
DxD:Death and Decay

Floating about in the Void for an innumerable amount of time and just as I was about to fade away a powerful entity decides to give me another shot at life? Sure why not. Being reborn into the body of a Pure Blooded Devil with the power of the Gamer. Sounds almost too good to be true... Gamer, Harem. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is not my original work and the original work is available on fanfic.net by Author "Plan" and his original fanfiction Death and decay Here is the original source link https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13778744/1/Death-and-Decay

ORIGINofALL · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

"Lord Aemon, your requests have been completed. Satan Leviathan has expressed her interest in meeting with you personally since Satan Lucifer had other matters to attend to. She had said that she will arrive within the next few days. The other message to Katerea was successfully delivered, she expressly stated her desire to meet with you as soon as possible. Even to go as far as saying she will meet you here at the castle tomorrow." He stats as I raise an eyebrow in surprise, I wasn't expecting her to meet so soon. But I guess the sooner the better, I would rather get as established as possible before the canon timeline starts.

"Thank you, Sebastian, that will be all." I say in response with a pleasant smile, apparently, my inner joy at seeing her again is filling me with anticipation. It seems my new memories are influencing my emotions a bit, well I am not particularly unhappy with it.

"Yes, Lord Aemon." He says before disappearing in shadows, I sigh as I straighten myself, shaking my exhaustion a bit.

"I guess I have some time to grind the ID until Katerea and Serafall arrive." I think to myself before opening the Zombie ID up and begin my training.



"Huh… Huh… Fuck that really sucked." I say breathing heavily as sweat drenches my body. I have been training my body as much since yesterday. Not to mention grinding my skills as well in the Zombie ID. So far, I haven't killed anything other than tougher than the Mini Bosses and an obscene number of Zombies. I have noticed however that the density of regular Zombie encounters had skyrocketed compared to my first encounter.

Though this is the result of my training…

Decay (Active) [Level 15] - The fabled power of the Amon clan grants the user the ability to literally decay everything they touch. Upon first look it seemingly accelerates the time of any object or being touched.

Damage – 7000 INT /s

Cost - 1000/s

Telekinesis (Active) [Level 24] – The ability to move, manipulate and interact with one's mind.

Current Liftable weight – 240 lbs.

Cost – 50/s

Barrier (Active) [Level 16] – Creates an invisible dome like barrier that surrounds the user, withstands 3,500 damage dealt to the barrier before breaking.

Cost – 500

Invisible Blade (Active) [Level 25] – An extension of Telekinesis designed specifically as an Offensive Ability, the Blade can be held or elevated as an extension of the body. Length and width can be modified.

Damage – 6,500 INT

Cost - 100/s

Second Skin (Active) [Level 12] – Through Telekinesis you are able to create a shield around your skin, a more advanced version of the Barrier skill. It moves as you move and protects you from incoming damage

Health - 7500

Cost – 1500

Most Updated

Title: Lord of the Aemon Clan

Name – Nero Aemon

Class – Psychic Level - 16

HP – 3,100/3,100 - (1,550/1,550) (15/s)

MP – 15,200/15,200 (135/s)

STR – 51

VIT – 31 (15)

DEX – 32

INT – 135

WIS – 76

CHA – 25 (12.5)

LUK – 15

Credits: 146,280

I gained the skill Second Skin at level 15 of Psychic and managed to gain a few more points in VIT by training my body relentlessly. Also gaining a few points in DEX and STR as a welcome side effect. My skills have grown in leaps and bounds after grinding in the ID. Though my progress has significantly stagnated, as it seems no matter how large the hordes of undead that appear in the ID it still has slow rates of progress.

My Clan ability proved to be incredibly overpowered, but costly all the same. It would actually disintegrate literally anything I touched. That I found was its only weakness, having to be in physical contact with something for it to actually work. But it is still incredible, if I managed to progress my Telekinesis a bit more, I may be able to suspend someone's ability to move and then use my Decay ability.

I have noticed that my body hasn't been quite as weak, and the burden has lessened a bit. On another note, I have gained a few items from the brutes I quickly found that they are not as common as I thought. I easily killed a dozen of them, but I only gained 3 items including the Ring I received before and a single Gacha Token.

Grimoire of Necromancy – This Book is ancient and crafted of human skin. It is full of spells, research and knowledge of the Necromantic arts. Boosts Necromancy Class and Skill progress when holding this book in your hand.

Silver Bracelet of Mana – A snugly fitting silver bracelet enchanted with a well of mana. While equipped it gives the wearer a boost to their mana reserves by 2000

The bracelet is a bit useful but as of this moment, the Grimoire of Necromancy doesn't provide any use at least until I choose to take on the Necromancy Class it will stay in my inventory. As I skim through my inventory, I notice the 3 Gacha Tokens I still have yet to use.

