
DxD:Death and Decay

Floating about in the Void for an innumerable amount of time and just as I was about to fade away a powerful entity decides to give me another shot at life? Sure why not. Being reborn into the body of a Pure Blooded Devil with the power of the Gamer. Sounds almost too good to be true... Gamer, Harem. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is not my original work and the original work is available on fanfic.net by Author "Plan" and his original fanfiction Death and decay Here is the original source link https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13778744/1/Death-and-Decay

ORIGINofALL · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2

"Is it possible to change classes after I have already picked one?"

[Absolutely, just level any class you have at the time to level 50 and you gain the ability to take on another. Though to select another class after that one you will have to max out your main class. Once the Main class has been maxed out the next class follows the same rules.]

Alright then I guess I will select Psychic, probably best considering my current physical health. Taking on a close quarters class would be suicide.

[Alright… Now let's get you in your body and start you your new life, luckily, I will throw you in lets say... A few hundred years, should be more than enough time for you to prepare until canon starts, good luck!]

Before I can even register a thought after reading my soul suddenly feels as if I am sucked forcibly right through a vacuum and then nothing. Almost a sleep like state succumbs my mind and a haze clouds my consciousness.


The first thing I notice as I wake is that I finally have feeling once again! Never will I ever take for granted the ability to just… feel. Air fills my lungs as I take it in like I am starved for it, never had the simple act of breathing felt so foreign before. The softness of fabric touching my skin, and the familiar feeling of a mattress on my back.

Taking a moment to relax and grow accustomed to the onslaught of sensory information. Breathing in slowly before exhaling adapting quickly to the feeling of have a body. I carefully open my eyes as blinding light enters my retina's, wincing as I change the angle of my head seeing the light bleeding through the window across from the room.

Furnishings fit for royalty adorn all across the rather large room, royal red drapes adorn the windows on either side of me. Similar colored rugs run along the room. The architecture is exquisite, and the room seems to be carved out of a single slab of marble. An overall medieval touch to the furniture and architecture style itself. A few portraits adorn the walls featuring a few different individuals, all highly attractive I might add but they look practically ancient. They must have been created quite a long time ago.

A sudden splitting headache appears as images float across my mind, my memories of this life it seems. All of the individuals in the portrait are my ancestors and my parents included, one is even a picture of me. Showing me in all of my Sickly glory, discomfort written clearly along my features.

It seems that my family originally was part of the Old Satan Faction before just out right being fed up with them and separated ourselves to join the 72 Pillars. As a result, the Old Satan Faction didn't really take to kindly to the defectors and attacked my family killing my parents and leaving me as the sole remaining member of the clan making me the Lord. All assets had fell into my lap quite nicely, quite wealthy in fact. This Castle seems to have been built especially for my Family in our Territories in a secluded section of the underworld, a rather mountainous region.

If I really had to make a comparison, the castle would be incredibly close to the Neuschwanstein Castle. A pretty badass home if I say so myself it was a great choice and well worth cost.

I take the liberty of sitting upright, upon doing so I am immediately overcome with exhaustion at the action. Damn that Sickly Flaw is really making its presence known. "Might as well see exactly how bad the damage is." I think as I mentally call up my status.

Title: Lord of the Aemon Clan

Name – Nero Aemon

Class – Psychic Level - 1

HP – 2000/2000 - (1000/1000)

MP – 4000/4000

STR – 25

VIT – 20 (10)

DEX – 25

INT – 30

WIS – 20

CHA – 25 (12.5)

LUK – 15

Nero Lord of the Aemon clan, the names not bad probably wouldn't have chosen it myself to be honest but I will stick with it faithfully. The damage to my health is quite a critical problem and will require my immediate attention.

How about we take a look at my current skills, I mentally bring up the window as a new box appears.


ID Create/Destroy (Active) [Max] – Allows entry and exit to an Instant Dungeon. Upon Completion of a dungeon unlocks another with a higher difficulty.

Current ID's –


Observe (Active) [Max] – Displays the Targets information.

Decay (Active) [Level 1] - The fabled power of the Amon clan grants the user the ability to literally decay everything they touch. Upon first look it seemingly accelerates the time of any object or being touched. (Cost varies depending on intent and what is being Decayed.)

Damage – 1000 INT

Telekinesis (Active) [Level 1] – The ability to move, manipulate and interact with one's mind.

