
DxD: God of the Bible

What if an ordinary mortal was reincarnated as the Biblical God after sealing the Trihexa. ______________ No harem, maybe romance, but I don't think so. op MC, God MC

eternal_angel12 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Young Devils


"Master, you truly are a genius." Ajuka looked at Yahweh sitting across from him.

Yahweh had taken Ajuka as a student for the future Devil Kings. For 20 years, the young Devils studying under Yahweh had become truly devoted to him.

Especially Serafall. After Yahweh gave her magical girl manga, she became passionately attached to him.

Now, Yahweh was playing chess with Ajuka.

After introducing chess to Ajuka, they played it in their free time once a week. Of course, all the games ended in Yahweh's victory.

But Yahweh was sure that Ajuka was improving every day. Ajuka was truly a genius Devil.

Ajuka was learning at an incredibly fast pace, even surprising Yahweh himself.

Falbium, on the other hand, was a master strategist. He had a terrifying defense, understanding his enemies in battle. Especially with Yahweh's "Saitama" training, he had a formidable defense.

As for Serafall, she could control water and ice exceptionally well. She was so skilled that she could sculpt Yahweh's statue perfectly. Additionally, she had a great understanding of people. She was practically born for diplomacy.

Regarding Sirzechs, he could expertly control the destructive power of the Bael clan. With vast mana reserves, he was like a one-man army. Additionally, his gentle nature and handsome appearance gave him a charismatic leadership quality, attracting everyone around him.

Yahweh was sure that the young devils would be even stronger than the DxD canon.

Yahweh hadn't just focused on the young Devils; he was gradually reforming the church as well.

He laid the foundations for the unification of the three major religions. This was one of the things he had done over the course of 60 years.

Initially, Yahweh provided unconditional aid to the states in Europe. The states granted more authority to the church. Thus, both the reputation and authority of the church increased.

Despite the rapid increase in the church's authority, Yahweh didn't use it to control the kingdoms. Instead, the authority of the church was used for various things such as schools, orphanages, free meal distribution, and training personnel for the church.

Additionally, Yahweh wanted to create noble families in the human world, like Shinto, who would help him and remain loyal. So, he established the three great noble families.

The House of Constantine would handle Yahweh's financial, military, and diplomatic affairs in the human world. They would lead the three great families and provide guidance. Additionally, their heirs would always be prepared to become the pope. Their education was strict.

The second house, Angelus, would oversee the church and also be responsible for internal security. Their heirs would grow by learning the seven great virtues and also have a technology development department.

The third and final house was Evangelos. This house consisted of knights specially blessed by Yahweh, known for their toughness and ruthlessness. These knights had become incredibly strong and ruthless. They had become the most important power of the church. Each knight underwent rigorous training and could wield Yahweh's divine power.

Yahweh had established these houses 50 years ago. Over time, these three great houses had made names for themselves.

People began to refer to the House of Constantine as "the authority of God on earth," Angelus as "the judges of God," and Evangelos as "the wrath of God."

The first president of the House of Constantine was Ezekiel, who had quickly gained four angel wings. Yahweh had appointed him as the Pope due to his success. Ezekiel quickly silenced the discontent in the church.

Within 10 years, Ezekiel had corrected the church's bad reputation. He began to gather the scattered sects.

Also, Ezekiel wanted to inherit his father's surname. Constantine. Then, by Yahweh's decision, they became the first established dynasty.

Many things had changed due to the change in the rules of God in heaven. Uriel even had a daughter. He named the girl Gabrielle.

Except for the House of Constantine, Yahweh had chosen the names of the other houses. Angelus was derived from the word "angel." Evangelos meant "messenger."

Although Gabrielle didn't show the same talent as Ezekiel as she grew up, the flames she inherited from Uriel were very powerful. This had made her a four-winged angel in a short time.

While Ezekiel was gentle like his mother, Gabrielle was ruthless. She was the most suitable candidate to become the president of the House of Evangelos.

The Patriarch of the second house was a child adopted by Azrael from the human world. His name was Claude. Although he didn't have as much talent or power as Sabrina, his intelligence compensated for it.

Therefore, Yahweh appointed him as the head of the Technology department.

