
DxD: Kamikaze

"Humanity is corrupt, evil, greedy, but that doesn't mean I'll sit around and watch you pick on them, you will all pay!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Join Oslo! A Discord community aimed at Creators and Readers! https://discord.gg/F4XuNTQsR9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon will arrive when I'm not a lazy piece of sh^t. Uploads will be inconsistent.

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12 Chs

Chapter008 Kuoh Town

(A:N Schedule change at bottom)

Word Count: 1323

It was late at night when we arrived in town, Kuroka was too tired to wake up, so I'm carrying her on my back again.

I think she is just doing it on purpose at this point, but I don't really mind, at the current moment I'm wandering around aimlessly looking for any kind of place to stay.

It was late at night, so I couldn't ask anyone for directions, and I didn't have a phone.

But when I was walking by a peculiar house, I could sense a lot of Demonic Energy and Holy Energy coming from it, and I could hear signs of struggle from the inside.

I was very close to going and checking it out, but if a demon spotted Kuroka they might report it, and we will be hunted down.

So I ignored it and continued on looking for a hotel.


Setting Kuroka on her bed, I laid down on my bed, and turned on the TV, while I thought of plans for tomorrow.

'I want to investigate the church tomorrow morning, see if I could get any leads on SCP-963, Someone could have already found it, and is holding on to it.'

'And they might appear again on the night of the massacre, which I was still thinking over, should I stop it?'

'It's none of my business on what happens between the fallen and demons, but with my power it's also my duty to stop those things.'

'I couldn't help but to remember my old team, they were slaughtered mercilessly by those demons that day, to say I was angry at demons at the point would be an understatement.'

Laying up, I turned and looked at Kuroka peacefully sleeping on the other side of the room.

'But Kuroka helped me through my hate, she is a demon herself, but she is also my only friend in the world right now, and I trust her with my life.'

'If someone were to ask me what side I was on, I would say my own.'

'I'm still the same person I was when I died, I won't let the hate cloud my heart, and power cloud my mind.'

Laying back down, I turned off the TV and headed to bed

'There is a lot to think about for the future…'


*Bzzt* *Bzzt* *Bzzt* *CRUNCH*

Laying up, I witness Kuroka quickly trying to hide the remains of the alarm clock she smashed.


"It's not my fault, it startled me, Nya!" Kuroka quickly explained, while I just stared blankly at her, before letting out a deep sigh.

"Let's get going, we have lots of things to do today, and you have to wear the uniform today."

"But its so uncomfortable, Nya." Kuroka said with a pout.

But I ignored what she said, and tossed the set of folded clothing to her, and went to the bathroom to change into my own set.

Of course, I kept the gas mask and helmet off, I would only really put the gas mask on to hide my face.

Walking out of the bathroom, Kuroka was already dressed, and she looked in my opinion prettier in the uniform, as she usually wore loose fitting clothes, but the uniform hugged all her curves.

"You look good in it." I said to Kuroka complimenting her.

She seemed to ignore me and got up and followed me out of the room, but I swear I could see a little blush on her cheeks.

We walked out of the hotel through the backdoor, before making our way to the back of the building to discuss the plans.

"The anomaly should be at the church, since I can't sneak around or cast illusions like you can, I'll wear SCP-268 and meet you over there." I explained to Kuroka.

"Let's race there, if I win, I get to order any food I want, and if I lose, I'll give you a kiss, seems fair?" Kuroka said with a slight hint of red on her cheeks.

Last time I let her order what ever she wanted, she spent over $200, of course I could pick pocket more people, but at the start I was only doing it out of need, not to pay for Kuroka's fancy seafood dinner.

The more and more she suggests stuff like this, the less I think she is teasing me, and the more she is trying to actually flirt with me.


As soon as I finish agreeing, she sped off as fast as she could.

'Damn it, no fair.' I thought to myself as I put on SCP-268, and started flickering away towards the church.

While I kept flickering towards the church, I sensed a fight nearby, similar energy like the one's last night, sure I would lose the bet, but this was more important.

Changing direction, I started flickering towards where the energy was coming from, until I appeared at a large fountain.

There was a Demon fighting a Fallen Angel, and a girl in the background wearing a nun's clothes, what a weird combination.

I could tell both of them are fairly weak, High Low-Grade, and Low Mid-Grade, but what interested me was the Demon had a sacred gear, I was tempted to watch the two fight.

But it looked like the Fallen Angel was after the nun girl the Demon was protecting, and I don't want her to die due to my negligence.

Taking the gas mask I stored in my inventory earlier, I equipped it, before putting away SCP-268, and walking towards the fight.

The two who were fighting didn't seem to notice me appearing out of nowhere, as they were too focused on the fight.

But the girl did seem to notice, as she tried to call out to the demon, but it was too late, as vines were already creeping towards them without them noticing.

The girl looked in, in horror, as the vines suddenly shot forward, restraining both of them, and I continued walking forward.

"Damn it, who the hell are you!" The Demon shouted with clear venom in his voice.

"I'm not going to do anything, I'm just here to ask some questions."

The Demon boy was about to yell again, but putting a thorn to his neck seemed to shut him up.

'It seems the fallen angel girl stayed quiet, but she also seems to be a massive pervert, I mean, who wears skimpy clothing like that to a fight' I thought as I continued to approach the nun girl.

"My name is Archimedes, part of the Chaos Insurgency, could you please explain what has occurred here?" I asked politely as she seemed very scared.

'Technically, I'm a John Doe, so I don't really care that I gave out my name.'

(A:N John Doe is a term for people who have no records in any government database.)

"U-uh, I ran away from the c-church and I-Issei was protecting me f-from the F-fallen angel." the girl said, stuttering the entire way through.

"May I ask why you need protection against the Fallen angel?" I said, as it doesn't make sense.

'A demon protecting a nun from a fallen angel, sounds more like a start of a joke.'

"I-it's because of my s-scared gear, twilight h-healing." the girl said, but at that point I understood the situation.

The reincarnated demon and the nuns most be friends, as it wouldn't make sense for a pure-blooded demon to fight over a nun, and the fallen angel wants the girl because of her sacred gear.

.End Chapter


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