Current Liftable weight – 10 lbs.

Cost – 50/s

Gamers Mind (Passive) [Max]

Grants immunity to all Negative Psychological affects, does not however remove the Negative emotions.

Gamers Body (Passive) [Max]

Grants the Player a body with an infinite potential for growth.

Decay is the ability that is unique to my bloodline, one of the main reasons why the Old Satan Faction was so violent and persistent to kill us after our defection. Its potential and power could even kill a member of the Phenex Clan and Rot their flesh before they could even regenerate it back. As you can see the Old Satan Faction were not too keen on loses such a power.

I think on the last words that The System gave me, I am sure that it said a few hundred years before the start of canon... That gives me an incredible amount of time until the start of canon. I can prepare accordingly and gain enough strength to become something of an icon in the devil world with that much time. I just need to figure out exactly how far back I have been sent.

I groan aloud as I think about it, rubbing my eyes in slight frustration. I guess I will just have to deal with it, based on my memories I don't think I am during the era of the civil war, so I may be a few hundred years after the fact.

Pulling the covers off of me as I swing my legs to the side before standing to unsteady feet. My frail looking body bare and vulnerable to the cold air in my chambers. Walking slowly to my dresser on the other side of my room and putting on a pair of simple clothing, a black long sleeved shirt with equally black sweat pants. The feeling of fabric against my skin after so long is positively intoxicating.

Hardly taking a second later a presence appears behind me, turning my gaze to the figure and activating Observe.

"Sebastian…" I call out in a weak tone; it seems my condition is a lot worse than I thought. My entire body feels like even a small child could kill me.

Title: The Black Butler

Name – Sebastian Michaelis

Level - 176

HP – 43,500/43,500

MP – 70,000/70,000

STR – 350

VIT – 435

DEX – 400

INT – 375

WIS – 350

CHA – 410

LUK – 50

Reputation – 100

Obedience – 100

"Lord Aemon… It is good to see you walking about, but please do not strain yourself." he says with a pleasant tone and a pleased expression, the undercurrent of worry slightly poking through.

Due to my memories, the only reason why I am still alive is strictly because of my parents fighting the brunt of their forces to ensure my escape. My personal servant coming with me to ensure my safety as well. When I think more about my servant I am momentarily surprised at the identity and can hardly contain my joy at the amount of luck at managing to get someone like him.

"Yes, I actually don't feel that horrible today…" I say after a moment remembering that I had been mostly bedridden for the majority of my life due to being born with such a weak constitution. My parents had supposedly tried everything to cure it with a large range of medicines before finally stopping at a Phenex tear only to find it didn't help. As you can imagine obtaining a Phenix tear from a family in the 72 pillars while your own is a part of the Old Satan Faction was a feat in itself.

Though knowing now how to cure the debilitation, I am not surprised that it was never found. Simply working on strengthening my body through intensive exercise would have eventually gotten rid of it. Though that would have been an incredibly tall order since I was barely able to get out of bed most days. I aim to change that soon enough; I will begin my training as soon as possible if I can help it.

"I am glad, is there anything you require of me in the meantime. Lord Aemon?" He asks as I think for anything. Scanning my memories for anything I could use. Suddenly I am surprised at a certain bit of knowledge that directly relates to my family's fallout with the Old Satan Faction.

Apparently, the members of the Old Satan Faction didn't like the fact that I was weak in body, when I was born it was evident after doctors did magical scans of my body as all did to see the potential of every families heir. When the Old Satan Faction found out about my affliction, they completely disregarded the fact that I had incredible potential as a Devil and expressly stated their desire to have me killed. Even with the knowledge of just how difficult it is to reproduce as devils.

My parents objected of course stating that I should have a chance, the Faction leaders, however, stated they will only allow it with the presence of someone they trusted to oversee my development based on my glaring potential. That person being Katerea Leviathan, someone who is only slightly older than I am stayed with me most of my life from what I can remember.

It seems that she also developed a sort of soft spot for me as we had gotten rather close over the years. So close that she actually took the liberty of doing more than just overseeing my development and taking care of me while my parents figured out a way to cure me. She is the one to help my family escape, I am almost positive that her involvement was not disclosed.

