
DxD: Kamikaze

"Humanity is corrupt, evil, greedy, but that doesn't mean I'll sit around and watch you pick on them, you will all pay!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Join Oslo! A Discord community aimed at Creators and Readers! https://discord.gg/F4XuNTQsR9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon will arrive when I'm not a lazy piece of sh^t. Uploads will be inconsistent.

Orvar · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter009 New Members

(A:N I'm so fucking tired...')

"You're part of the church, right, why aren't you being protected by them?" I asked, as it would be better to leave her with the church than demons or fallen angels.

"I-I healed a d-demon and was e-exiled because of it…" the nun girl said, still scared of me

'Am I really that scary?'

"Hmm, I see."

'Twilight Healing is quite a useful sacred gear, although I don't really want to recruit her to join, though I would rather not leave her in the hands of demons or fallen angels.'

"Sigh, Would you perhaps be interested in joining the Chaos Insurgency, we'll offer you protection, a place to stay, in exchange for helping us on are mission." I said with much despair, I didn't really want to recruit her, but she'll be a little helpful.

"What the hell are you saying, Asia's my friend!" the demon boy shouted and started struggling, but It didn't seem effective as I just tightened the vines, and he stopped.

"So, what do you say, Asia?" I asked one last time, 'if she doesn't respond, I'm just going to leave.'

(A:N from the shouting he has learned his name.)

"I-If I join, will you l-let Issei g-go?" Asia asked.

"I'll let Issei go either way, but if you decline, you might put both issei and yourself in danger, the answer is up to you."

"F-Fine, I-l'll join..."


'Damn it, I was actually hoping she would decline…'

"Sigh, Welcome to the Chaos Insurgency, Asia." I said looking at Asia, turning around I walked towards the Fallen Angel.

"Asia is under my protection now… if you dare try to hurt her, there won't be any mercy next time." I said before the vines disappeared.

"Now scram!" I yelled, the fallen angel looked furious, but she just flew off.

Walking back over to Asia, I threw her over my shoulder, before releasing Issei, as he would probably attack me if I released the vines before I flashed away.

"H-huh, wait, what are you doing!" Asia said, wondering why I threw her over my shoulder.

"Sorry, but you probably walk way too slow, I have places to be." I said before putting on SCP-268, and started flickering away.

As I continued moving extremely fast to the church, Asia looked like she was going to hurl, but we were almost their.

'Maybe I was too hasty with inviting her to join, I should've left her with the demon boy.'

I finally arrived at the church, and saw Kuroka hanging on top of a branch of a tree.

Taking off SCP-268, I moved to a branch close by and greeted her.

"Hey, sorry it took me a bit, I got a bit distracted since a fight was taking place." I explained, but she looked unhappy for some reason.

"Who's the girl, Nya?" Kuroka asked

"Oh, I forgot about her, she's our new member, introduce your self." I said to Asia while setting her down.

"Ugh, I don't feel so well." Asia said, while almost falling off the tree branch.

"Oops, I probably should sit her down on the ground, my fault, sorry." I said, slightly embarrassed

Jumping down to the forest floor, I sat her down and waited for her to catch her breath.

"We'll introduce ourselves first, I'm Archimedes Sinatra, Leader of the Chaos Insurgency." I said taking off my gas mask and putting it away

"I'm Kuroka, SS-Rank Demon, and member of the Chaos Insurgency, In return for Archie-kun saving my life."

"I'm Asia Argento, it's nice to meet you both!" Asia said while bowing.

"Well, since you are part of the Chaos Insurgency, I'll brief you on the current mission we're both on."

"Currently, we're looking for an Anomalous object, it's harmless as long as you don't touch it, as we're not sure, if it's bound to someone already or not."

"It's located inside the church, it's an ornate amulet, you probably know more about this than we do, so can you perhaps show us around."

"Sure, I would be happy to." Asia said, but she seemed slightly nervous

As we walked towards the church, I heard footsteps from the inside.

Opening the door, we walked inside and saw a white haired man pacing around inside.

Upon hearing the door open he swung around and looked at us, as he did, I could see SCP-963 around his neck

'Don't tell me...'

"The Chaos Insurgency?!" The man said in a panic before pulling his Exorcist gun, and attempting to fire, but it didn't work as the Exorcist gun works differently than a regular fire arm

I quickly sent vines to restrain him, this was going to be a hassle...

"Dr. Jack Bright, please calm down, we're not going to hurt you, and we aren't here to steal SCP-963"

"Huh, but he's the head priest?" Asia said, confused, the man in front of her was Freed Sellzen.

"Not anymore, after touching SCP-963, his body was taken over, by Jack Bright, a researcher of the SCP Foundation." I explained, but that only confused Kuroka and Asia, as they never heard of an organization.

'It really was the worst day to wear the Chaos Insurgency uniform...'

"Ahem, Jack Bright, if I have a bit of your time, I'm here to explain why you're."

Jack Bright stayed quiet, even though he was a prankster, and wasn't a very serious person, he was still dedicated to the foundation, and it's cause.

"The Chaos Insurgency, the SCP Foundation, the GOC, the Serpents Hand, they all don't exist anymore, you're in a completely different world."

"What do you mean? That's clearly a lie, you're part of the Chaos Insurgency, you're wearing their uniforms."

"It's true we're part of the Chaos Insurgency, but currently you're looking at the only members of it, the Chaos Insurgency has changed objectives."

"The Chaos Insurgency has a new goal, in this world they're many groups of powerful entity's, Fallen Angels, Demons, Angels, they all have some kind of goal."

"But, SCP's and anomalies are reappearing in the world randomly, so far you are the first SCP to reappear."

"The Chaos Insurgency's shifted it's goal to stop these creatures from getting these items, and containing or destroying threats, for the greater good."

Dr. Bright was looking at me confused, not believing anything of what I said.

'Sigh, why couldn't I have something like talk no jutsu.'

.End Chapter


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