Devote your life to me." as she takes these chess pieces I recognized as pawns as she tries to put one into him.

I could see the pawns enter him as my eyes were widen to disbelief and my jaw was open, but you couldn't see that behind my helmet. But contrary to my disbelief I saw the pawn get ejected as Rias said "Oh? How pleasant." as one of her brows lift up and one side of her lips lift up into an arc, before taking out another pawn piece and putting this new piece and the previous one in him. This repeated until the eighth piece, as they completely stayed in him. Issei's body started glowing before dimming down to reveal that his white looking ice-cold body regained this rosy and warm looking appearance. Rias who saw this couldn't help but think to her amazement, 'What could his sacred gear be, for him to take 8 pieces?' before finally discovering my presence.

As we both stared into each others eyes, she blinks a few times before letting out an "Eh?"

What do you think? Should I have left Issei alive or should I make Issei continue as a the new pawn of Rias? Please let me know your feedback and thanks for reading!

Icliptic_Horizoncreators' thoughts