"No time like the present I guess…" I mumble under my breath as I use them, four slot machine wheels appear with blank tiles as they begin to spin rapidly until they stop, a window appearing displaying my rewards.

Time Stone – One of Six Infinity stone, this one bearing the ability to manipulate time itself and the places beyond time. Gives the user the ability to manipulate time to their whims. (Requirements for use are 1500 INT, WIS and VIT) (Yes, I actually rolled and landed on this item, I can't even believe it but to balance things out I put requirements for use so Nero can't just start tearing shit up from it.)

Gold Ring – Just a plain gold signet ring bearing the insignia of a dragon. Other than that, there isn't anything special about it.

iPhone – A phone with unlimited battery, can be used to connect throughout all universes and is an indestructible object. Nothing can possibly scratch or break it.

Covetous Silver Serpent Ring – A silver Ring depicting a snake that could have been but never was a dragon. Gives a 35% increase in xp gained.

Quest Received: Path to Ultimate Power

Objective: Collect all of the Infinity Stones and the Infinity Gauntlet.

Reward: 100,000,000 xp, ?, ?

My shock at seeing the Time Stone pop up nearly makes me faint. Something so incredibly appearing at my first draw of the Gacha, clearly, my Loved by Lady Luck perk is working overtime. It is too bad that I can't use it and probably won't for a while, so it will have to go in my inventory for the time being.

The quest is certainly an eye catcher, though I doubt I will ever complete it unless I actively set out to do so. The only real way for me to complete it is to either get incredibly lucky in the Gacha or actively purchase them in the store, although I doubt I could ever afford to even purchase them any time soon.

The gold ring and iPhone face a similar fate to the Time Stone and get tossed inside my inventory; the Covetous Silver Serpent ring will prove incredibly useful in the face of my current stagnation. Maybe soon I may be able to face the final boss of the Zombie ID and unlock a new ID?

I slip on the ring on my left middle finger before rising up to my feet. Looking in the mirror I dare say that I look a bit healthier than before but still sickly all the same. Though I do happen to feel a bit healthier, moving is not as taxing as usual, and overall perpetual exhaustion has lightened some.

I could only imagine how I will feel when I finally hit 50 VIT and get rid of my flaw altogether. Sighing as I sit up, taking in my room that I have holed myself up in for the past day. Spotless in appearance and not a single speck of dust or misplaced as everything is placed perfectly straight and symmetrical. Exactly the way I like it, or at least the way my memories say I like it, but I can't lie and say I don't really appreciate how satisfying it is to have everything so… in place.

Before I can do anything else Sebastian appears a few feet in front of me.

"Lord Aemon, Katerea Leviathan has arrived and is waiting for you in the common area." He states as a feeling of happiness begins to swell in my chest involuntarily.

"Thank you, Sebastian, tell her that I will be there in a moment. I must make myself presentable, a reunion shouldn't be spoiled by poor hygiene." I chuckle as I give my self a smell, Sebastian gives a good natured chuckle before responding.

"I doubt she would mind Lord Aemon; she seems to be shaking with anticipation at the thought of seeing you again." He says with a knowing look on his face.

"Bah, just go tell her I will be there in a moment." I say with a smirk as he gives a bow.

"It will be done." He says before disappearing.

I strip my clothing off before rinsing the sweat and grime before exiting and putting on a grey long sleeve shirt and black pants. I slip on my comfortable slippers as well before giving myself a spritz of cologne, looking in the mirror I do a few touch-ups on my hair before deeming myself presentable.

With a breath I move to the large double doors at the other end of my room, pushing them open leading into an elaborately carved out hallway with various paintings and busts carved out of marble. It only takes me a few minutes of walking through the castle to the common area. I stop just short of the doors before I take a breath preparing myself mentally. If my memories are correct, she can be a tad bit overbearing.

As soon as I push the doors open and step inside, I am immediately tackled and enveloped between two large soft cushions.

"Gahk!" I choke out.

"Oh, Nero! I am so sorry about what happened to your parents, it is all my fault! Please forgive me!" She sniffles out as she constricts tighter around my face cutting of my oxygen flow.

"Please Lady Leviathan, as you know you must be careful with Lord Aemon." Sebastian says coming to the rescue as Katerea gasps before releasing me. I take deep breaths drinking up as much air as possible.

"Ah! Nero, I am sorry, I just couldn't help myself when I saw you. You must hate me…" She says as a look of despair adorns her beautiful face, a rainy thundercloud practically forming over her head.

"Please Kat, calm down I don't blame you for what happened, if anything it was all the Old Satan Factions fault. I should thank you for helping me get out of there clutches." I say making her mood immediately brightens as her lip begins to quiver before she suddenly embraces me again.