I should send her a letter asking for a time to meet, having a living descendent of a leviathan on my side would be incredibly helpful. If I could just get her to switch to my side, it would be a huge deal. I also should send a letter explaining my current situation to the current Satan's and hopefully get a spot among the 72 Pillars. Now would be as good a time as any, before I was too Ill to even leave my bed let alone send a letter.

"I need you to send two letters, the first to Katerea to ask to meet sometime soon. Second, I want you to send a message to the Satan's in the 72 Pillars explaining my situation and ask for support, perhaps even secure a position among their ranks." I say slipping my foot inside a pair of slippers before barely holding in a sigh of ecstasy at just how soft and warm they are.

"Of course, my lord it will be done immediately." Says Sebastian as he bows low while bringing a hand to his chest. I only nod as he disappears in a burst of shadows.

As he leaves, I pick up a piece of paper and pencil, writing a brief letter to Sebastian when he gets back in case I am not here. Explaining that I went out momentarily and will be back shortly.

I would rather he not react recklessly at seeing me gone, while he does, I plan to do a little experimenting in the ID.

Holding my hand in the air above my head and mentally chant.

"ID Create: Zombie!"

Reality as I know it shatters like glass all around me before replacing itself with the surroundings and landscape of a city, one that looks to have seen better days judging from most of the dilapidated buildings and stores.

Upon arriving I almost instantaneously feel the hairs at the back of my neck rise, the feeling of wrongness clearly permeating throughout the city. Surveying the area, I find blood and half eaten corpses strewn about the street that I currently stand in. If I were to guess the city appears to have been in an apocalyptic like state for many years.

"Huhhh…" A breathy groan enters my ears, quickly turning to the sound I see a man in a tattered suit about 30 feet away stumbling as he makes his way in my direction. The skin on his face clearly rotting away exposing the Skull. A few fingers on his hands looked to have been torn off as well.

Judging by just how slow it is moving really makes me think that this is truly a beginner level dungeon.


Title: Undead

Name – Zombie

Level - 3

HP – 900/900

MP – 0/0

STR – 12

VIT – 9

DEX – 3

INT – 1

WIS – 0

CHA – 1

LUK – 0

Wow truly pales in comparison to most of my stats, it is although quite discouraging to see its Vitality almost match mine. Releasing a breath as I focus on using my Telekinesis ability on a nearby piece of rubble.

Raising my hand and pointing it in the direction of the debris I intend to use as a weapon, a soft ball sized of concrete. Pushing my will into it as it shakes slightly before floating into the air, gaining a small grin at seeing it levitate a few feet above ground.

Turning my gaze back to the Zombie that seems to gain about 10 feet in distance. I picture launching the piece of concrete at the Zombie aiming for its head, almost as soon as the thought crosses my mind the debris launches in the direction as if thrown by a pro baseball player striking the Zombie square in the forehead swinging its head back as it falls to the ground.

738 damage dealt!

I momentarily sigh in slight frustration at seeing the damage dealt, it is not enough to instantly kill it. As expected, the Zombie begins to move once more, sitting up and bringing itself to its feet.

The debris I launched at it firmly imbedded into its forehead, caving it in slightly. I raise my hand once again and force my will on the rock once again with a grunt I force the object all the way through its head exploding it out from the other side as it falls in a heap.

406 Damage Dealt!

Zombie x1 killed! 50 xp rewarded.

Quest Received: Zombie Slaying!

Objective: Kill 50 zombies.

Progress: 1/50

Bonus Objective: Accomplish the main objective before leaving the ID.

Reward: 1500 xp, Zombie Slayer Title, 1500 credits.

Bonus Reward: 1500 xp, 1500 credits, 2 Gacha Tokens.

My first quest since becoming the gamer, and the relative ease it will take to complete it if I continue the current pace of things, though it may be a little slow. My thoughts are broken when a slight glint appears on the zombies body.

Swiping away the notification as I approach the dead Zombie watching as it turns to dust leaving behind what looks like a tooth and 20… credits. I use Telekinesis to levitate them and throw it into my inventory.

Telekinesis Leveled up!

Seeing the notification, I bring up my skill list to see the change to the skill.

Telekinesis (Active) [Level 2] – The ability to move, manipulate and interact with one's mind.

Current Liftable weight – 20 lbs.

