
DxD: Denying Fate

One does what 'Fate' dictates it to do. None can escape this predicament. Is that true? Is 'Fate' truly Omnipotent? Does it really have a path formed for everyone and everything? But What if one wishes to escape the path set by 'Fate'? ... Ryujin was just an ordinary person living an ordinary life. But after his death he found himself in a situation that forced him to defy his 'Fate'. Will he succeed or ultimately fail to the entity that is known as 'Fate'? ____________________________ If the owner wants me remove the book cover then contact me on discord. Yuma#5368 Also, join the discord community if you love evil protagonists, https://discord.gg/NvebMwA5Va

ILoveChaos · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Fooling Fate: The Beginning


Quite an abstract existence.

Everyone had it but it was different for everyone.

One might win the lottery and become rich or one might be casually walking on the streets when suddenly a bullet passes through their thigh causing them to stumble and fall in front of a speeding car.

Well, He was the latter case. He was just on his way to buy some condoms but he never expected to get run over by a car.

What was worse was that it wasn't even a truck that hit him. It was a stupid Honda. If it was a truck then he could still hope for transmigration or reincarnation.

Worst of it all? It was his birthday.

Lying in his pool of blood he tried moving his fingers but because he crashed into a wall his injuries became worse and very severe. Blood dripped from his head sliding down his face making it seem as if he was crying tears of blood.

He slowly lifted his hand clenched the amulet that hung around his neck, On it was a name carved, 'Ryujin'. The amulet started glowing but he didn't notice it. How could he? All he could see was blood red.

He could sense his life coming to an end. He could also hear the crowd that had gathered around him and some people hurrying for others to call the ambulance.

Ignoring this a thought came to his mind as he felt his consciousness fading away,

'What would happen now?'


[The Place Only Author Knows But Won't Tell.]

Ryujin felt his consciousness return and immediately tried looking around but when he did so he felt his whole body move.

'Body? The fuck?'

He felt his vision clear up but he could also tell that he had no eyes. He tried moving his arms but once again felt his whole body move.

He also noticed that he seemed to have lost weight... A lot of weight.

'I died for sure so what's going on!?' He looked around and saw weird floating spheres of light that seemed to have fog filled in them. They were numerous numbering in thousands filling his sight of vision.

He looked above and saw a grey sky with a... c-cracked black sun?

Unable to look at it any further similar to the real sun he looked away and once again focused on the spheres of light around him.

They were floating silently but he could sense various emotions from them, some were gloomy, some filled with despair, some contented, some with regret and unwillingness.

He quickly came to a conclusion seeing this,

They were dead people just like him and if his guess was correct then he was just like them a glowing sphere of light-filled with fog.

As soon as he realized this he also felt a wave of despair grow within him. How could he not?

He had loving parents and a cute little sister. Not to mention his girlfriend who he loved wholehearte- never mind, lusted wholeheartedly.

It wasn't that he didn't like her but after a certain incident he found it hard to love her.

She was irrelevant at the moment the one he truly cared for was his family. His mother who nagged him for every little thing, his sister that he loved to spoil, and his father who he occasionally debated with about whether God existed or not.

His despair grew as he realized he could never live these moments again.

Soon he was no different from the rest of the sphere of lights and lost all thoughts with only negative emotions remaining.

No one knew how much time passed when suddenly the sky turned darker and a ray of light enveloped every single soul present there. Soon every single emotion seemed to have disappeared as if there was a new law created.

"Emotions shall cease to exist."

After being infected with the light the souls started gathering into a single line mechanically. They were similar to blank slates with no emotions whatsoever, completely different from before.

A purple portal appeared that seemed to have a vortex inside of it. After a second of silence, an unknown sound resounded that seemed similar to that of a bell.

Soon the souls started to head into the portal one by one. After some hours it was the turn of a particular soul. It was different from the rest of the souls present it was outlined by a greenish color.

As soon as that soul was going to enter the portal it was pushed back, apparently repelled by the portal. The soul tried heading in again but it was met with the same response.

Soon it stayed still beside the portal observing other souls pass through one by one.

After some hours, the place became empty as every soul besides one passed through the portal. The portal then magically vanished.

After some minutes the soul that was left glowed before various emotions returned to it.

'W-What happened?' He remembered dying, despairing, and then emotionlessly observing souls pass through the unknown portal one by one as his turn was slowly approaching.

For some reason, he was repelled.

He soon felt some information filling his nonexistent mind.

He was in the supposed underworld. A part of it at least. The underworld had hundreds of such extensions.

Souls here gathered in batches and passed through the portal to begin a new life according to fate. As soon as one passed through the portal they would forget everything and lose all of their memories and emotions.

As soon as he summarised everything he noticed the abnormal green light around him dim a little bit.

He could also sense the fog inside of him dissipate and observe the inside of himself.

There he saw the amulet he wore for years floating peacefully but there small cracks on it.

Information regarding the amulet also appeared in his mind. He couldn't tell what it was or what its name was nor could he tell how he got the amulet. The memory regarding it seemed to have blurred for some reason and he couldn't recall it no matter how much he tried.

It only had a single main function,

It concealed the wearer from fate.

He felt a sense of awe towards the amulet but it also pained him seeing cracks around it. When he had it, it was crystal clear and perfect.

Coming out of his reverie he started looking around, 'What am I supposed to do now?'

I Love Chaos <3

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