"Oh, what did I do to deserve someone like you Nero!" She shouts joyously.

Yep, this is exactly how my memories display her behavior towards me, though she seems to turn quite cold to everyone else. How this came about I honestly couldn't give you an answer, but I will be damned if I don't take advantage of it.

Managing to get out of her clutches as I take a seat on a nearby couch with a table next to it. Sighing out a breath of relief, Katerea sits down closely next to me with a doting expression.

"How are you feeling? Are you eating well? Are you sleeping well?" She fires off questions before I give her a placating gesture.

"Yes to all three, in fact I haven't felt this good in ages. But I wanted to bring up some other matters that are important." I say gaining her undivided attention. Sebastian appears at the foot of the table with tea in hand placing a cup in front of us both, I take a second to sip. A warmth radiating through my soul at the flavor.

"Of course, anything." She says almost immediately. Man I really don't know how exactly I got her rapped around my pinky. Props to young Nero, my man is a lady killer.

"I first must know, does the Old Satan Faction know anything about your involvement of my defection?" I say making her wince slightly before answering.

"I think they are starting to get suspicious yes. But you don't need to worry about me Nero." She says with a sheepish expression, I on the other hand don't buy it.

"Them having even an ounce of suspicion pointed in your direction is absolutely unacceptable. I want you to leave the Faction and stay with me, I have no one else left besides you and I couldn't bear it if I lost you Kat." I say laying it on pretty thick and seeing her physically deflate in defeat. I know being a part of the Old Satan Faction is very important to her, but I am ultimately betting on her valuing me more than that though.

"Even if I leave and stay with you, how could we even defend ourselves against the entirety of the Old Satan Faction ourselves. While yes, I am very strong, I still don't think we can do it Nero…" She says weakly, as I put on a thoughtful expression. She didn't know the extent of my families plans to join the 72 Pillars it seems.

"I am about to say something you probably don't want to hear but promise me you won't get angry, okay?" I ask looking into her eyes waiting for her answer.

"Okay… It would be hard for me to get mad at you but go ahead." She says looking at me confused, I take a breath before answering.

"I sent out a letter to the Satan's of the 72 Pillars asking for help, and potentially joining their faction." I say watching as Katerea's expression turns to one of betrayal. It honestly stings to see her look at me like that. Her mouth opens and closes unable to form words

"How… How could you do that? You know how I feel about them, they defile the name of Satan itself." She says standing looking down at me with a pained expression. I rise up to meet her, my height being a few inches taller, I rest both of my hands on either side of her face as I look into her purple eyes.

"I know but that doesn't change the fact that I need help, and there is no one else but them. If they accept my Clan into the 72 pillars trust me, I plan to rise up in power and become a figurehead of the devil society. One they can't ignore, and once that happens do you know who will be at my side?" I ask as her purple eyes never leave my red, as if enchanted by them.

"N-No…" she stutters out her face getting closer to mine, her lips parting slightly.

"You…" I say before our lips connect in a heated exchange, the softness of her lips and the sweet taste practically intoxicating. She moans into the kiss as she moves deeper, inserting her tongue as my own meets hers in a duel for dominance. This continues for a moment before I separate us, her breath labored and a fierce blush rests on her cheeks.

"So, what do you say? You with me?" I ask as she thinks on it a moment, I absentmindedly stroke her cheek with my thumb encouraging her answer.

"Yes… I am with you. But you must give me some time to sort out my affairs. I will have my family's wealth sent over along with our artifacts. To do this I need a week tops to have it done without the Satan faction finding out. You do understand how huge of a decision is right?" She says surprising me, I didn't expect to have her bring her families assets with her. But I guess it makes sense, she doesn't want to leave anything important behind for the Satan faction.

"I understand, and it means a lot to me knowing that you are willing to sacrifice this much for me. I don't know how I could ever repay you." I say with a smile, and I could say I honestly mean it. Her power will be a big boon. Her face lights up in a heated blush after hearing my last words.

"As repayment, I want you to marry me and give me a child." She says whispering out her answer and avoiding my gaze, but I hear it clearly. I am momentarily stunned at her answer, but I relax, thinking about it.

"Okay… When are negotiations are finished with the 72 Pillars we will join our houses in marriage and I will work in earnest to give you a child. That is if you will have me." I say with a small smile as she beams from my response.

Quest Received: Harem King!

Objectives: Have 8 women in your harem.

Bonus Objective: Have 12 or more before the Leaders' Summit Begins.

Reward: Title Harem King, 1,000,000 xp,?,?,?

Bonus Reward: ?,?,?

"This is unexpected…" I think as Katerea immediately embraces me, glee apparent in her features.