
DxD: God of the Bible

What if an ordinary mortal was reincarnated as the Biblical God after sealing the Trihexa. ______________ No harem, maybe romance, but I don't think so. op MC, God MC

eternal_angel12 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: The War

In the depths of the underworld, a man bound in chains in Cocytus groaned in agony as his entire body was covered in black miasma.

The suffering creature lifted his head as if sensing someone nearby. He looked at the being standing before him with hatred, and the miasma around him intensified, eager to attack the radiant figure before him.

"Samael, it's been a long time," Yahweh said, looking at his former angel. Centuries of immense hatred and anger had corrupted the angel's holy presence, turning him into a being worse than fallen angels. He had become a vengeful spirit driven only by hatred, anger, and jealousy, devoid of free will.

Despite bleeding from the wounds caused by the crucifix, Samael looked at Yahweh with terrifying power. He was powerful enough to harm even Ophis.

Yahweh aimed to end Samael's existence. After all these years, Samael had lost his will, becoming a vengeful spirit driven only by hatred, anger, and jealousy.

Yahweh could only do this much for Samael. He wanted to end his life of suffering. Raising his hand, he then summoned a spear of pure gold and thrust it into Samael's abdomen. "This is for your own good, Samael."

Samael roared in agony. He struggled but couldn't escape due to the seal.

Yahweh began injecting Samael's soul into the spear. During this process, Yahweh used his divine power to eradicate Samael's hatred and anger, freeing him from pure agony.

Soon, Samael's body turned to dust and vanished. Before his soul was injected into the spear, it glowed with a white light. With his last strength, Samael said, "Thank you, Father..."

After injecting Samael's soul into the spear, Yahweh stood there, feeling deep sorrow and regret.

"Rest in peace, Samael. I apologize for everything I've done to you..." The spear seemed to sense Yahweh's sorrow and gently glowed. Yahweh looked at the spear and sighed. "Thank you for considering me."

The spear glowed with greater power and gentleness. Yahweh chuckled. "Let's go, Samael."

The spear glowed with excitement. It was eager to serve its master. "Now, you need a name."

Yahweh pondered for a while, searching for a suitable name for the spear. From the moment Samael's soul entered the spear, a new being was born. "I name you 'Samael's Light,' a fitting name for you."

The spear glowed with immense power. Its light illuminated the surroundings, shining brightly. The spear gleamed with joy.

"From now on, you will be my personal weapon, embodying my anger and hatred..." The spear accepted, glowing with determination to defeat enemies.

Yahweh, realizing it was time to leave, teleported back to his Heaven.


"Samael, is he gone?" Azazel asked his subordinate. His father had already angered all the gods by creating a system called "World's Voice," which changed the balance of power in the world. Azazel knew his father was crazy, but he didn't know he was this insane.

Provoking all the gods, especially during wartime, was a terrible move. Azazel, despite being an intelligent fallen angel, couldn't understand his father's plan.

"What do you intend to do, Old man?" Azazel raised an eyebrow. The tensions were high during the war. A single wrong move could trigger an interdimensional war.

Azazel cursed Lucifer as well. The arrogant bastard had he not started this war, Azazel could continue his research.

Lucifer knew that even if he defeated his father, there were other gods as powerful as him. With gods like Shiva, Indra, Hades, the Olympian Gods, Odin, the Norse Gods, and Buddha, Lucifer couldn't stand a chance.

Azazel sensed his father's weakening. He didn't know what his father was dealing with, but Heaven couldn't properly protect their superiors on Earth.

Lucifer had learned this and quickly achieved great victories.

Azazel cursed his involvement in this war thousands of years ago. He wouldn't allow the Grigori to enter the war.

Azazel, despite having authority in the Grigori, couldn't do whatever he wanted. Most of the Grigori were eager for war. As a result, he had to declare war.

Azazel was tired of fighting for centuries. The three major groups suffered significant losses. If this war continued, other pantheons would surely take advantage.

Exhausted, Azazel leaned back in his chair. Instead of researching the Sacred Gears, he wasted his time on this unnecessary war.

"While there are Sacred Gears to research..." Azazel angrily ran his fingers through his hair.