Cost – 50/s

It looks like the liftable weight is all that changed, seems to have doubled the amount it was before. Perhaps it doubles each level? If it does that will climb to unimaginable levels when I max it out. Though it could just add 10 lbs. per level we will just have to see.

"hnnn…" Another Zombie sounds as it turns a corner and setting its sights on me.

"Well, no time like the present…" I mumble to myself as I pick up another nearby rock.


Quest Complete: Zombie Slaying!

Objective: Kill 50 zombies.

Progress: 50/50

Bonus Objective: Accomplish the main objective before leaving the ID.

Reward: 1500 xp, Zombie Slayer Title, 1500 credits.

Bonus Reward: 1500 xp, 1500 credits, 2 Gacha Tokens.

Rewards Received:

Zombie Slayer Title, 3,000 xp, 3,000 Credits, 2 Gacha Tokens

Psychic Class leveled to 7!

Telekinesis Leveled to 12!

Barrier Leveled up to 3!

Watching the final zombie drop to the floor with a softball sized hole through its head. Exhaustion racking my body and mind, it seems the use of my Psychic skills really does a hamper on my mental stress. Kind of have a headache now with all of the use, it will most likely pass as I gain higher levels though I'm sure.


Title: Lord of the Aemon Clan

Name – Nero Aemon

Class – Psychic Level - 7

HP – 2,000/2,000 - (1,000/1,000)

MP – 8,000/8,000

STR – 25

VIT – 20 (10)

DEX – 25

INT – 65

WIS – 40

CHA – 25 (12.5)

LUK – 15

Credits: 4,000

I noticed that after killing around a dozen Zombies I found that they all drop a flat rate of 20 credits and a random separate item, mainly a material since I haven't gotten anything else. The materials included teeth, bones cloth, and human skin believe it or not.

I am only level 7, but the increase of my stats is already quite incredible compared to my original status. I had gained the skill Barrier at level 5, something I found incredibly useful as Zombies started to come out of the works in greater densities. So, while I focused on one, I could have the others stopped by my barrier until I can turn my attention to them.

Barrier (Active) [Level 3] – Creates an invisible dome like barrier that surrounds the user, withstands 1500 damage dealt to the barrier before breaking.

Cost – 500 mana

It seems that it increases by 250 extra life every level which is quite nice. Turns out that Telekinesis does actually only increase by 10 pounds per level as I thought. Though now that I can throw and lift objects at a maximum of 120 pounds these Zombies don't stand a chance.

Mini Boss has appeared!




Loud crunching footsteps are heard echoing throughout the street that I currently reside in. A totaled SUV to my right and a flipped sedan in front of me. Before I can even get eyes on the boss, I create a barrier around myself as a precaution, would rather not take any chances.


The twisting and crunching of metal sounds, in response I tense unable to see anything as the source of the noise. The City streets' echo proving to be highly deceptive to the ears. Looking high and low as I try to find the source, only I find the same empty street as before save for the destroyed cars.

"RAAAGH!" A thunderous roar sounds from above this time for sure, looking upwards I see a large air conditioning unit dropped right on top of me.

Using Telekinesis to lessen the fall as much as possible in hopes to alleviate the damage done to my barrier. As soon as my will is pushed onto the metallic object its trajectory immediately slows to a stop. I guess it was well within the maximum amount of weight my Telekinesis to carry it. Floating the AC unit a few feet to my side and suspending it in the air while I wait.

A giant brute of a zombie jumps off of the ledge of a two-story building before landing in the middle of the street with a crunch. I stare at it taking in its form, its clothes in tatters as if its muscles had grown to much for the fabric to handle. Rotting and torn skin covering its body exposing its muscles beneath. Basically, looks like a gigantic zombified body builder.


Title: Undead

Name – Zombie Brute

Level - 10

HP – 4,300/4,300

MP – 0/0

STR – 56

VIT – 43

DEX – 12

INT – 4

WIS – 0

CHA – 2

LUK – 0

I was expecting a bit more really… Though I should not underestimate being that the STR of this monstrosity doubles mine and could probably rip me in two. I will have to focus on keeping my barrier up so that doesn't happen, in fact it would probably be good to double up on barriers.

Quickly casting another barrier over my previous one acting like an extra layer of protection. Interestingly enough the Brutes stats show that its dexterity should enable it to move faster than it does. Right now it is moving at a steady fast walking pace.

