
DXD Deadman's dream

a man whose forgiveness become his end.He thinks his life is over but is it really.After all death is just a beginning of a new adventure.Will he continue to forgive or become a stonecold predator. IF YOU WISH TO SUPPORT ME YOU CAN DONATE AT Pa treon.com/Tentacle_man ( IGNORE THE SPACE)

Tentacle_man · Others
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30 Chs

Training and tormenting

Moka when woke up in the morning she saw she in a unfamiliar place then last night what happened it hit her like a truck then the started to search for Tyson and found him making breakfast and she said morning.

I was just thinking about her and here she is.After breakfast we strated talking what should we do.I used OBSERVE on her her stats is

Moka Akashiya



I said if she wanna go beyond her limit and become strong she should follow me she agreed to be my apprentice.

First of all I asked her which path she wanna work mage or warrior.Without a second of hesitation she said she want to be a warrior.I said one thing Just Physical brute strength isn't enough she also needs magic.So we started her training.

I told her her first problem.She needs to directly drink blood to survive But when she does it in the blood her victim's disease etc will also come into her so that can be bad.So need to learn Blood drain spell.which I taught her.She can do it now after 3 hours of practice but she still has a long way to go to master it.This spell on the place of blood drains pure blood energy which is vampire's body need to survive,get stronger and evolve.

So next we started sparring, I understood one thing that is even though she has enough practice but she never fought a life and death struggle so she still hold onto that morally to not killing your opponent.It need to change if she wanna survive.I clearly told her "if you want to survive you need to kill your opponents" hearing this her face went pale but she still nodded.

So I strated training her in kame style martial arts.After that I took her to Tokyo's dark alleys where we are waiting for our prey.We saw a vampire coming though I can sense he just finished eating a human.So a perfect opponent I told moka to fight him.She attacked him at first she was getting overwhelmed because of experience then some time later she starting to get used to it in 5 minutes she defeated him and then the problem starts.Even though her opponent is near death she started hesitating to kill him and when her opponent tried sneak attack her she almost got herself killed so I used darkness to hold her opponent and ordered her strictly to use blood drain of her opponent she was still hesitating but one look from me and she

used it in a second all of the opponent vampire's blood turn into pure blood red energy and entered Moka's body.The opponent vampire's body turn into a mummy for lack of blood which I devoured.Then I saw on other side Moka was vomiting as a result of her first killing I strictly said to her get used to it because it's just begining after that we returned to the Yokai academy. She straight went to her room to sleep.

Then I just started to take a walk across the road infront of school there I found my victim Tsukne aono who is trying to leave the school.Well let's torment him.


My name is Tsukne Aono.I am a normal teenager. One day my found out this yokai academy application form.Because no school took me because of my bad grades so I applied here when I was selected I was over the moon but now I am scared for my life.I am in a school filled with monsters who will kill me if they find out though I wonder what type of monster that beautiful girl moka-San is.But the guy with her is scary especially those eyes of him.I think he knows I am human.So I am hiding from them and trying to leave this god forsaken place.But all the sudden I felt something is off.As I looked at my behind I saw him standing there.He said hello there human.Oh shit he knows I am human damm it. I have get out of here I then tried to lie

"human,I don't know what you are talking about,I am a vampire".then all the sudden I felt something so terrible that I just want to hide somewhere all after that all I know is everything went dark.(POV END)

Well with a little bit of my ki this human garbage passed out like a sack of potatoes and worse of all he peed in his pants.Seeing this disgusting thing I left and went home to sleep.

Though as I lay on my bed I am thinking of making moka evolve similar too yggdrasil's vampires.