"Father, I brought the Excalibur pieces as you wished," Michael bowed before Yahweh and handed over the broken sword pieces.

Yahweh examined the pieces of Excalibur and then concentrated his divine power. He began repairing the sword.

Yahweh activated his Ultimate Skill, "Yahweh, King of All." Excalibur's pieces merged and radiated with power. It rose from Michael's hands, gleaming brilliantly.

Yahweh began further enhancing the Excalibur created by the Original Creator. He made Excalibur more durable, added runes to absorb damage and reflect it back, bestowed self-repairing abilities, and strengthened its sharpness to cut through space itself. Additionally, he empowered it to deal extra damage to dark beings, dragons, and all other supernatural races.

Yahweh used his skill one last time to create a Fire Fairy that would become the spirit of Excalibur.

The fairy gained a strong affinity for Holy Power and Fire magic, and Yahweh bestowed upon her the power to burn all evil beings with Holy Fire.

The fairy integrated with Excalibur, surrounding the sword with golden flames.

Michael looked at the sword in amazement, feeling its fourfold increase in power.

Yahweh looked proudly at his creation. He held the sword's hilt and felt a connection to its soul. However, as the sword sought to bind with Yahweh's soul, he severed the connection.

Yahweh looked at Michael, who stood there in astonishment. He chuckled at his son's surprise. "Michael, this sword is now yours."

Michael caught Excalibur, and suddenly, he was surrounded by golden flames eager to burn everything.

"Hello, my first owner." A gentle yet powerful female voice resonated in Michael's head.

Michael stood in shock. "Who are you?"

"I am Ifrit, the spirit of Excalibur. I was created by God to guide the sword's owner." The Fire Fairy named Ifrit explained gently. Michael quickly snapped out of his astonishment. "We're partners now. I'll do whatever it takes to protect Heaven and your siblings, partner."

Michael smiled gently. "Yes, partner."

Michael and the Fire Fairy talked for a while until Yahweh gently interrupted. "I think you two have gotten to know each other now."

Michael immediately corrected himself and realized he had been ignoring his father throughout the process. He quickly apologized. "I'm sorry ,Father!"

Yahweh chuckled. He ruffled Michael's hair. "You're so adorable when you're excited, Michael."

Michael stood with a mixture of joy and embarrassment. It was a bit embarrassing to be treated like a child by his father, but he was genuinely happy for the first time. "Th-thank you, Father."

Yahweh looked at his son. In his previous life, he had neither a wife nor children. Now, he had millions of children. If he had known being a father would feel like this, he would have adopted children in his previous life.

"I'd like to return to my duty, Father," Michael said, reverting to his usual self and requesting permission.

Yahweh smiled. "Of course, you may go."

With Michael's departure, Yahweh was left alone on his throne.


"Samael must have been taken by my father since he can't escape from Cocytus." The Four Great Devils gathered around a round table, debating with each other.

"No, Lucifer. It should be impossible for Father to enter the most heavily guarded place in Hell without us noticing." Beelzebub stated with skepticism, a sentiment echoed by Asmodeus. It seemed no one believed that God could secretly enter Cocytus.

Lucifer, with a tense expression, looked at the Other Demon Kings. He had recently lost access to his Holy Energy. But he couldn't reveal this to the others. If they knew, they would certainly try to hunt him down.

"You underestimate the Great G. Don't forget, the Great G is a genius who can create Sacred Gears." Leviathan said enviously. He envied Yahweh's ability in this regard. In fact, one of the reasons he joined Lucifer in the Rebellion was for this very reason. "He must have used some Magical Artifact or Sacred Gear."

The other Demon Kings nodded in agreement. Asmodeus, with a grim look, said, "We need to act quickly. While the Great G is gathering power to destroy us, we are sitting here doing nothing."

"Then we should attack Earth again." Beelzebub suggested calmly, though a closer look revealed his eagerness for war.

"Yes, it's audacious of him to sneak into Cocytus without our knowledge. He's underestimating us. We need to put him in his place." Asmodeus stated firmly.