As Yahweh expected, he developed a rifle that could only harm supernatural beings in a short time. This rifle could fire bullets filled with holy power without using any mana.

Its best feature was that if an ordinary human used this weapon, it would work like ordinary firearms.

For many years, the three of them had been good friends. They hunted down criminal Devils or supernatural creatures in the human world. They protected human towns from supernatural attacks.

Ezekiel had also become a force within the church. These were the Devil exorcists. Using the rifles produced by the House of Angelus, these Devil exorcists were stronger than usual.

Yahweh didn't stop there. He not only protected his faith but also expanded it. Due to the Europeans discovering new places like America, faith had grown even more.

History had changed more than ever. Following Yahweh's orders, Europeans didn't try to exile the local people in the newly discovered areas, like in history. Instead, they acquired new lands through mutually beneficial agreements.

Yahweh didn't stop there. Through diplomatic maneuvers, he pressured the Aztec Pantheon and forcibly prevented believers of the God of the Bible from mingling in the Americas.

As a result, belief in the Aztec Gods dwindled while belief in Yahweh increased.

Relations with other Pantheons had improved over time, albeit slightly. Tension still existed among the Pantheons, especially after the Chinese Gods attempted to spread their beliefs to Japan.

A resurgence of tension seemed imminent between the Shinto and Chinese Pantheons, especially as human forces in Japan began to unite.

This unsettled the Chinese Gods, who feared that believers in the Shinto Pantheon would move to conquer China.

Additionally, the Norse Pantheon had been tense for some time. Loki's daughter, Hela, showed signs of rebellion, gathering her armies in Helheim.

Thor had begun rearming to deal with the resurging Jotuns, leaving Asgard weakened. Despite Odin's strength, he was aging, meaning Asgard would sustain some damage even if defended. If Hela enlisted her father Loki's help, she could certainly defeat Odin.

Relations had improved between Heaven, the Egyptian Pantheon, and some minor European Pantheons. Heaven provided protection to the Pantheons, while they formed alliances with Heaven.

This was Yahweh's strategy: protect weak Pantheons, unite them, gradually make them dependent on Heaven, and eventually fully assimilate them.

Yahweh had weakened the Aztec Pantheon in a similar manner, encouraging dissent among the Gods forced to join, and providing skills and powerful weapons to those who rebelled.

He gradually dismantled the Aztec Pantheon, then manipulated the strained relationship between the two powerful Gods, Tezcatlipola and Quetzalcoatl, into conflict. After threatening exhausted Gods with war, he made many lucrative deals, rapidly injecting his belief system into the indigenous population of America.

Regarding the Celtic Gods, there seemed to be a good relationship between their head God Lugh and the Original Creator.

Relations with the Greek Pantheon were improving year by year. After witnessing Yahweh's power at the Gods' feast, their partial alliance with Heaven had evolved into a full alliance.

Envoys from Olympus would visit three times a year.

Yahweh wanted to make the Greek Pantheon a mere branch of Heaven's dominion. According to Yahweh, the DxD universe's most undecided Pantheon was the Greek one.

But something stopped Yahweh. This was a being even unknown in the memories of the Original Creator. This was Chaos. A mysterious God who created beings like Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, Nyx.

Even in Yahweh's recollection, there was no information on Chaos on Wiki. It seemed like a mystery to all existence.

Yahweh felt uneasy even mentioning the name of the entity Chaos. He didn't know why. All he knew was that he shouldn't mess with Chaos.

Yahweh even asked Shiva about it. But even Shiva didn't know what kind of being Chaos was.

In the end, Yahweh gave up on investigating it.

"Master!!!!" Serafall disrupted Yahweh's thoughts and embraced Yahweh. Yahweh smiled and stroked her head. Serafall shouted happily, "Master, look, I finally did it!!"

Excitedly, Serafall waved her hands and then produced a pink wand. With a swing of the wand, Serafall was enveloped in a pink aura. The aura then faded, revealing Serafall in a cute girl costume in front of Yahweh.

"The magical girl Sera-tan has come to save the world!!" Serafall pointed her wand at Yahweh and exclaimed sweetly. Yahweh smiled. "Well done, Sera-tan, you finally did it."

