
DXD Deadman's dream

a man whose forgiveness become his end.He thinks his life is over but is it really.After all death is just a beginning of a new adventure.Will he continue to forgive or become a stonecold predator. IF YOU WISH TO SUPPORT ME YOU CAN DONATE AT Pa treon.com/Tentacle_man ( IGNORE THE SPACE)

Tentacle_man · Others
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30 Chs


when I was killing god everyone thought I am on devil's side.But everything changed at my last words.Lucifer starting to scream "are you an insane mad man or something?" I started impaling them on spear pure dracula style then drank all of their blood and devoured their soul".

Then Iooked at Lucifer and said "Am I? You and Your father agreed to burn their whole races just because your egos and your people agreed with it like mad dog".I am starting to get angry and snarled at him and said" you got some balls, huh you dared to say I am insane." I then kicked him in the gut with so much power that their is hole in there and he was thrown to the mountain behind by that kicks force the mountain collapse.I hold him in one hand by his throat and whispered like a snake "oh no no, my dear sweet little lucifer I am very much sane it's the world that is insane." After saying that I opened my mouth and devoured him whole and consumed him just like his impotent hypocrite father. Though I thought they will much stronger but They are at most as strong as level 40. What a disappointment.From what I can think Ophis and great red should be at level 80.They are truly no match for me.Then I slapped my head and thought wow man ,I am getting so arrogant. no no this can't go on. after that I kept my mind straight and firm and promised myself to always be cautious.After all arrogance is the root of downfall and I don't want to either fail or die.

oh well let's see the aftermath of fight if anyone left to devoured.When I am going through the battlefield all the sudden I remembered that I left my future waifu grayfia alive also put a barrier around the area noone can leave without my permission. I then found out Grayfia. Wow she is so pretty I thought even more than I saw in anime and you know what I decided I am not letting her go.Fuck that bastar* Sirzech.Well I am the bad guy after all.I do whatever I want and Take whatever flying fuc* I want.What?You have problems with that then get in the line so I can kick you in the nut.BITC*.