Asmodeus saw himself as one of the most powerful beings in the world. He even believed he could defeat Michael one-on-one. Now he felt ignored by Yahweh.

The other Demon Kings nodded, except for Lucifer. Leviathan looked at Lucifer's tense expression. "Lucifer, what's wrong? You seem tense."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow. He looked at the big-breasted woman with irritation. "I'm just thinking about something."

Asmodeus smirked mockingly. "Don't tell me. Are you afraid of the Almighty?"

As soon as he said that, a mountain-like pressure enveloped Asmodeus. Lucifer looked at Asmodeus with cold eyes. "Watch what you say, Asmodeus. Save your death wish for the battlefield."

Asmodeus, feeling the overwhelming pressure from the Fallen Angel, looked down and submitted, raising his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry, I apologize."

Lucifer lifted the pressure around Asmodeus. "Now, you may leave."

With Lucifer's command, the other Demon Kings obediently left. After seeing what happened to Asmodeus, they didn't say anything.


"Mother, am I going to die?" A boy, covered in blood, looked at his mother who was watching over him with tears in her eyes.

The boy's mother averted her gaze and wiped away her tears. She was at a loss for what to say to her son. "No, my son. You will live happily like the other children."

The boy didn't seem to believe his mother. "But mother, it hurts so much. Why, why didn't God save us?"

The little boy asked gently. The woman was at a loss for words. She continued to look at her son with concern.

The boy was an ordinary child living in a town attacked by demons. Apart from his blonde hair, he had no special features. He was a kind-hearted and intelligent child.

The woman stood amidst the burning town, her clothes singed and her body bearing scars, and looked at her wounded child. She wasn't in a better condition herself. She felt she could die at any moment.

But the woman stood tall for her child and never took her eyes off him. She had wrapped her son's wounds with torn pieces of cloth from her dress.

The boy awaited an answer from his mother. The mother struggled to respond. Just as she was about to speak, a divine voice was heard.

"[Time King Rafael]"

Suddenly, it was as if time was rewinding. The wounds of the mother and son began to heal and return to their previous state.

The mother and son stood in amazement. Before them stood a man with large wings, looking very handsome.

The angel looked kindly at the mother and child. "God has heard your prayer and sent me here."

The woman's eyes widened, and she bowed respectfully to the angel. Rafael, with a gentle voice, said, "There's no need to bow. You must be feeling tired now, rest."

The woman listened to the angel happily. She turned to her son and hugged him. Surprising the woman, the child asked the angel a question instead of thanking him. "Where are my friends now?"

Rafael smiled at the child and crouched down to his level. "They are now in Heaven, living happily with their families."

The child smiled happily. Rafael smiled when he saw that the child was thinking of his friends rather than himself. "Would you like to come with me, along with your mother? Join the church and help me punish those who did this to your friends."

The woman looked at her son anxiously. As much as she wanted her son to become a Priest walking in God's path, she didn't want her son to get hurt.

Contrary to his mother, the child said firmly and strongly, "Please, Mr. Angel. Help me get revenge on those who hurt my friends."

Rafael smiled and caressed the boy's head. "Alright, let's go together."

Then the woman and her son set off towards the church under Rafael's leadership.

This wasn't happening only here. Angels were working tirelessly across Europe, Asia, Africa, and many Hebrew regions, helping the injured.

In a short time, the church recruited a large number of personnel. It provided shelter for orphans. It made agreements with kingdoms and provided aid without expecting anything in return. This was what Yahweh wanted.

In a short time, the reputation of the church and belief in God increased.

Yahweh also eliminated malicious individuals in the church and restored stability.

Now, Yahweh had regained his power, and everything was back in order. Yahweh was now ready for war. He looked at all the Seraphs before him and commanded, "Prepare the armies, we are going to the Underworld."

"As you command, Father." Michael, Rafael, Gabriel, and Uriel nodded their heads and took command of the armies with a powerful voice.

From Heaven, a dazzling hole opened up to the Underworld. Yahweh used his holy power to amplify and elevate his voice. "My children, attack for Justice, for Light, for the survival of Heaven!!!"

With Yahweh's command, the angels flew and headed towards the Underworld.