The brute moves to the destroyed cars before grabbing onto a chunk of metal. Taking the small opportunity, I launch the AC unit at the Brute with devastating force striking it on the shoulder. The force stumbling it to over the vehicle, the metal from the AC unit rending its flesh and splitting it open making the Brute Screech in reaction.

1276 Damage Dealt

Name – Zombie Brute

Level - 10

HP – 3,024/4,300

In response it rips the door from the car throwing it in my direction, I smirk as I push my will into the door repelling it back into it, colliding with the monstrosity arm ripping open even more flesh. Another deafening roar sounds as it clutches its wounded arm.

823 Damage Dealt!

Name – Zombie Brute

HP – 2,201/4,300

The Brute eyes me with a look of hot rage a red glow radiating from them, I suddenly gain an idea as a sick smile graces my face. Raising my hand with my arm outstretch, forcing my will upon the Brute before curling my fingers. The Zombies eyes tear out of their sockets as its hands clutch at its empty holes.

The Eyes float towards me passing through the barrier harmlessly as they levitate in front of me. The pupils are incredibly cloudy making me wonder just how well the undead could even see in the first place. Squeezing my hand into a fist before the eyes crush into themselves with a sickening crunch. Casually tossing them aside as I eye the brute once again as it makes futile attempts to figure out where it is, focusing on hearing alone it seems.

Well, we can't have that...

Using my telekinesis, I generate the full amount of force it is capable of at its level centralizing it over its ears. An audible crunch permeating throughout the street. The brute falls to its knees before landing face first, blood pouring from the eyes, mouth, nose and ears.

Mini Boss Slain!

12,000 xp and 1 Gacha Token Received!

Psychic Leveled to 10!

Telekinesis Leveled to 13!

Barrier Leveled to 5!

Skill Invisible Blade Added

Invisible Blade (Active) [Level 1] – An extension of Telekinesis designed specifically as an Offensive Ability, the Blade can be held or elevated as an extension of the body. Length and width can be modified.

Damage – 500 INT

Cost - 100/s

The sudden influx of information overwhelming me a tad, skimming it over for a moment and checking the updated stats and skills. Turns out I can permanently keep up Telekinesis now. Would be really good for training that skill, probably the one I should focus on outside of combat while I use the new skill Invisible Blade and level that as much as possible as well.

Since it is my first real Offensive based skill, I should focus on it a bit more. Its potential as well is incredible, a blade that is not only adjustable in size but invisible as well. It would be irresponsible to say it won't be useful in the future.

Swiping away the notifications I look to the brute's corpse as it begins to disintegrate and leave a few stacks of credits, along with a noticeable glint.

Levitating the credits into my inventory seeing it as another clean 5,000 credits. The glint floats in front of my face revealing it to be a ring with a deep red ruby, using observe a window pops up with its information.

Ring of Strength – Grants the user 20 extra points to their STR stat when worn.

Grabbing the ring out of the air and slipping it onto my right middle finger, almost as soon as it is around my finger a rush of power fills me and newfound strength fills my muscles. A sigh escapes my mouth at the feeling, I would love to keep farming more of this dungeon, but I should probably get back since Sabastian should be done with the tasks, I had given him.

"ID Destroy…" The world shatters around me like glass as my bedroom comes back into view.

"Lord Aemon, your requests have been completed. Satan Leviathan has expressed her interest in meeting with you personally since Satan Lucifer had other matters to attend to. She had said that she will arrive within the next few days. The other message to Katerea was successfully delivered, she expressly stated her desire to meet with you as soon as possible. Even to go as far as saying she will meet you here at the castle tomorrow." He stats as I raise an eyebrow in surprise, I wasn't expecting her to meet so soon. But I guess the sooner the better, I would rather get as established as possible before the canon timeline starts.

"Thank you, Sebastian, that will be all." I say in response with a pleasant smile, apparently, my inner joy at seeing her again is filling me with anticipation. It seems my new memories are influencing my emotions a bit, well I am not particularly unhappy with it.

"Yes, Lord Aemon." He says before disappearing in shadows, I sigh as I straighten myself, shaking my exhaustion a bit.

"I guess I have some time to grind the ID until Katerea and Serafall arrive." I think to myself before opening the Zombie ID up and begin my training.