
DxD: Empire

Ronald is transmigrated into DxD World with a system. His soul enters a devil/human hybrid named Ronald Lucifer. Follow his journey to achieve his dream and desire in his second life. No R-18! Multifandom Crossovers: High School DxD, Fairy Tail, Fate Series, Naruto, and Genshin Impact This story uses first-person point of view. Update: 1 chapter per day (Monday to Friday) ------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover page is Sima Yi from Dynasty Warriors 8

ElectricEye21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 02: Friendly Match against Manticore

I was now placed on the Luciferian Colosseum, waiting for Manticore, a beast that would become my enemy. This was my first fight since I entered to this world. It would be a lie if I said that I didn't feel nervous. The cheers from the audience made that feeling growing even more inside my heart.

As seconds went by, the nervousness in my heart was gradually replaced with a desire to win this fight. I wanted to win because I could only save Aunty Ur and Vali from execution if I could defeat that lion beast. This time, my father made an one-sided bet in which he would kill them if I lost the battle. Otherwise, he would set them free, as well as teach me a new technique if I was able to defeat Manticore. I guessed that I didn't have any other option beside defeating that beast down.

A few minutes later, I saw several Lucifer's underlings brought that beast to enter the arena. I thought that it was the most strange creature that I ever saw for now. The beast had a head of human, a body of lion, and a tail of scorpion. Once it entered the arena, it quickly went beserk, thrusting some of Lucifer's underlings with its poisonous tail.

'Damn it! That creature was very brutal. Just how could my father tame it?' I wondered inside my mind.

I then closed my eyes and asked The System to show me information about the Original Ronald Lucifer's ability. I felt a bit disappointed because many of that ability was still locked. 'Good, I can only use Demonic Spells and Wind Magic as my main ability.'

I then commanded The System to display the kind of technique that the Original Ronald Lucifer had mastered.

'System, can you tell me Wind Magic technique that are available to be used?'

[Recently, you have been taught to expel wind bullets and blades from your mouth, as well as to make wind sphere to attack your enemy. You are basically the combination of Uzumaki Naruto and Shimura Danzo from Naruto series.]

'Alright. Then how about the Demonic Spells? What kind of technique that I can use?'

[Currently, you can use Demonic Shield, and Demonic Reflection.]

I then read the description of those three demonic spells of mine. I found that those defensive abilities were impressive. I thought that I would be able to become like Falbium Glasya-Labolas if I trained those abilities hard.

'Alright then, I have known the abilities that are available to be used. Thank you, System.'

[You're welcome.]

I opened my eyes and saw that Manticore already jumped to pounce me. I directly came back to my sense and roll aside to dodge its attack.

"Hmmph…No chit chat or something?"

Manticore turned to behave more calm than before. With a woman's tone, she greeted to me politely. "Ah…So, you are the Young Master of Lucifer. My name is Manticore and I am your father's animal."

"Yeah…It's nice to meet you, Manticore. But, do you have a nickname? As I know, Manticore is the name of creature, not the name of someone or something's identity."

"I am without a name, Young Master." Manticore set her fighting stance to quarrel with Ronald. Her expression looked very sadistic. She gave me a gaze like a predator which saw a prey. "Well, let's we start the battle. I won't hold myself just because you are my master's son."

Manticore made the first move by shooting several poisonous spines to Ronald. They were not usual spines since they were covered by poisonous liquid.

I dodged those spines in order to prevent myself from being poisoned. I ever read from a book that the poison from a manticore might instantly kill its prey. So, I would surely be in danger if I was hit by those spines.

"Playing with poison is dangerous, Manticore." I charged my magical power on my right hand as I prepared to launch a retaliation attack. "Instead, let me blow some wind to cool the arena."

I took a breath and exhaled several small air bullets to Manticore. Because of the nature of the wind, those bullets could pierced the beast's skin and flesh.

Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere

"I'm not done yet!"

Wind Release: Giant Vacuum Sphere

Again, I performed another attack to Manticore. This time, I exhaled a single giant sphere to the beast, giving it a closing attack after I rained it with small air bullets.

"Quite good, Young Master. But, I won't get defeated so easily."

Manticore opened her mouth and expelled a giant fire ball towards me. The scope of that attack was too large, so I couldn't dodge it. The only thing that I could do was protecting myself by using Demonic Shield.

"It feels hot." I realized that my Demonic Shield wasn't dense enough to withhold Manticore's fire ball. Even though I didn't get hurted by it, I was still affected by the hot aura from it.

"There you are, Young Master."

Manticore appeared in front of me with a new appearance. It's her human form! She took the appearance of a young woman with brunette long hair with two bangs on either sides of her cheeks. She wore a sleeveless white top armor and black gloves on her hands. For her bottom body part, she wore white thigh shorts which was combined with a white bottom armor.

"So, that's your human form. You looked attractive and elegant with that appearance." I honestly complimented Manticore's current look.

"I appreciate your complementation, Young Master," replied Manticore. She then pulled out a pair of twin axes from her storage. "But, it won't be able to make me letting you win easily."

Manticore charged to me and began to swing her weapon to attack me. I kept dodging her attack by using my newfound technique. I jumped in the mid-air as frequent as possible to prevent myself for being attack. I did this because I realize that she, unlike the other manticore, couldn't fly.

Aside dodging Manticore's attack, I thought how to approach her and give her a melee attack to defeat her. I saw that her fighting style was similar with Zhang Liao from Dynasty Warriors game. She had medium range attack. I thought that it would be easier if I use Rasengan-like attack, so she would have no room to slash me with her weapon.

However, in order to do that, I need to enhance my speed and agility. Hmm….I guess I can do it with my wind magic.


I covered my body with wind magical power. My purpose of doing that was increasing my speed and agility, so I could move swiftly to the enemy. After that, I began to charge my power on my hand, trying to create a wind sphere.

I used Geppou again to approach Manticore. Of course, she didn't stay quiet. I saw that she swung her axes to me and generated a blazing wind projectile. It's the combination of fire and wind magic.

Having no intention to let myself getting burned, I kicked the air and jumped aside. After that attack passed by me, I continue approaching Manticore. I saw her trying to launch another attack. However, this time I moved faster, so I managed to get closer to her before she could attack me for the second times.


I shouted loudly as I hit Manticore right on her stomatch with my wind sphere. Then I used all my power to push her, sending her 5 meters away from her previous position.

I saw Manticore lying weak on the ground. I felt a slight pity towards her, thinking that she must be in pain. However, I didn't have any other choice. If there was someone that need to be blamed, it should be my father. He was the one who arranged this fight and set a condition in which I must win, otherwise he would slay Vali and his mother.

A man devil, who was the referee, came into the arena and approached Manticore, ensuring whether she could still fight or not. After counting to three and realizing that she couldn't do that, he then declared that I was the winner of the fight.

I then approached my father and asked him to release Vali and his mother since I had won the war. My father, who only set such fight to test me, agreed to release those two persons, sending them back to Razevan's House.

"As always, you impress me, My Son. As I promise to you before, I will teach you a new technique."

I heard my father said that words. I stopped walking and stood besides him for few seconds, trying to reflect on his words. But, I still couldn't understand its meaning. Needing some times for being alone, I continued to walk on my room, ignoring both of my parents who were in joy because of being praised by Rizevim, Razevan, and the audiences due to my victory on that fight.