
DxD: Gorou Hyoudou Reborn

Gorou Hyoudou, the father of Issei Hyoudou is resurrected by unknown means and is sent back to the past. My first novel, so I'm trying to improve. I don't own the cover, if you do and want me to take it down, I will. There are spelling mistakes thanks to Grammarly and autocorrect having a war on my phone

Honour_PooP · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

Gorou and Layla made their way back after their meal and did some light stretches for flexibility.

While doing the stretches, Gorou couldn't help but admire Layla's physique, the curves of her hips, her round ass cheeks tightly gripping her pants, the jawline that increased her beauty by tenfold. Gorou was losing, so much so that his face began to twist in delight.

Layla could feel Gorou's stare, turning her head she caught in the act. Gorou stood up from the stretch and walked over to the bench, facing away from Layla.

'Focus Gorou!' in his mind Gorou was having a superhero battle with his impulses.

Layla didn't mind him starting, unlike other times, she didn't feel gross about him starting. She also enjoyed watching Gorou having an internal conflict with himself.

'Why? Why do I feel so comfortable around him?' Layla thought as she continued to chuckle at Gorou.

Layla continued to stretch and Gorou waited for his food to digest before exercising again.

Gorou began to do the same workout he did two days ago and Layla also wanted to try to do the workout along with him.

The afternoon came by faster than they realized and both Gorou and Layla fell to the ground, exhausted.

"Good work Layla, you pushed through even when you told me you wanted to stop." Gorou praised Layla, painfully raising his arm, inviting a high five.

Layla smiled while heaving air.

"You too Gorou, well done in getting it done faster than last time." Layla then painfully gave Gorou a high five.

The pair laid on the park ground as they could feel the cool breeze hit their exposed skin, giving them a welcomed shiver through their body.

After a while, Gorou stood up, his muscle aching and sore, but not as much as yesterday. Gorou then began doing some stretches to finish off the day.

When Layla sat up, she felt her clothes stick to her body, making her groan in annoyance.

"Ugh... Now my clothes are all gross and sticky."

The remark made Gorou stop his stretch and turn around, he was left in awe as he saw the absolute beauty that was presented before him. Layla's honey skin shining as the orange sunlight reflected off, her sweat beads glistened like diamonds as they ran down to her chin, and her eyes sparkled as her eyes looked into the sun.

'At this point, she should know what's she doing to me.' Gorou thought as he was blown away by Layla's picture-perfect looks.

Gorou looked in the direction of his house and weighed his options on what to do before concluding.

"Hey, Layla, why don't you come with me to my home?" Gorou didn't look Layla in the eyes, he was slightly anxious and ashamed at what he asked and how he sounded.

Layla looked at him questioningly and weighed her options, she was sweaty and would soon stink, she would be hungry for however long and she would be sleeping in an alleyway.

"Yeah, sure if it alright," Layla responded.

A wave of relief washed over Gorou as she didn't act like he was creepy or anything, he then smiled at Layla and gestured for her to follow him home.


The sands blew around, singing songs as they travelled, the sunlight adorned the desert in gold, little creatures could only travel so far before they fell prey to the scorching heat, the further you looked, the more you began to question your eyesight as it began to warp the horizon.

Somewhere in the desert, a pyramid surrounded by sandstone houses stood. The town was filled with all kinds of devils, this place was the most prosperous place to buy goods, and nothing is illegal here, thanks to their ruler and Queen, Cleo.

She stood from a little room carved into the side of the pyramid, overlooking the town below. She stood taller than most, with sun-kissed skin, golden eyes, and black hair that had been styled into multiple braids. She wore only a gold bra with gold, ruby, and Sapphire tassels, a skirt that covered her ass and the sides of her thighs, and a cape that hung from the back waistband of the skirt, the couverture of her hips made the front of the skirt dip down, leaving only the belt and a bit of fabric from covering her centre.

With a whoosh of wind, a female devil flew next to Cleo, kneeling before she spoke.

"Miss, Cleo, we bring news of your daughter." The woman said urgently.

Cleo looked down at the woman with an excited anticipation look.

"Please, tell me how me which daughter?" Cleo asked excitedly, expecting the woman to speak about the eldest of her daughters.

"Layla, Miss Cleo." The woman uttered quickly, still kneeling.

The excitement left Cleo's body, replaced by a face of annoyance.

"My youngest..." Cleo let out a sigh before she continued. "What now? did she break a fingernail?" Cleo asked mockingly as she began to walk away from the edge to her throne.

The woman stood up and followed Cleo.

"She seems to be making progress, her powers haven't awakened yet, but she has also gotten her hands on a good companion."

The news wasn't very impressive to Cleo, but at least Layla was finally making progress, compared to her sisters, she had fallen far behind.

"That girl is useless, she only just started making progress. How long did it take her to start? 10, 30, 50 years?" Cleo shouted in anger, she thought that Layla was truly useless. Cleo's other daughters have already made great achievements, but Layla has only just now encountered a potential companion.

Cleo shook her head in disappointment, rubbing her face before speaking again, trying to forget Layla.

"How have my other 3 daughters fared in the past 10 years?" Cleo asked, excitement swirling within her again.

"Your eldest, Aisha has made relations with multiple high-class devils, she has also increased her rank to high-class as well." The woman said, seating in front of Cleo and eating a mango.

Cleo gave a giddy laugh, praising her eldest.

"Your middle child, Ghalia has ranked up to a middle-class devil, but has gotten her hands on someone with a sacred gear."

Cleo nodded along to the words, happy that her daughters are making steady progress.

"And your 2nd youngest is doing the usual."

This just made Cleo shrug with a smile.

"She's allowed, she has already contributed a great amount of power to me, so she can runaway with that fallen angel if she so wishes," Cleo said as she picked up an apple out of a nearby fruit basket.

"Now for the problem."

Cleo felt this coming.

"The silver fox yokai are angry with us because of Layla's companions' actions."

Hearing another problem caused by Layla, Cleo groaned.

"Tell the silver foxes that Layla acted on their own, they can deal with it, it doesn't correlate with us," Cleo demanded.

The woman nodded before sprouting her devil wings and flying away, mango in hand.

'I need to take my mind off Layla and her problems.' Cleo looked to her left and saw a doorway guarded by two female warriors.

"Bring my consort," Cleo asked lazily.

One of the guards entered the doorway, disappearing into the darkness.

'Figure out your own problems Layla, daddy ain't here to save you.' Cleo thought, staring into the sun.