Ajuka, standing beside Yahweh, smirked slightly. "Serafall, you've truly become a magical girl now."

Serafall pouted and looked at Ajuka. "Ajuk-Kun, you were supposed to call me Sera-tan!"

Ajuka immediately broke into a sweat. Serafall had been pestering Ajuka and Sirzechs like crazy for almost 10 years for this.

Before Ajuka could respond, Sirzechs and Falbium returned from their training. Sirzechs smiled gently. "Indeed, Ajuk-kun, you should call her Sera-tan."

Sirzechs smiled playfully knowing Ajuka was embarrassed by the nickname.

Hearing Sirzechs, Serafall nodded. "Ajuk-Kun, be like Red-kun and call me Sera-tan."

Ajuka had to nod. Serafall then turned to Falbium, who was standing next to Sirzechs. "Fal-kun?"

Sirzechs nudged Falbium's arm, but Falbium furrowed his brows as if unwilling to get up.

Yahweh even thought this bald guy was too lazy. According to Yahweh's senses, he even slept during sex. Yahweh could only admire such dedication to sleep.

Yahweh looked at the four young demons speaking. Almost 20 years ago, they would have almost gone to war with the Young Devils. But after Yahweh explained his intentions, they agreed to become his students.

Yahweh offered to train them and prepare them to be future demon kings.

Serafall desired peace. She had witnessed the deaths of her friends, favorite servants, and relatives. She accepted to not lose them anymore.

Ajuka accepted for his three demon friends. Also, he accepted because he would focus on his hobbies if there was peace.

Falbium accepted because he enjoyed his friends' friendships.

Sirzechs accepted after witnessing the tyranny of the Satan Faction. He hated the arrogance and cruelty of the deceased demon kings.

Their reasons for accepting were different, but they all wanted peace. That was what Yahweh wanted. Unlike demon kings who wanted war, he wanted powerful allies who would form partnerships with Heaven. That's why he started training the demon kings.

At first, Yahweh only trained the four young demons for Heaven's sake. But over time, he grew fond of them and started treating them like his own children.

"Ajuka, Serafall, Falbium. If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to Sirzechs." The three young demons nodded. Before leaving, Serafall smiled. "Goodbye, master!"

"Goodbye, Sera-tan." Yahweh smiled and said. Then, he looked at Sirzechs, who was looking at him eagerly. "Sirzechs, today I will give you a special skill to control your pure destruction form."

Sirzechs' eyes widened. He didn't understand how his master knew about this. The pure destruction form was a form he secretly worked on. Sirzechs' eyes widened with respect as he thought, "After all, my master is the most powerful God. He knows everything! Truly amazing!"

Unaware of Sirzechs' thoughts, Yahweh looked at him. As far as Yahweh remembered, Sirzechs was a gentle and protective figure. He was also a Siscon.

Yahweh was sure even Michael was a Siscon. Otherwise, He wouldn't happily do Gabriel's paperwork.

Yahweh looked at Sirzechs. He said confidently, "The power of demonic magic is as powerful as detailed the imagination."

Sirzechs listened attentively to Yahweh. In 20 years, he had learned so much from Yahweh that he couldn't count. He became proficient in all kinds of weapons, swords, spears, magic, and martial arts.

"The pure destruction form is to merge and transform your entire body with "Destruction." Sirzechs, I know you've made some progress already, so I won't say much." Yahweh manipulated the Voice of the World and gave Sirzechs the skill.


[Individual Sirzechs Gremory, {Destruction Manipulation} achieved.]

Sirzechs opened his eyes in amazement. He created a sphere of destruction in his hand. After creating the sphere, Sirzechs' eyes trembled. He realized he could manipulate the power of destruction more easily.

Formerly uncontrollable, now Sirzechs could manipulate the power of destruction effortlessly.

The power of destruction was the most terrifying and uncontrollable power in the Underworld. Even Sirzechs could be harmed by the power of destruction if he wasn't careful.

Sirzechs looked at Yahweh with new admiration. He thought to himself, "My master, truly omnipotent!"

Yahweh looked at Sirzechs admirably. He didn't care what had happened. Then he smiled. "You can go now."

Then Yahweh teleported back to the Seventh Heaven.
